Scaffolding and Formwork Manufacturer in Cape Town


South End Scaffolding is a reputed name, best known as the trusted manufacturer of formwork and scaffolding in the Western Cape. The company offers a wide range of accessories and products, which provide complete solutions for different types of scaffolding requirements. The company stocks a wide range of products in its workshop as well as storehouse. South End Scaffolding has lately started exporting products to different countries which include Europe and Africa.

The company based on its knowledge, integrity and experience strives to offer excellent products at the best prices to customers located in South Africa and abroad. The company strives to offer excellent quality and top services to its clients. South End Scaffolding offers many products – some popular product categories are mentioned below!

Kwikstage System:
Kwikstage System is a commonly used scaffolding in the construction sites. It offers great strength, which is one of the main reasons why it is used in the industrial scaffolding system. Kwikstage scaffolding has enough ability to support the decking system in any kind of job application. It has a modular design and can easily hook on different board platforms. The Kwikstage system offered is quite versatile. It can be easily assembled. It is simple to dismantle. It is suitable for use in an uneven ground. It is quite dependable and complies with the necessary safety and health laws.

South End Scaffolding offers several scaffolding couplers for users. These couplers are suitable for several purposes and widely used in the construction industry. You can use these couplers to join different tubes or pipes for different purposes. These can also be used on different types of scaffolding.

Scaffolding Accessories:
South End Scaffolding offers several accessories for different purposes. All products are manufactured keeping in mind strict SABS standards, to ensure total quality and integrity of products.

Self-Lock Scaffolding:
The self-lock scaffolding system is quite popular with contractors. This is mainly due to the quick assembly and mobility of the units. This kind of scaffolding is usually constructed from frames, which are easily managed due to their lightweight nature and their easy construction ability. Such kind of scaffolding is quite common in décor applications, building maintenance, electric work and for self-lock towers.

For more information, visit the website:

About South End Scaffolding:
South End Scaffolding is the leading manufacturer of scaffolding and formwork. The company offers services in the Western Cape and abroad. Some of the common products offered by the company include formwork, scaffolding accessories, self-lock scaffolding, KwikStage scaffolding and more.

Contact Us:
14 Moody Avenue, Epping 1,
Goodwood, Cape Town, 7475
South Africa

+27 21 820 9944