Importance of Color Coating PEB Buildings for Durability and Aesthetics


Buildings are not just structures that have utility. Buildings are a symbol of brand image as well and a unique design helps consumers to remember the products and services a business renders. Aesthetic appeal is, therefore, an integral part of any building be it industrial, home or office. When we speak about aesthetic appeal, the first thing that will strike anyone’s mind is color and magnanimity. Prefabricated industrials buildings are amenable to giving businesses a unique look and feel that will be associated with quality.
Importance of Color Coating Steel Buildings

Though the aesthetic appeal of industrial steel buildings is an important point to consider, they must also be durable, stable and easy to maintain. Architects therefore use color coated steel elements with dual purposes to it – preventing rusting and making it easy for maintenance.

The usual procedure for coating consists of treating the steel elements first and then applying a thin layer of zinc and other chemicals that resist corrosion. This process is called pre-treatment and helps the following color coating procedure to protect steel longer and make it appealing.

The benefits:

Color coating gives steel buildings a great look
Color coated steel avoids the need for post-construction painting
Prevents moisture and oxygen from coming in contact with steel
Color-coated steel can be recycled and therefore is eco friendly

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