“The Streamlined Locomotive” by Stephen Lloyd Auslender is a Humorous and Imaginative Piece of Literature

Set in a fictional county in Appalachia called Hawgwaller, The Streamlined Locomotive primarily centers around the maturing of Theopolis P. Bezelbottom, who is from a wealthy family of leaders of industry, who in their day were known as robber barons.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

The Streamlined Locomotive is a gripping book that follows the story of Theopolis, who is set to modify his way of life to get his familys support and maintain his position of power.

Up until the 1950s passenger trains were pulled by steam locomotives. In the 1930s some major railroads in the United States and other countries covered their high-speed passenger locomotives with sheet metal in a simplified, aerodynamic Art Deco style known as Streamline Moderne. Some railroad companies added streamlined passenger cars to compliment the locomotives. More than just a means of transport, streamliners have inspired the imaginations of writers to craft compelling work around it, such as Stephen Lloyd Auslenders The Streamlined Locomotive.

Set in Hawgwaller, a fictional county in the Appalachian area of the United States of America, The Streamlined Locomotive primarily centers around the maturing of Theopolis P. Bezelbottom. Theo, as he is called, is the scion of a wealthy family of traditional leaders of industry who were referred to as robber barons. Theo desires to live a laid-back and carefree life with minimal responsibility. He expects to inherit control of Hawgwaller and the primary section of some of the major railroads in the United States. Theos uncle, Throckmorton P. Bezelbottom, the leader of this clan, has assigned Theo the task of backing up Theos other uncle, Aloysius P. Bezelbottom, who runs the county. However, Aloysius now expects Theo to create a modern, streamlined steam locomotive for the countys two-bit third-rate feeder railroad.

Theo understands that to keep his affluent position in the family he must successfully perform all the tasks he is now required to undertake. If he fails to meet the expectations, he will lose his wealth and favored position in the family and be drafted into the Army, with World War II on the brink of breaking out. Will Theo be able to fulfill the expectations that surround him? Readers will have fun discovering the ending of Stephen Lloyd Auslenders page-turning book.

The Streamlined Locomotive blends humor and excitement into one gripping novel. It highlights relevant life lessons surrounding the value of wealth, family, and identity while making its readers have a good laugh. It is Auslenders debut book, a story that sprung into his mind while making sculpture.

Interested readers of The Streamlined Locomotive by Stephen Lloyd Auslender may grab a copy of the book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Learn more about the author and his works by visiting his website at https://www.slauslenderarts.com/.

The Streamlined Locomotive
Author: Stephen Lloyd Auslender
Published Date: August 10, 2020
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
Genre: Humorous Literature

Authors Biography

Stephen Lloyd Auslender studied Industrial Design (B.S. Degree) and went on to express his surrealist visions in Sculpture (M.F.A. Degree). He holds a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Ph.D.). Over the past fifty-plus years, he has taught and worked in Mechanical Design and Sculpture. His view of life is a combination of comedy and tragedy. He has retired from the Mechanical Design and Educational Fields and is presently sculpting and writing.

“The Demanding River” by Cheryl J. Corriveau is a Nontraditional Work of Fiction Set to Captivate Readers

Genre: Romance

Author Bio
Cheryl J. Corriveau is a native Floridian. After teaching school for 20 years her entrepreneurial side led her to own and operate her own real estate brokerage firm, own an aerial photography business, a boat dealership, and owned a commercial interior design business. Her last adventure has been being an international author. Her first book The Demanding River is fiction and suspense and based on her actual events of owning a boat dealership in a male-dominated business world. The Tangled Web is full of suspense dealing with the main character adventures taking her down a dangerous rabbit hole. She deals with multiple government agencies in the United States and around the world. She now feels her call for writing will be an adventure that she will not retire from.

Kem Kowa’s “The Elements of Art: Create Art With Linear and Friends” is a Fun and Engaging Way to Introduce Children to the Fundamentals of Art


Introducing a revolutionary new way for children to discover and explore art, The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends by Kem Kowa is the perfect way to introduce younger learners to the fundamental ideas of art.

This activity book was written with the aim of aiding children in developing their fundamental drawing abilities without sacrificing their fun and entertainment. As the reader follows the adventures of Line and Linears friends, they will be exposed to artistic concepts that will help them form cohesive images.

The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends is an engaging and entertaining way to teach children about the artistic process. It includes activities such as drawing shapes and lines, playing with color and value, and introducing them to the fundamentals of perspective. It also includes fun facts about famous artists, a gallery of artwork, and tips and tricks to help children master their own artwork. It is an excellent resource for children who are just beginning to explore art and is a great way to help them develop their skills and understand the process.

Kem Kowa, the author of The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends, is passionate about helping children discover and explore art. Kowas mission is to ensure that children have access to the same tools and resources that she did as a child, so that they can unlock their own creative potential.

The Elements of Art: Create Art with Linear and Friends is available now at www.kolormekem.com.

The Elements of Art
Author: Kem Kowa
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: July 2022
Genre: Childrens book
Target Audience: Children
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-63892-395-4
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-63892-396-1

About the Author
Kem Kowas life has evolved through gathering memories from living in the Midwest, among the blue skies, cornfields, and flowing rivers. She earned a Bachelors Degree of Science from Millikin University and an Associate of Art Degree from Richland Community College. As an artist, she has filled her space painting with oils, acrylics, and watercolors. The foundation of her style has always been guided by pencil sketching. She has pursued a career of designing and creating greeting cards.

“The Forgotten Option: Staying in Your Marriage” makes its debut for all Readers attending the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023

At the October 18-22, 2023 Frankfurt International Book Fair, (the Frankfurt Trade Fair grounds, Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Kenneth Connellys marriage and family counseling book, The Forgotten Option: Staying In Your Marriage was exhibited through the self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

Kenneth Connellys The Forgotten Option shines as a beacon of hope, rekindling the age-old wisdom that helped many millions before us to survive and fulfill their marriage vows.

The Forgotten Option goes beyond self-interests of just the couple, which is a foreign idea to many living by todays current standards. It contends that when a couple go to the altar for marriage – they are just two people. However, just moments later when they turn around and come down – they have become more than just two. They have joined families on both sides, extended relatives, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. They have also taken their stand in the community, saying, We are a family and we will respect your boundaries and we expect the same in return. The couple is expected by the community to guard their childrens welfare; saying from the beginning, We will see this out – make sure that the children that we make will have every right to expect a home, a family, our combined care, and our careful watch over their futures.

Within the books pages, Connelly breathes life into a contemporary narrative where love, in marriage and in general, all too often hovers on the edge of dissolution. His goal is in the other direction; to depict the process of reigniting the fading flames of passion and reawakening the once unbreakable bonds. Through a tapestry of relatable anecdotes, heartwarming stories, and practical guidance, The Forgotten Option offers a lifeline to those who dare to dream of a lasting partnership.

Connellys unique perspective challenges modern norms. He wants to challenge couples to ask, what were the principles and values that have bound generations before them? How did our Grandparents make it work and previous generations behind them, who struggled through toils and obstacles that would be daunting to the people of today?

Connelly said, When I set out to write this book I asked a well-known publishing group whether they thought my concept was valid for today. They indicated to me that if it were the 50s and 60s they would not be interested – couples divorcing was a minimal issue and things like this werent generally talked about anyway. But the publishers group went on to say that today marriage and how to stay in it are a hot button. Young people want to know if they can make it as a couple, and those in marriage that are being torn apart need guidance on how they can stick it out and why they should. Connelly told us, That was an important conversation that fueled my desire to get this message out there as soon as I could.

Get a copy of The Forgotten Option: Staying In Your Marriage by Kenneth Connelly on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. To learn more about the author and his works, please visit https://the-forgotten-option.squarespace.com/.

The Forgotten Option: Staying In Your Marriage
Author: Kenneth Connelly
Genre: Marriage & Family Counseling, Divorce, Separation, Christian Marriage & Family, Reconciliation, Dating
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
Published date: November 15, 2020

Kenneth Connelly is an author, engineer, artist, and musician. He currently works as a Manufacturing Engineer for GKN Aerospace and lives in San Diego.

“The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit” by Verna Clement will be Showcased at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair

The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit teaches little readers about the importance of friendship, loyalty, and magic through its remarkable characters, who demonstrate the true essence of supporting one another through thick and thin.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

ReadersMagnet will feature “The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit: Best Friends Forever” by Verna Clement at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair this coming October 18-22, 2023.

The childrens book The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit: Best Friends Forever by Verna Clement will be displayed by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair. The book trade fair will occur on October 18-22, 2023, at the Frankfurt Trade Fair grounds, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The Frankfurt Book Fair, which is also known as Frankfurter Buchmesse, has attracted over 7,500 exhibitors from 100+ countries over the past 70 years. Since its conception, it has become a must-visit event for book lovers and writers alike.

The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit: Best Friends Forever is a wonderful childrens book filled with valuable life lessons and values that even adults can relate to. In this book, Verna Clement tells the story of a fish and a rabbit who meet unexpectedly in an ocean and find a strong bond through shared experiences and fun.

As the story goes, a fish and a rabbit, who share the same name and discover that they each have magical powers, embark on an adventure together. Along the way, they encounter challenges and have fun, but their journey ultimately helps other needy animals.

The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit is an essential read for kids aged 6-10. It will teach little readers about the importance of friendship, loyalty, and magic through its remarkable characters, who demonstrate the true essence of supporting one another through thick and thin. With her delightful book, Clement takes her readers on a magical journey full of endless possibilities and exciting adventures.

Order a copy of The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit: Best Friends Forever by Verna Clement on Amazon. Learn more about Verna and her works by visiting her website at https://dannyfishdannyrabbit.com/. Visit the ReadersMagnet exhibit at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair to check out the books display.

Verna Clement grew up in the Caribbean Islands. She inherited her fathers love of storytelling. After a successful entrepreneurial business in Trinidad, Verna started a new life as a nanny and author in New York City. She is fulfilling her dreams of writing magical adventure Stories to entertain and educate children on themes of friendship and loyalty.

The Adventures of Danny Fish and Danny Rabbit: Best Friends Forever
Author: Verna Clement
Genre: Childrens Book
Publisher: Self-Publishing
Published date: April 10, 2023