The Next Farm Bill Can Save Money, Reduce Food Waste, Address Hunger, and Combat Climate Change

Food policy leaders release report calling on Congress to tackle pervasive food waste

Cambridge, MA – WEBWIRE

The Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic, in collaboration with NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), ReFED, and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), released “Opportunities to Reduce Food Waste in the 2023 Farm Bill,” a new report detailing how Congress should prioritize food waste reduction in the next U.S. Farm Bill.

Every year, Americans waste over one third of all food produced in or imported to the U.S. Producing this wasted food consumes around 21% of all freshwater and cropland in the U.S. and generates around 270 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions––equivalent to as much as 58 million cars. Recovering just 30% of this wasted food could feed every food insecure American—about 50 million people in 2020.

The Farm Bill, passed roughly every five years, is an omnibus bill that authorizes more than $400 billion in federal funding. It is the primary legislation addressing all aspects of the American food system. The 2018 Farm Bill was the first to include any funding for food waste reduction, but much more remains to be done. “Opportunities to Reduce Food Waste in the 2023 Farm Bill” provides specific recommendations for Congress to implement in the next farm bill across four key areas of food waste reduction: food waste prevention, surplus food recovery, food waste recycling, and food waste reduction coordination.

“We were thrilled when the 2018 Farm Bill was enacted and included food waste reduction among its funding and programs for the first time ever, yet more must be done to ensure we reach our national goal of halving food waste by 2030,” says Professor Emily Broad Leib, Faculty Director of the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic and a lead author of the report. “The next Farm Bill offers a bipartisan opportunity for Congress to build on its success by enacting reforms to further reduce food waste, cut emissions, and ensure edible surplus food is able to serve those who are facing food insecurity. We urge policymakers to read our 22 concrete and feasible recommendations and incorporate these solutions into the proposed bill.”

The 2023 Farm Bill is an opportunity for Congress to build on initiatives first implemented by the 2018 Farm Bill, which prioritized food waste reduction for the first time by offering funding for local community compost and food waste reduction plans, establishing a new Food Loss and Waste Liaison position at USDA, implementing a Farm to Food Bank program within TEFAP, and updating food donation standards for liability, among other successes. “Opportunities to Reduce Food Waste in the 2023 Farm Bill” offers Congress actionable recommendations on how to further these efforts.

“The Farm Bill offers a major opportunity to improve our food system. With up to 40% of our food supply going to waste, incorporating food waste reduction strategies in the bill can ensure more food goes to feeding people,” notes Yvette Cabrera, co-author of the report and Director of Food Waste at NRDC. “Adopting these food waste reduction solutions also means we can keep organic materials out of landfills and incinerators, where they produce climate change emissions, and recycle them to help build healthy soil. Our report outlines bipartisan approaches that can make a real difference for the health and safety of our planet and our communities.”

“The Farm Bill is the largest piece of food-related legislation in the United States, and it’s at the core of how our food system operates,” says Dana Gunders, Executive Director of ReFED and a co-author of the report. “If the recommendations in this report are included in the Farm Bill, we would see measurable progress in the fight against food waste. This is how we can really drive action.”

“Transitioning to a regenerative food system is essential to feeding our nation and reversing climate change and nature loss. Until we address the amount of food from farm to table being lost and wasted, a regenerative system will be out of reach,” says Pete Pearson, Senior Director, Food Loss and Waste at World Wildlife Fund. “In the 2023 Farm Bill, Congress has the opportunity to definitively put the U.S. on a path to eliminate food waste, building on the steps taken in 2018 and ensuring the food we produce positively contributes to the health of both people and our planet. This report provides a roadmap on how we make this a reality.”

The report’s recommendations are based on insights from countless discussions with nonprofits, businesses, and local and state governments, comprehensive food waste reduction research conducted by ReFED and published in their Insights Engine, and stakeholder interviews with Farm Bill funding recipients.

The report indicates which elements of the US Food Loss & Waste Policy Action Plan for Congress & the Administration, released in 2021 by FLPC, NRDC, ReFED, and WWF, can be implemented in the Farm Bill. The Action Plan is supported by many American cities, non-governmental organizations, and industry leaders such as Google, Unilever/Hellmann’s Best Foods, and Marriott International.


FLPC serves partner organizations and communities in the United States and around the world by providing guidance on cutting-edge food system issues, while engaging law students in the practice of food law and policy. FLPC is committed to advancing a cross-sector, multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to its work, building partnerships with academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, private sector actors, and civil society with expertise in public health, the environment, and the economy. FLPC’s work focuses on increasing access to healthy foods, supporting sustainable and equitable food production, reducing waste of healthy, wholesome food, and promoting community-led food system change. For more information, visit


NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) is an international nonprofit environmental organization with more than 3 million members and online activists. Since 1970, our lawyers, scientists, and other environmental specialists have worked to protect the world’s natural resources, public health, and the environment. NRDC has offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Bozeman, MT, and Beijing. Visit us at and follow us on Twitter @NRDC.


ReFED is a national nonprofit working to end food loss and waste across the food system by advancing data-driven solutions to the problem. We leverage data and insights to highlight supply chain inefficiencies and economic opportunities; mobilize and connect supporters to take targeted action; and catalyze capital to spur innovation and scale high-impact initiatives. Our goal is a sustainable, resilient, and inclusive food system that optimizes environmental resources, minimizes climate impacts, and makes the best use of the food we grow. To learn more about solutions to reduce food waste, please visit


WWF is one of the world’s leading conservation organizations, working for 60 years in nearly 100 countries to help people and nature thrive. With the support of 1.3 million members in the United States and more than 5 million members worldwide, WWF is dedicated to delivering science-based solutions to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on Earth, halt the degradation of the environment, and combat the climate crisis. Visit to learn more.

“Optimal Money Flow” by Lawrence C. Marsh will be featured at the 2022 LA Times Festival of Books

Marsh introduces a new policy tool to enable the Federal Reserve to stop inflation without causing a recession. It would replace the Fed’s cost-of-borrowing tool with a new return-on-savings tool.

Notre Dame, IN – WEBWIRE

In return for Chinese products, instead of sending our products, we send pieces of paper with George Washington’s picture (U.S. dollars).
Title | Optimal Money Flow: A New Vision on How a Dynamic Growth Economy Can Work for Everyone

“Optimal Money Flow” by Lawrence C. Marsh (Avila University Press, 2020) will be featured at the LA Times Festival of Books on April 23-24, 2022 at the USC Campus, Los Angeles. The book reveals that so much money has been diverted to Wall Street that the people on Main Street can no longer afford to buy back the value of the goods and services they produce at full employment. So they go deep into debt. But even that is not enough to avoid a recession, so the government runs a deficit to make up the difference.

Marsh’s money flow paradigm views the flow of money to the top of the wealth pyramid as inherent, inevitable, and inexorable to the free enterprise system. This new paradigm requires that the government assume its rightful responsibility to direct sufficient money flow from the top to the bottom (like the heart pumping blood throughout the body) in order to maximize employment, economic growth, and efficient resource allocation.

“Optimal Money Flow” is an insightful read that gives a plethora of intriguing, creative ideas for readers who appreciate books at the intersection of economics and politics. Marsh proposes creating a personal digital currency Federal Reserve bank account with smartphone access for every American. This new policy tool would replace the Fed’s purchase of US Treasury assets in the New York financial markets, which only raises stock and bond prices while lowering interest rates. Overall, it is a new policy tool that uses less money and has a more direct and immediate impact on consumer demand than the purchase of US Treasury securities.

According to James Feussner, Amazon reviewer, the book “…reads like a good conversation. I saw the relevance of his concepts to our current situation in the United States, as we require another relief package from Congress to make it through the pandemic recession. From start to finish, Dr. Marsh captured my attention and fascinated me with exciting and creative ideas, helping me understand the serious problems we face today, and suggesting a novel solution which he carefully explained and documented.”

Interested? Find out more and grab a copy of “Optimal Money Flow” by Lawrence C. Marsh on Amazon and visit the upcoming LA Times Festival of Books.

“Optimal Money Flow”

Author | Lawrence C. Marsh

Genre | Politics & Political Science, Economics, Public Policy

Publisher | Avila University Press

Published date | June 16, 2020

Author Bio

Lawrence C. Marsh, author of “Optimal Money Flow,” is a professor emeritus in the Department of Economics at the University of Notre Dame where he taught economics for 30 years. He served as director of Notre Dame’s Ph.D. program in economics for 13 years. In retirement, he served in 2010 as visiting professor of econometrics and statistics in the MBA program at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and in 2016-2017 at Avila University in statistics and research methods in psychology.

His public webpage is:

Professor Marsh will forgo author royalties and donate the entire book price to student scholarships for books purchased through Avila University Press at

More information can be found at Sign up for Dr. Marsh’s monthly Money Flow Newsletter at

Bomb.Money Announces They Have Started Their High Paying BOND SHARE (BSHARE), an algorithmic stablecoin operating on Binance Smart Chain, announces they have begun high-paying BOND SHARE (BSHARE) on the platform. Crypto investors and enthusiasts have an opportunity to participate, build their portfolios, and be a part of a project with huge promises for the future.

The purpose of the BSHARE is to measure the value of Bomb protocol and for holders to stake it in the boardroom. With a maximum supply of 70001 tokens, there is a tremendous opportunity for investors to build resources and grow their finances. Token distribution on the system is for DOA allocations, team allocations, rewards, and initial mint.

Having BSHARE allows participants to become important members of the platform. They can stake their BSHARE in the boardroom to get a portion of the BOMB minted during expansionary periods. As the platform grows and expands, inputs from the community will be sourced, and new ideas will be implemented. BSHARE holders will have the power to vote for implementing these new ideas, which will favor their respective desires. is a clone of the extremely popular on Fantom network. It’s the first of its kind to be on the BSC Network with a pegged price of 10,000 BOMB = 1 BTC. By taking full advantage of a system that allows for ideas and creativity, there is a chance for expansion and growth, which all stakeholders will benefit from as the platform grows.

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About is a platform similar to the on Fantom network. It is on the Binance Smart Chain, an individual blockchain with many interesting possibilities and functionality. The program is secured and has features that make it a very promising project that crypto investors love.


Money, Inflation, and Debt

Congress just passed a $1.2 trillion spending package, aimed at mending the US roads and transport infrastructure.
Democrats claim the bill pays for itself through a variety of sources without raising taxes. But the Congressional Budget Office reported that the bill would add $256 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years. If taxes are not raised, where is the money coming from?

The CBO stated that the bill would raise about $50 billion by changing the tax reporting requirements for cryptocurrencies, among other measures. That would be half a billion per year out of a global market cap of $2.9Trillion. Other sources for the infrastructure bill will include unspent stimulus money. That stimulus money was created by adding $14 Trillion to the money supply. In one year.

In a post-pandemic world, businesses are facing the money, inflation, and debt circle, inspiring many to put their reserves into crypto. How will the tax reporting requirement changes affect businesses that interact with cryptocurrency? How will these requirements affect the individual? Will this new debt erode the value of the dollar?

This January, the Government Blockchain Association (GBA), will present The Future of Money, Governance, & the Law, live in Washington DC., and streamed globally. Topics will include:
– Cryptocurrency Adoption and Projection
– Redefining Money
– Money, Inflation & Debt
– Tokenomics & Crypto-Governance
– State and Local Government and Blockchain
– National and International Government and Blockchain
– Blockchain Regulations/Licensing/NFTs
– Legal and Regulatory Issues
– Banking and CBDCs

And much more..
Join the GBA community this January 27-28, live in Washington, D.C., or streamed globally, and learn how to navigate the changes that are coming. Tickets are on sale now.

For more information on the Government Blockchain Association, go to

Topic: Press release summary

How to Make Extra Money in 2021

New York, USA, 2nd May 2021, ZEXPRWIRE, Are you missing out on a lot of things due to a lack of money? Or you are earning that lump sum amount of money which is only enough for monthly expenditures? Do you need to enjoy the day out with your friends? Do you wantto live the life of your dreams?

If your answers to the above questions are a big yes, then considering searching for side hustles to start today.

In this technologically equipped world, there are a lot more opportunities for teenagers as well as for women, and anyother person looking for a second source of income.

Here we will look at ways for generating a second source of income.

Side Hustles for Teens

Teens are very much energetic, to begin with, any kind of hustles. from freelancing, to blogging, and getting paid for even playing games are some of the best choices an individual makes in his teens.

Based on the interest of that teenager, side hustles for teens are many. What if someone does not have the guts to become a blogger? Then he or she has an option to manage blogs of others, we precisely call them social media managers.

Side Hustles for Women

It is believed that side hustles for women shallflexible. So, owing to a dropshipping business to being a virtual assistant, and affiliate marketer the choice is theirs.

Monetizing the blogs through sponsored posts, creating and launching online courses, and then turning that experience into a coaching business are the skills every woman should know.

Work from Home Part-Time

To fulfill your dreams, a day job is usually not enough when you are not coming from afinancially stable background. So, the day job will let you pay every month for the essentials of life.

However, the side hustles will be the game changer of your financial conditions. So, grab the freedom of spending your desired amount of money.

Begin work from home part-time. It is noteworthy that the people who work from home can save a lot of money. So, working from home has its perks. However, car boot is just another rform earning money. Though it is not a virtual process. Rather the buyer and sell shake hands with eachother at aspecific location.

Final Thoughts

If anyone is dissatisfied with his financial conditions, then there are many options available for starting a side hustle and get along with it in the long run. Evaluate all the possible options and start from today. Work for your dreams and make them come true through constant efforts.

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