Email Deliverability Services to Improve Email Marketing Gains

Here is a great news for digital marketers feeling the low response to their marketing emails. Samyak Online, a prominent digital marketing company in Delhi, is going to provide comprehensive email deliverability services to help the marketers get the best results of their email marketing campaigns.

Email deliverability is emerging as a hot discussion topic among the communities of e-commerce owners and digital marketers, especially, when the businesses are framing new marketing policies to survive, compete, and grow in the post- COVID 19 environment with a zeroed-in focus on expenses. Marketing professionals have understood the increased importance of personalized marketing and email marketing has been proved as the best marketing tool so far from this perspective.

The offered email deliverability services will address the issues causing the emails to go unnoticed into the spam folder or bounce back; it means, marketers will get better results as more numbers of emails will land into the inboxes with a high possibility of being noticed by the recipients. Several hidden and apparent issues affect the outcome of an email campaign. The more in common suicidal practices for bulk email sending are:

1.Ignoring –ve sender reputation, high spam complaint rates, blacklisting notices
2.Sending emails without implementing DKIM, & SPF for authentication
3.Using poor email list quality and being spam trapped
4.Leaving subscribers in dark
5.Using a single opt-in process for subscription
6.Using poor infrastructure like free domain email address & shared IPs
7.Using spam-flagging title
8.Using URL shortener
9.Sending emails without encryption
10.Not having proper mailing policy and monitoring

The spokesperson of Samyak Online says, “As being the leading SEO and digital marketing services providers, we often come across the complaints of businesses about the low outcome of their email marketing. In most of the cases, we find low email deliverability the culprit in disguise. Our email deliverability services are planned to review existing email sending practices, find the gaps and to bridge the gaps by introducing technical excellence.”

The company assures to address all the possible issues aligned to domain reputation, server / IP reputation, and sender reputation etc dropping down the email open rate. The best part is that Samyak Online has developed a dedicated division of email deliverability experts to focus better and to improve the results of email marketing at the earliest.

Providing customized services has been the focal point of service module at Samyak Online; therefore, email deliverability services are also made affordable for any size business by optimizing the most critical aspect on a priority basis; may it be setting up an efficient emailing infrastructure, managing message delivery reports, incorporating the best suitable technology, authenticating emails, troubleshooting, or other. The email deliverability package is customized only after the analysis of the existing process; therefore, customers start experiencing the expected outcome of higher email deliverability almost immediately.

The 24×7 hrs monitoring of mail delivery reports by the specially trained and experienced email deliverability experts minimizes the possibility of email bouncing, domain blacklisting, spamming etc and helps the businesses to achieve email deliverability rate even up to 95% or higher.

Contact Us:

Samyak Online Services Pvt. Ltd.
M-4, Mezzanine Floor, Samrat Bhawan,
Ranjit Nagar Commercial Complex, Ranjit Nagar
New Delhi – 110008 INDIA
Mobile: +91-9810083308
Phone: +91-11-49869226

IronSoftware releases Create Excel File in C# Language

Within IronXL, we can easily create a new Excel file of either the XLS or XLSX file format. Additional formats include Excel templates and other edge cases.

It can be used within web applications, desktop applications, console applications, and within class libraries – indeed, almost any .NET project type for Framework, Core, or Standard. This includes completely bolsters .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin, Mobile, Linux, MacOS and Azure.

It can be used to create Excel files for the XLSX format and XML format generated in 1995, or the older XLS format based on the BIFF file format standard of virtual hard disk.

It can’t just create Excel files. Its generational features are very useful; however, it can also read and edit existing Excel documents as well as importing data from them. IronXL also allows us to import and export data from CSV, TSV, and JSON documents.

IronXL’s API is entirely native to .NET, requiring no Office Interop, and is very user-friendly, making for an easy and efficient developer experience that outputs fast code.

IronXL provides an easy fix for common use cases, such as exporting an Excel spreadsheet from a finance application or importing data from existing spreadsheets within a company.

IronXL is an instinctive C# and VB Excel API that permits you to peruse, alter and make Excel spreadsheet documents in .NET with extremely quick execution. There is no compelling reason to introduce MS Office or even the Excel InterOp.

You can download the nuget file here:

The dll can also be downloaded here:

If you have any questions about licensing that can be found here:

DataNumen File Splitter Helps Split and Join Large Files Effortlessly

June 20, 2020

DataNumen File Splitter Helps Split and Join Large Files Effortlessly

DataNumen has released DataNumen File Splitter v1.2, a free Windows utility program that makes it easy for users to split files into segments and rejoin them into a single file again. The software is designed for backing up files that are larger than the storage medium that will be used to hold the backups.

For example, it’s not possible to back up a two gigabyte file onto a single CD. With DataNumen File Splitter, however, it’s easy to split the large file into three smaller segments, each of which can be stored on a single CD. If the file needs to be restored, a user can simply copy the three smaller files to a hard drive and use DataNumen File Splitter to join the three segments into a single large file again. Similarly, DataNumen File Splitter can be used to split files for storage on DVDs, USB thumb drives, and all removable media.

DataNumen File Splitter also makes it safer and more efficient to download large files from a local network or from an Internet site. When the download process is working smoothly, it is usually much quicker to download ten small files than one huge file, even though the total number of bytes of data would be the same. That’s because most sophisticated downloading systems can initiate multiple simultaneous download threads.

When the network connection fails during the downloading process, the ability to split and join files becomes more important. When a single huge download fails, then the entire downloading process has to be repeated. When a single segment of the file fails to download properly, only that segment needs to be downloaded a second time.

DataNumen File Splitter allows the user to specify the size limit of the segments that it will create. The program also calculates the MDS check sum of a file to ensure that it is complete and undamaged. The software can perform a byte-by-byte comparison of any two files to ensure that they are identical.

Price and availability

DataNumen File Splitter v1.2 is available without cost, and works on all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, including Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, and Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2019. The free download is available on DataNumen’s website on


Product page:
Company website:

SBCglobal Email

We can provide you with all the solutions you need to deal with SBCglobal email. If you are using this email service, but are not able to send and/or receive emails, then all you need to check your internet connection. If internet is working fine and your email is perfectly configured too, yet the problem persists, then just call us on our email support number.

Bewährte Praktiken für ferngesteuerte agile Entwicklerteams der VON Consulting Tech Division

Gewöhnlich effektiv in einer Büroarbeitsumgebung, insbesondere für Entwicklerteams, wird bei der Programmierung von Aufgaben eine agile Methodik angewandt.

Berlin, Germany., August 27, 2020 — Gewöhnlich effektiv in einer Büroarbeitsumgebung, insbesondere für Entwicklerteams, wird bei der Programmierung von Aufgaben eine agile Methodik angewandt.

Die Frage ist: Kann sie sich auch bei entfernten und verteilten Teams auszeichnen?

Agile Methodik und Remote-Software-Teams

Um agile Teams auch in einer entfernten Umgebung produktiv zu machen, benötigen Sie in erster Linie einen Scrum Master, der in der Lage ist, eine heterogene Gruppe von Personen zu beaufsichtigen und sie zu unabhängigem Arbeiten zu ermutigen, und der in der Lage ist, die Arbeitslast aller Beteiligten als Team aufeinander abzustimmen, um eine reibungslose Fertigstellung von durchgehend funktionierenden Anwendungen zu gewährleisten.
Um dies zu erreichen, müssen die Teammitglieder zusammenarbeiten. Sie müssen sich häufig per E-Mail treffen, um sicherzustellen, dass sich alle darüber einig sind, was sie aufbauen, wer was tut und wie genau die Software entwickelt wird.
Darüber hinaus muss der Scrum Master einen ständigen Überblick über die Geschäftslogik sowie die Anwendungslogik (angefangen bei der Datenbank bis hin zur Benutzeroberfläche) behalten.

Es ist nicht einfach, es erfordert etwas Arbeit und Experimente, aber es ist überschaubar, wenn man einige kluge Tipps und Tricks anwendet.

Hier sind einige nützliche Schritte, die wir bei der VON Consulting Tech Division in Betracht ziehen und in die Praxis umsetzen sollten.

Wesentliche Schritte für agile Teams, die aus der Ferne arbeiten

Überprüfung der technischen Standards

Unabhängig davon, ob Sie sich für die paarweise Programmierung (2 oder mehr Entwickler programmieren gemeinsam, um die Qualität des Codes zu gewährleisten, so dass ältere Entwickler Junior-Entwickler als Mentoren betreuen können) oder für die testgetriebene Entwicklung und Automatisierung entscheiden, stellen Sie sicher, dass sich alle über die Annahme technischer Standards im Klaren sind, um Sicherheit, Codequalität, Namenskonventionen und andere technische Standards zu gewährleisten.

Ansätze überprüfen

Agile Teams, die auf die Zusammenarbeit per Fernzugriff umstellen, sollten ihre Prozesse nicht völlig neu gestalten müssen, aber je nach Größe des Teams und den verfügbaren Kollaborationswerkzeugen müssen ScrumMaster unter Umständen über die Struktur von Sitzungen nachdenken.

Sich zu Aufgaben verpflichten

Agile Teams, die von der persönlichen Zusammenarbeit zu einer Zusammenarbeit aus der Ferne übergehen, müssen ihre Sprintgeschwindigkeit neu einstellen und das Niveau und die Komplexität der Arbeit überprüfen, die sie realistischerweise ausführen und erledigen können.


Agile Entwicklungsteams geben arbeitendem Code Vorrang vor der Vorabdokumentation, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass die Dokumentation von Architektur, APIs und Code nicht notwendig ist.

Investitionen in Spikes, CI/CD und Bekämpfung technischer Verschuldung
Teams, die erwarten, über längere Zeiträume aus der Ferne zu arbeiten, finden es vielleicht einfacher, sich auf eher technische Geschichten zu konzentrieren, die den Entwicklern helfen, sich auf die Erledigung einer Arbeit in Bereichen zu konzentrieren, in denen sie die Vorteile direkt sehen.

Überprüfung der Einsatz- und Risikostrategien
Die Organisationsprinzipien, die von der Geschwindigkeit und Häufigkeit des Einsatzes bis hin zu den Arbeitsformen und Anwendergeschichten, die priorisiert werden, alles bestimmt haben, müssen aus einer neuen Betriebsperspektive überprüft werden.

‘Agile Teammitglieder müssen die optimale Nutzung von Technologien finden und sich an Kommunikationsstile anpassen, um Teamproduktivität, Zusammenarbeit und Qualität zu gewährleisten’, fügt Frau Vivien Untaru, Geschäftsführerin der VON Consulting Tech Division, hinzu.

People. Quality. Tech.

VON Consulting hat Büros in San Diego, USA, 3 Büros in Cluj-Napoca, Brasov, Bukarest, Rumänien und ist auch in Düsseldorf, Deutschland, vertreten.

VON Consulting hat 150 IT-Talente an Bord und hat mit Kunden aus der EU und den USA gearbeitet, hauptsächlich in den Bereichen IT, Telekommunikation, Netzwerke und Halbleiterindustrie.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Andreea Paleologu
VON Consulting
Str Matei Basarab 65,
Bl L 109 sc 1, ap 19, sector 3,
Bucharest, Romania

VON Consulting Tech Division Continuous Testing Best Practices for Application Development Teams

Continuous testing is an optimal way to provide developers with feedback before code reaches a delivery environment. It

Berlin, Germany., August 27, 2020 — Continuous testing is an optimal way to provide developers with feedback before code reaches a delivery environment. It is particularly important for running code quality and security analysis so that developers learn and adopt better coding practices.

Teams that define a strategy and leverage agile principles for value, development, and implementation are most likely to reduce risks and deliver value from their testing efforts.

To do so, developers, engineers, and quality assurance specialists need to collaborate on testing strategies and implementations. Such collaboration is critical to test every build and delivery in the CI/CD (continuous integration & development) pipeline.

Continuous testing – how to start off

Continuous tests must be easy to automate, run in a reasonable duration, have defined pass or fail criteria, and have well-defined paths to remediate issues.

Let’s take functional tests that run through thousands of test scenarios. They may very well take too long to execute and might run better overnight as scheduled jobs.

Another example? Security tests that report many warning alerts, which we recommend should be reviewed by info-sec personnel rather than stopping the build pipeline.

The reasoning to take from all of the above: a data quality test that can’t easily connect to the code, developer, or team that created the issue should not be in the CI/CD pipeline. It will halt the build for everyone and may require an extensive team to review the issue.

Continuous testing strategies – team configuration

In the continuous testing strategy set-up, we recommend using an agile approach. To do so, define a persona-based continuous testing strategy.

The agile development team must respond and correct issues when a CI/CD build fails and what testing gets prioritized.
Your persona-based testing strategy should include developers (for code quality and modifications), ops teams (for performance issues, reliability of app testing), information security teams (for code analysis, penetration and security risk assessments), quality assurance specialists (for app testing such as APIs, browser and mobile user interfaces), architects (for protocol standards API quality), database governance specialists (for data quality and security).

Continuous testing – implementation and best practices

You first need to automate the continuous tests, by integrating them in the CI/CD framework, and then configure alerts, so that the right people are notified of issues discovered.

The tools for running the tests must integrate smoothly with Jenkins, CircleCI, Bamboo, or other top CI/CD tools used for continuous integration and continuous delivery. Tools such as SmartBear, BlazeMeter, Tricentis qTest, BrowserStack, SauceLabs, Postman, and many others have integrations and plug-ins for Jenkins.

Some companies and organizations that work in manually configured development, test, and production environments struggle to keep configuration and infrastructure changes synchronized across them. Depending on feasibility, we recommend standardizing the environments and using infrastructure as code tools (Puppet, Chef, or Ansible) to manage configurations before investing in continuous testing.

Testing should be a safety net before pushing changes to an environment. It should provide actionable feedback and require executing the right set of validations for the appropriate stage of the delivery pipeline.

People. Quality. Tech.

VON Consulting has offices in San Diego, USA, 3 offices in Cluj-Napoca, Brasov, Bucharest, Romania and is also present in Düsseldorf, Germany.

VON Consulting has 150 IT talent on board and has worked with clients from the EU and US, mainly in IT, telecom, networking and semiconductors industries.
See more on

Andreea Paleologu
VON Consulting
Str Matei Basarab 65,
Bl L 109 sc 1, ap 19, sector 3,
Bucharest, Romania