Learn from the best – go through your Six Sigma online yellow belt program


Both the Six Sigma online yellow belt program and the Six Sigma online green belt program are highly in-demand programs because they allow the participants to gain deeper insights into the concept of Six Sigma. The programs are carefully designed to ensure that the participants learn all they need to learn. These programs can be customized as per requirement.

Features of the white belt program
The Six Sigma yellow belt program runs for a duration of two days. The training course contains insights into the tools and techniques of Six Sigma and helps in the basic comprehension of the improvement methodologies used in 6-Sigma. The participants gain valuable inputs on process improvements upon completing their program. The certification program allows the participants to

• Support the different Six Sigma roles effectively;
• Buy in to the concept of Six Sigma and the benefits it has and
• Translate their learning into managing real work functions to reduce waste and improve quality.

Features of the green belt program
The Six Sigma green belt program is a 2-week program where they go through theory and project work. The project is selected before the commencement of the program and support is provided to ensure that the project is run the way it should be run. This program usually follows a 2+ format, allowing the participants to undergo their black belt program later. The program is led by a master black belt, who always is a top instructor.

For the green belt program, extensive support is provided to the certified participants so that they can manage their first project effortlessly. The participants also have access to the facilitator and use their knowledge and experience to improve business processes.

How to select a course
There are two ways one can select their yellow or green belt certification course.

1. If the participant has been nominated by their organization, then there is no need to select the course because it is predetermined. These courses are customized as per the requirement of the client organizations and run for their nominated participants

2. If the participant wishes to undergo one of these courses on their own, they need to find out about the best training institutions in this domain. Every major city in the USA has multiple such training institutions and one can easily find out about them through reviews. If one so wishes, they can compare the various course structures with an experienced individual to be able to make the right selection.

The Six Sigma online yellow belt program allows one to work full-time on Six Sigma projects. These courses are designed keeping the real-world scenarios in mind. You get to learn from some of the best facilitators in the country and this allows you to implement your learning to solve business challenges.

The Six Sigma online green belt program lets you take up leadership roles in Six Sigma projects. Hence, it is important that you gain all the knowledge you can. Ask questions and get clarifications and you will have your learning completed.

Complete your learning at your own pace through a Six Sigma online yellow belt or Six Sigma online green belt