Kimberly Rosales explains why cryptocurrencies are important for foreign trade

Foreign trade has always depended on many factors, cryptocurrencies being one of the most recent, and that is precisely why Kimberly Rosales has delved into this relationship.

Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE

The rise of cryptocurrencies looks unstoppable almost a decade after Bitcoin (the most popular) burst onto the scene. But it doesn’t stop there. The world’s financial systems are in the preamble of a probable turnaround. Cryptocurrencies have become the new allies of foreign trade and Kimberly Rosales, with her experience in the crypto world, explains why.

The absence of commissions for foreign currency transactions is the central point. The peer-to-peer system will allow us to send any type of digital currency transaction directly to our receiver, said the well-respected specialist.

There is almost no fee for transferring funds as it is not done through banks. These digital currencies do not require any intermediary, making it much easier to move money.

Hence, they have caused a great impact on the world economy in competition with traditional currencies and the established system. Until now, the remittance market has been dominated by traditional entities such as Western Union or MoneyGram, which charge high transaction fees of more than 8% on average.

“This is going to replace the mainstream currency. You will be able to do everything with any cryptocurrency. You won’t even need a debit card,” said Rosales, who explained that to buy a cryptocurrency, the user must create an e-Wallet that has two keys, one public and one private. When a user buys, he gives his public key and is given a private one for his transaction.

Blockchain-based e-Wallet applications to handle transactions have built-in easy-to-collect tools: regular credit and debit cards, bank transfers, prepaid cards, gift cards, or ATMs. With these applications, money can be withdrawn and sent using any ATM network or mobile app. In the future, it will be possible to pay merchants and utilities with e-Wallets.

To purchase a cryptocurrency, the user must create an e-Wallet that has two keys, one public and one private. When a user buys, they give their public key and are given a private key for their transaction.

“You have to understand that you are not even going to transfer money in the future. With more stable currencies, if I have bitcoins, I transfer bitcoins. I wouldn’t need to change it to physical money. I’ll do it when I need to,” Rosales stressed.

In some countries, progress has already been made in incorporating cryptoassets into the real economy. It is possible to go to a specific ATM for bitcoin and exchange that digital currency for physical dollars or euros.

Blockchain technology was specifically created to dramatically reduce transaction fees. The new landscape in communication channels for cross-border currency transfer is digital asset trading.

Blockchain is transforming the global remittances market by bringing in $600 billion. The World Bank estimates that global remittances grew by 3.7% to $715 billion in 2019 and increased by 10% to $689billion in 2018.

Rosales states, “Cryptocurrencies can be used as a refuge from crises and storms, just like people seek refuge in oil or gold. Precisely, they appeared when 2008’s financial crisis broke out.”

The challenge for governments in the midst of this boom is to find ways to prevent money laundering. Capital from illegal activities can be legitimated by bypassing banks. Not only are cryptocurrency transfers less expensive for international traders because they eliminate the need to use intermediaries and other commissions, but also they can be completed in less than an hour.

In short, the combination of convenience and necessity has led foreign trade operators to start considering the possibility of using cryptoassets as payment methods and even as a collection mechanism. This is provided, of course, that they are not collections that are subject to a deposit and settlement obligation.

Both in terms of their convenience and necessity, cryptoassets appear as a possible tool to be evaluated. At the end of the day, even being a “non-currency,” crypto-assets are able to comply.

About Kimberly Rosales

Kimberly Rosales is an entrepreneur and tech aficionado who, early on, understood the full capabilities cryptocurrency could offer. She founded ChainMyne, a FINTRAC-registered company, in 2020 as a means to offer an easier method for accessing digital currency, as well as to empower cryptocurrency holders. While the majority of her time is occupied by ensuring her business ventures constantly run smoothly, when she does have some free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new locations.

Kimberly Rosales explains the relationship between artificial intelligence and blockchain

Kimberly Rosales has now applied her knowledge in the world of cryptography to give an insight into the relationship between blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE

The very nature of the human being imprints a strong need to know as the strongest natural inclination, giving rise to numerous tools that promote increasingly advanced forms of knowledge production and assimilation. The passage of time led to a slow accumulation of knowledge that led to various distinctions. This massification in the current context configures the big data scenario. The blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) have been two technologies of high recognition in recent years, which is why the expert in the cryptographic space, Kimberly Rosales, explains the relationship between the two.

Faced with the overabundance of data, as a great mass of information, the need for a philosophical response arises. An initial approach to the question inclines many to inquire into the impact that blockchain and AI have on the very act of knowing. This is due to the simple question of the double presence of a thing: a natural and a cognitive one; and perhaps a third one is added: the “being in the metaverse.”

“I use in a causal way the exemplification with a tree, since this is used as a metaphorical resource in the diagram of understanding the blockchain structure, in which the root is the initial node of that intangible tree called Merkle,” Rosales indicates. As far as AI is concerned, starting from the assumption that the form of the cognizing subject increases with the form of the known object, it forces the question whether in the knowledge produced by AI systems (in the cases of deep machine learning) it is possible or not to speak of the artificial agent as a cognizing subject.

It is the forms of real entities that acquire a new existence in the human intellect and give rise to what is called knowledge. Likewise, in the metaverse, the relationship is reversed, the intellect being able to conceive forms created in the digital world that have no previous existence in reality; rather, they are modeled in a digital ecosystem to make possible their existence in the real world.

“The origin of knowledge is in reality and this same reality is what determines the measure of the content of knowledge,” assures Rosales. “Consequently, knowledge will be true when understanding is actually measured by the real thing when the intentional form coincides with the form immanent to objective reality, giving rise to an epistemological question about blockchain and AI environments. Can the systems of the latter and blockchain measure the real thing?”

If so, Rosales takes for granted the capacity for understanding, which is proper to the human intellect. The only way to be able to sustain this hypothesis would be to start from the premise that human intellect exists by derivation in the machine learning system of artificial agents, without limiting the field of analysis to AI or even its underlying platform (blockchain). This is by analogical application of the categories to the plane reserved for the human being, in which both intelligences (natural and artificial) have or would have the same substance.

The above applies to intellectual knowledge, but something similar occurs in sensible knowledge, in which the subject also becomes something else, but not intelligible but sensible, since the sensible qualities of material things are intentionally made images in the sensibility of the one who knows. This sensitive knowledge occupies a space of great importance, challenge and desire of overcoming on the part of science applied to new technologies that pretends that an artificial agent experiences the same sensitive knowledge as a human being.

The new technological agents would gravitate in the plane of knowledge and knowing, but not in philosophical knowledge. It is the knowledge and knowing proper to the human intellect. Still, the current reality empirically demonstrates that an artificial agent can produce new knowledge, perhaps not conceived a priori by the human being in charge of programming or loading information. This is the reason why it is appropriate to inquire about the being of the blockchain and the being of the AI in order to measure its action, since this follows the being (being as an entity).

About Kimberly Rosales

Kimberly Rosales is an entrepreneur and tech aficionado who, early on, understood the full capabilities cryptocurrency could offer. She founded ChainMyne, a FINTRAC-registered company, in 2020 as a means to offer an easier method for accessing digital currency, as well as to empower cryptocurrency holders. While the majority of her time is occupied by ensuring her business ventures constantly run smoothly, when she does have some free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new locations.

Kimberly Rosales explains the role decentralized finance is taking to alter the financial space

Kimberly Rosales explains how the current financial space is still facing some drawbacks that may be solved over time with the expansion in the implementation of decentralized finance.

Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE

The technological environment is transforming the financial world. According to the Financial Inclusion of the Central Bank of Argentina, (BCRA), more than 85,000 transactions per adult using electronic payment methods, such as digital transfers and debit cards, were made in June 2021. The total transactions increased by 40% compared to the same period in 2020. Kimberly Rosales, an expert in digital payments, explains how decentralized finance (DeFi) can become the solution that promises to solve the problems of the current system.

This development is still located within the ecosystem of conventional finance, composed of financial institutions, such as banks, exchanges and brokers, which allow lending and borrowing money and exchanging financial assets. The real change will come with DeFi, which includes the use of blockchain and other IT processes that are expected to revolutionize the sector.

For Rosales, DeFi is a “circuit” of financial products that use this new technology and others such as cryptography, consensus algorithms, peer-to-peer systems and smart contracts to avoid having to rely on a central entity such as those that predominate in the conventional financial environment. This is only possible through the use of decentralized applications (DApps), which are nothing more than programs that do not rely on a single counterparty interacting with a central server, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and virtually any conventional application do today.

“Since there is no company, no central entity, that has to verify the sending or generation of transactions, each of the users of DApps acts as a node in a decentralized network of transactions,” explains Rosales. “Then, in that way, it is verified and assured that the transactions that are made through those DApps are genuine, original, all in a highly private environment.”

The expert emphasizes that “all these DApps have the ability to interact with each other, forming a kind of, as it is known in the industry, ’Lego’ of money.” Rosales also points out that what DeFi does is to try to ensure that financial processes such as the exchange of assets and money and loans “are automated in a blockchain through a series of business rules that say how the whole operation of these markets is going to be done.”

In this framework, she points out that there is not entirely a team, a company, behind it, as this software directly connects the parties entering into the transaction. At first glance, it might seem that DeFi does not bring much more than an IT change. However, proper implementation could have a very positive impact on the economy of society.

First of all, Rosales points out that all transactions and transfers of value carried out in the DeFi environment are public and verifiable, which provides “unprecedented transparency,” which translates into high security and reliability. The specialist maintains that the fact that the exchanges are visible and exposed allows any user to verify them in the same database that interprets them in encrypted form. In addition, only the public addresses where the assets that are part of each transaction are hosted are disclosed, so that the parties maintain their privacy.

On the other hand, as it is a solid construction of computer codes that automate the operations, the risks are only found in the failures or vulnerabilities, but not in the system itself, which guarantees the effectiveness of the exchanges. Likewise, the ecosystem is highly efficient because it is highly interoperable and does without financial intermediaries.

DeFi’s ability to cross borders is linked to the lack of central counterparties that are tied to the rules and laws of each region, as well as to the proprietary systems they must use. “If I have an Internet connection and I have been trained in how these things work, I can use any of these applications without anyone being able to censor me and on equal terms with the person who is in New York, London, Singapore or any international financial center,” the expert explains, referring to the fact that it is not necessary to be in a privileged area because DApps are global.

Specifically, the great change brought about by the advent of decentralized finance is the greater financial inclusion that will take place in the world. Rosales concludes that DeFi’s potential for inclusion is spectacular and provides opportunities for literally everyone to participate in the financial system.

About Kimberly Rosales

Kimberly Rosales is an entrepreneur and tech aficionado who, early on, understood the full capabilities cryptocurrency could offer. She founded ChainMyne, a FINTRAC-registered company, in 2020 as a means to offer an easier method for accessing digital currency, as well as to empower cryptocurrency holders. While the majority of her time is occupied by ensuring her business ventures constantly run smoothly, when she does have some free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new locations.

Kimberly Rosales explains how to guarantee success as a female entrepreneur

Being a female entrepreneur can be a difficult journey, but Kimberly Rosales assures that by following a few strategies this should not be a cause for concern.

Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE

The path to entrepreneurship is not an easy one, but it often involves added challenges for women. In a general sense, women consider entrepreneurship to be a good career option, but they have a lower perception of their entrepreneurial skills than men, are less confident in their entrepreneurial skills, and feel insecure about their knowledge. Kimberly Rosales and her knowledge in entrepreneurship come to break this stigma by sharing some tips for women to achieve the desired success.

The results of some recent reports revealed that over 52% of new entrepreneurs in different countries over the past few years have been men. Although there are fewer women entrepreneurs, the dropout rates are ten percentage points higher for men, which means that once the initial challenges are overcome, women entrepreneurs are able to develop successful businesses over time.

One of Rosales’ main suggestions is to make your business idea concrete. The most successful entrepreneurs started with a business idea. That idea must be original and innovative to stand out in the market and attract investors. Still, it also has to be profitable in the short or medium-term so that you see a return on your investment as soon as possible. 

That means you must turn that idea into a viable business plan to guide your steps. Rosales advises having a clear business strategy before taking the leap to maximize your chances of success.

“Be flexible, be adaptable,” Rosales suggests. “Today’s market is constantly changing, along with consumer tastes and needs, so to become a successful woman entrepreneur, you must be able to pick up on those trends and adjust your business model.”

It’s not enough to be aware of new trends in your industry; you must anticipate them to gain a competitive advantage. To achieve this, it is important that these changes do not intimidate you, but that you embrace them as new opportunities to identify unattended market niches, launch new products or implement productivity-enhancing changes.

One of the worst mistakes you can make in entrepreneurship is not knowing how to prioritize. You may think that no one else will do things the way you do or that you can take care of everything, but you will only end up overloading yourself with work unnecessarily. Running a business is not a race of speed but of endurance. 

Rosales believes that the key lies in having clear priorities, both for the most important things in life and the smaller ones, and finding a balance. You need to identify those tasks that are not so important and delegate them to the team you have built.

“Make sure you rely on a good team,” Rosales points out. “Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be a solo career. If you need help or support, don’t hesitate to ask for it. Advice from women entrepreneurs who have walked the same path can help you avoid making costly mistakes. If you surround yourself with a competent and positive work team, your business will be able to grow much faster, nourished by their proposals.” Many women have acknowledged that the hardest part of their business has been choosing and keeping the right team.

Be prepared and don’t stop training yourself. The myth of the entrepreneur who builds himself without any preparation has been relegated to the past. Motivation is important, but it does not ensure that a business project will succeed, so it is essential that you have basic training in finance, business administration, and marketing. 

You can enroll in classroom or online courses, as well as attend seminars, conferences, and entrepreneurship talks organized by chambers of commerce or universities. This way, you will discover the keys to carrying out your business, and you will meet other professionals with whom you can create new synergies.

About Kimberly Rosales

Kimberly Rosales is an entrepreneur and tech aficionado who, early on, understood the full capabilities cryptocurrency could offer. She founded ChainMyne, a FINTRAC-registered company, in 2020 as a means to offer an easier method for accessing digital currency, as well as to empower cryptocurrency holders. While the majority of her time is occupied by ensuring her business ventures constantly run smoothly, when she does have some free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new locations.

Kimberly Rosales offers successful cryptocurrency marketing strategies

While it is true that the crypto world is booming, Kimberly Rosales shares some marketing strategies that can help companies grow even more in this space.

Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE

If you want to launch your own currency or blockchain-based product, you need to make sure people can find you and get to know you. For your company to stand out, it needs a cryptocurrency marketing strategy.

It is no secret that the cryptocurrency industry is causing a stir around the world, with major companies such as Morgan Stanley, PayPal, and Tesla showing their support for Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies. In addition, there are a number of blockchains and cryptocurrency startups emerging around the world. Their growth is accelerating to the point where their valuations are reaching millions, even billions. Kimberly Rosales, an experienced insider in the space, discusses some of the successful strategies that can be applied in the cryptocurrency market.

Companies need to think of innovative ways to market, developing, and implementing tailor-made cryptocurrency marketing strategies as they are vital to the survival and growth of the company, project, and currency. Rosales has taken a look at a number of crypto marketing strategies that can boost your coin and your company above your competitors.

The cryptocurrency market has grown so much that many new cryptocurrency-related businesses are opening around the world. “If you want to launch your own currency or blockchain-based product, you need to make sure people can find you and get to know you. For your company to stand out, it needs a cryptocurrency marketing strategy,” suggests Rosales. 

Nowadays, thousands of cryptocurrency companies have popped up everywhere. Starting a basic marketing project for a company is different. Still, when it comes to cryptocurrency marketing projects, executives need to consider hiring a crypto marketing agency and some other factors. 

Social media marketing is the best option for cryptocurrency marketing. All social networks are open to the public, which allows companies to monitor the activity of their customers and potential buyers. 

This allows cryptocurrency companies to better understand their target audience, including their likes, dislikes, and interests, and develop better cryptocurrency marketing strategies to engage them. In addition to traditional social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Telegram, companies can also use BTT and Steemit to increase their presence.

If you want to connect with professionals from various industries, fields and backgrounds, Rosales suggests joining LinkedIn. There are a number of groups on the platform that are dedicated to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. All can help you promote your cryptocurrency. 

“Use affiliates to market your coin. Cryptocurrency affiliates will send traffic to your website/blog and all they will demand is a commission,” Rosales notes. “Before contacting affiliates, make sure you implement an affiliate campaign on your well-designed website.”

Affiliates will be paid according to the number of signups they generate for your company. By using them, they will be responsible for all of your currency marketing efforts, so it can be beneficial to use them if you need to focus on other departments for the currency.

Compared to social media, email marketing is the most effective way to communicate with your customers, hence the importance of an email list. Emails generate a click-through rate six times higher than tweets. In addition, email is 40 times more effective at attracting new customers than Facebook or Twitter. Email is not only useful for ICO, but also during other cryptocurrency marketing maneuvers, such as airdrops. 

Crypto influencers can influence the value of cryptocurrencies through their recommendations. According to Rosales’ estimates, nearly 90% of customers are willing to make a purchase based on the advice of a trusted influencer rather than an advertisement in the media. 

Influencers in this industry exist solely to provide organic engagement, growth, and opportunity. This will increase community interest in your business and your overall visibility in the industry.

Not only is SEO a low-cost, permanent method of attracting new consumers and increasing brand awareness, but by following a few basic techniques from the start, it can have a significant impact on your bottom line. You can’t talk about your company’s cryptocurrency marketing activities without mentioning SEO. 

For SEO to be effective, you first need to identify and track keywords that are relevant to your project. It is also important to make your website mobile-friendly and update your blog posts and information regularly.

About Kimberly Rosales

Kimberly Rosales is an entrepreneur and tech aficionado who, early on, understood the full capabilities cryptocurrency could offer. She founded ChainMyne, a FINTRAC-registered company, in 2020 as a means to offer an easier method for accessing digital currency, as well as to empower cryptocurrency holders. While the majority of her time is occupied by ensuring her business ventures constantly run smoothly, when she does have some free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new locations.