Skin Care Tips to Look Extra Gorgeous This Festive Season


As the festive season approaches you tend to toll your skin with variety of the cosmetics and makeup products to look good at all occasions. And your poor skin is blamed if it breaks out during the festivities due to its sufferings. On top of it when you do not follow a hygiene & nutritional regime for skin, it becomes even vulnerable by making damages that take longer to heal back. Here are some basic quick tips to care for your skin before, during and after festive season.

7 best ways to make your skin festive-ready:

1. Never skip removal of makeup: How much ever fatigue you have after the party, never skip the makeup removal step. Use the best quality makeup remover and once removed, follow a good cleansing regime before bed.

2. Select your Makeup brand wisely: What you wear on skin for hours is extremely important. Don’t let the brands with flashy ads take you over, select the one with lead-free and non-carcinogenic ingredients, organic pigments and

3. Increase the frequency of herbal facial: All it takes to be party or festive ready is well groomed skin. You can increase the usual regime of skin facials a bit as far as you make sure that you’re using the best herbal products for the same.

4. Hydration is the key: Let not the upcoming winters make you forget drink enough water. Set your water target for a day and go on achieve it every day. Internal body hydration solves most of the skin problems during winters and it will also solve the dryness issues.

5. Exfoliate despite of dry flaky skin: most people mistake not to exfoliate their skin regularly during winters as their skin becomes dry and flaky. You need to understand the being dry or flaky is body’s response to the climate and regular exfoliation will help your skin to get rid of the dead cells, dirt which in turn re-balance the oil levels on skin.

6. Moisturize skin twice a day: considering the extreme consequences of the climate, you need to apply moisturizer minimum twice a day, once after bath, and secondly before bed. It will be best if the skin is well cleansed and little moist which applying the moisturizer. Choose the best moisturizer for your skin type.

7. Sun Protection: Dry skin catches tanning real fast, hence do not forget to apply a good Sunscreen lotion (SPF value 30++ is enough for Sun in India) regularly before stepping out of shed to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

The other ways to care for skin could be to use Herbs & More products by Netsurf Network. These products are all natural and herbal hence do not damage your skin but heal and sooth it after using the cosmetics.