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UN Warns about Inequity Behind Levees in the United States

UN Warns about Inequity Behind Levees in the United States

Ethnic minorities and poor communities in the U.S. are unequally exposed to the risk of levee failure under climate change, warns a new UN assessment.  HAMILTON, Ontario - Sept. 11, 2023 - PRLog -- Millions of Americans rely on aging levees for flood protection, but...

The Grande at Metropark opens its newest building

The Grande at Metropark opens its newest building

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Tec-Masters Announces New COO

Tec-Masters Announces New COO

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IFA Presidential Candidate Vows To Protect Irish Food Production

One of two candidates for the Presidency of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) has criticised environmentalists for their “incessant and unfair vilification” of farmers in Ireland and for ignoring the important role they play in food production and protecting the...

Metadrob is Soon Unveiling the Future of Virtual Store Creation

Get ready for a groundbreaking event in the world of e-commerce! On September 18, 2023, Metadrob is set to redefine the way businesses create and manage virtual stores. With its revolutionary platform, Metadrob is about to change the game, allowing entrepreneurs and...

GoodFirms Names Ace Infoway “Best Company to Work With”

Ace Infoway earns top recognition as the best company to work with, according to GoodFirms. Discover why they stand out! In the ever-changing world of technology, skilled app developers are crucial for transforming business models and connecting companies with their...


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