Hong Kong – EPD responds to Advisory Council on the Environment’s resolution on San Tin/Lok Ma Chau Development Node EIA report

EPD responds to Advisory Council on the Environment’s resolution on San Tin/Lok Ma Chau Development Node EIA report


     In response to the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE)’s decision to endorse the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on San Tin/Lok Ma Chau Development Node with conditions in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) after discussion at its meeting today (April 22), an Environmental Protection Department (EPD) spokesman said:

     “The statutory EIA process in Hong Kong is a professional, objective and open system. The Technical Memorandum on EIA Process (TM) and EIA Study Briefs lay down objective and clear principles, procedures, guidelines, requirements and criteria for various EIA matters. The EIAO aims to assess the environmental acceptability of the development proposal submitted by the project proponent.

     “The Director of Environmental Protection will review in detail the EIA report with comprehensive and careful consideration of the requirements of the EIA Study Brief and the TM, as well as comments on the environment raised by the public and the ACE during the public inspection period, before making the decision on whether to approve the EIA report and the conditions to be imposed if the EIA report is approved.”

Hong Kong – Land and Development Advisory Committee holds meeting

Land and Development Advisory Committee holds meeting


     At its meeting today (November 2), the Land and Development Advisory Committee was briefed on the major initiatives under the Development Bureau (DEVB) in the 2023 Policy Address and the Northern Metropolis Action Agenda.
     Members supported the policy direction of the DEVB’s initiatives in the 2023 Policy Address to continue with “enhancing quantity”, “enhancing speed and efficiency”, and “enhancing quality”. Members noted that –
(a) On “enhancing quantity”, the supply of developable land in the next ten years will reach 3 370 hectares, representing an increase of 90 hectares as compared to the ten-year supply forecast last year. To deliver the land supply target, the DEVB would forge ahead with the Northern Metropolis and the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, and optimise the use of existing land. 
(b) On “enhancing speed and efficiency”, following the legislative amendments to streamline statutory development procedures which came into effect on September 1, the DEVB would introduce another bill to the Legislative Council (LegCo) this year to streamline the procedures for extension of land leases. The DEVB would also roll out other administrative streamlining measures such as extending the standard rates arrangement for settling land premiums, and relax the gross floor area exemption to provide flexibility for carparks to be provided aboveground.  
(c) On “enhancing quality”, to address urban decay and building safety, the DEVB would introduce an amendment bill to LegCo this year to streamline and update the compulsory sale regime, with lower application thresholds targeting at older buildings in districts with more pressing need for redevelopment. Enforcement actions and support for building repairs would be stepped up to enhance building safety. The Buildings Ordinance would be reviewed to strengthen enforcement power and enhance safety of building works, with a view to putting forth amendment proposals within 2024.
     Members welcomed the initiatives to step up enforcement powers and registration and disciplinary systems for contractors under the Buildings Ordinance. They suggested the Government to also consider the room for improving/streamlining the administration of the appeal procedures under the Buildings Ordinance, and consult the industry on the proposals. Regarding the lowering of compulsory sale thresholds targeting for designated areas, while noting the policy consideration to channel private sector resources to pursuing redevelopment projects in older districts, members suggested the Government to take into account possible public concerns on disparity arrangement across districts. Members also encouraged the Government to make good use of the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands to promote Hong Kong as a vibrant and forward-looking city. The land use review for the Hung Hom Station and nearby sites, as well as the study to encourage private developments to adopt more elderly-friendly building designs, were supported. Members expressed appreciation to the Government’s efforts in implementing streamlining measures for development process in the past year, and looked forward to making contributions to the on-going streamlining exercise.
     Members were also briefed by the DEVB’s Northern Metropolis Co-ordination Office on the Northern Metropolis Action Agenda promulgated on October 30. Members were supportive of the development blueprint of the Northern Metropolis as set out in the Action Agenda which presented a clearer positioning of the four major zones, major developments, conservation projects, development programme, etc, and contained a specific chapter on how the Government would plan and provide land based on the needs of different industries, in line with the “industry-driven” development approach. 
     Members agreed that more flexibility should be provided in the land use zonings in the Northern Metropolis to support its evolving development needs, particularly the San Tin Technopole. They supported the “industry-driven” spatial planning that allowed the Northern Metropolis to leverage its locational advantages to grow new and emerging industries including innovation and technology and create synergy with the Mainland. Of equal importance was to build livable communities with good urban design, quality open space and well-designed regional park, as well as state-of-art performing venues to enrich civic life.  Members welcomed the idea of building a university town in the Northern Metropolis, which would be conducive to Hong Kong’s development as an education hub and facilitate more exchange of talents with the Greater Bay Area and overseas countries.  Members suggested that the Government take into account the operational needs of individual industries in detailed planning, and provide necessary support to those affected by the development, including brownfield operators. Members also welcomed the establishment of an exhibition centre to promote the Northern Metropolis and other major development projects.
     The DEVB would take into account Members’ views when taking forward the various initiatives and work with different sectors to implement them as soon as possible.    

New Advisory Group Launched to Meet a Changing Business Environment

 A new consortium for independent consultants has recently been launched to address the future of business. Collaborative Business Support (CBS) is providing both a solution to the new paradigms created during the pandemic, but it also redefines the way we work.

The pandemic created a myriad of issues experienced by both the employer and the employee as shown in quiet-quitting, quiet-hiring, worker shortages and talent gaps. Add to the mix the global inflation woes impacting every market segment from energy to food to distribution channels, eventually impacting main-street U.S.A.

Collaborative Business Support is a network of experienced professional advisors providing customized solutions for public, private and nonprofit organizations. Their network model provides unique solutions for clients needing to supplement their staff or to fill operational expertise gaps.

The cross-sector knowledge of their advisors produces customized and effective solutions for clients. By complementing each other’s skill sets and strengths to create a dynamic team approach. They deliver practical, tangible results through integrated expertise and best practices.

CBS executive director Linda Rhinehart said, “Integrating an outsourcing plan with the operational process is a smart option especially during times of uncertainty. Contractual professional support has shown to provide a cost-effective solution by increasing operational efficiencies by 20%.”

Rhinehart added, “When organizations engage with Collaborative Business Support, we provide the outsourced talent and flexible solutions to help clients innovate and grow their operations. Clients can then avoid the costs incurred by full-time employees such as overhead, training, office space and benefits.”

“Clients benefit from our advisor network model, which combines practice areas for a multidisciplinary approach to solving specific challenges and requirements. Our process involves analyzing operations, identifying issues, implementing strategies and developing processes to achieve successful outcomes.” Rhinehart said.

About Collaborative Business Support
Collaborative Business Support is a network of experienced professional advisors providing customized solutions for public, private and nonprofit organizations. Our seasoned experts integrate proven methodologies and best practices to deliver practical, tangible results for our clients. We bring a wide range of expertise to help build, manage and strengthen organizations. To learn more about CBS, please visit our website. To engage CBS or to join their team, please see our Contact Us webpage.

Collaborative Business Support
Robert Philbin, Senior P.R. Advisor



  • Business

Hong Kong – Land and Development Advisory Committee holds meeting

Land and Development Advisory Committee holds meeting


     At its meeting today (May 19), the Land and Development Advisory Committee (LDAC) was briefed on the pilot scheme to incentivise private sector redevelopment in Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok through transfer of plot ratio, as well as the legislative proposal to streamline the arrangement for extension of land leases.
     Members supported the proposed pilot scheme on transfer of plot ratio in Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok through processing of planning applications under Section 16 of the Town Planning Ordinance (Cap. 131) by the Town Planning Board. Members acknowledged that the pilot scheme would expedite urban renewal as well as release development potential of sites, such as those of smaller size, and transfer it to sites with higher development intensity for redevelopment, while at the same time enable the original small sites to be developed into open space benefitting the community, or other community facilities, or even to be put to conservation purposes. Members also welcomed the introduction of various incentives under the scheme, such as interchangeability of domestic and non-domestic plot ratio. Members suggested the Government to articulate clearly the vision of the pilot scheme and its public good in terms of urban improvement and planning benefits for the relevant localities. Members considered that the processing of applications under the pilot scheme should comply with the established and treasured planning principles such as those related to visual impact and urban design aspects. Members also advised the Government to ensure that effective and enforceable means should be put in place for securing the intended planning gains in the application sites according to the approved proposal. Members took note that a review would be conducted in 2025 with a view to enhancing the operational details of the scheme, which includes the possibility of extending the scheme to other districts, so as to better facilitate market players to make use of the transfer of plot ratio mechanism to expedite urban renewal. The Development Bureau and the Planning Department would take into account Members’ views to refine the scheme and the relevant Town Planning Board guidelines.
     Members welcomed the Government’s legislative proposal for extending upcoming expiring land leases in a streamlined manner in preparation for their expiry from June 2025 onwards. Members noted that the Government promulgated a clear land policy since July 1997 to handle extension of general purpose leases (viz. those for commercial, residential or industrial uses) at its sole discretion for a term of 50 years without charging an additional premium but subject to payment of an annual rent. Members understood that the proposed legislation would not change the said policy, but would simplify the extension mechanism such that a general purpose lease could be extended by operation of the law, without requiring owners to undergo the cumbersome procedures of executing lease extension documents as in the existing practice. Members agreed that this legislative proposal would have tremendous significance in giving confidence to the public and investors, as well as maintaining the sustainable development of the property market in Hong Kong. Members suggested the Government to present the messages clearly to the public and continue to secure their support on this important legislative proposal. The Development Bureau will take into account Members’ suggestions as it continues to draft the bill, which will be introduced into the Legislative Council in the second half of 2023.

Hong Kong – The Advisory Council on Environment discusses Additional Information prepared for environmental impact assessment report on partial development of Fanling Golf Course site

The Advisory Council on Environment discusses Additional Information prepared for environmental impact assessment report on partial development of Fanling Golf Course site


The following is issued on behalf of the Advisory Council on the Environment:
     The Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) held a meeting today (May 3) and discussed the Additional Information prepared for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on Technical Study on Partial Development of Fanling Golf Course Site – Feasibility Study (the Study).
     At its meeting held on August 19, 2022, the ACE decided that the EIA report on the Study would neither be endorsed nor rejected after two rounds of voting and detailed discussion, but the project proponent (i.e. the Civil Engineering and Development Department) would be required to provide Additional Information to the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP). On August 24, 2022, the ACE issued its comments on the EIA report to the DEP in accordance with the EIA process stipulated under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance and advised that the project proponent should submit Additional Information on eight key topics for the DEP’s consideration to facilitate his final decision on whether to approve the EIA report.
     The project proponent submitted a draft document on the Additional Information to the ACE on April 18, 2023. At today’s meeting, the project proponent reported the content of the draft Additional Information and sought the ACE’s comments on it.
     After listening to the report of project proponent, members unanimously considered that six out of the eight key topics of the Additional Information, namely conducting an additional bird survey for seven months and an additional moth survey for two months; providing further details of the bat survey; formulating tree compensation and management plans; submitting detailed analysis on the hydrological impact and the shading impact of the proposed housing blocks to the trees were in general sufficient to establish the conclusion of the EIA report.
     As for the other two key topics of the Additional Information, namely a detailed layout plan of the proposed housing development and information on how the grave situated in Sub-Area 1 should be handled, members agreed that the project proponent has not fully addressed the concern of the ACE. The ACE held the view that in case DEP decides to approve the EIA report, he should consider imposing a condition to request the project proponent to amend the detailed housing development layout plan to entail the preservation of the existing around 0.4 hectares of woodland. The ACE noted that the project proponent is in contact with affected descendent and the matter should be discussed and followed up between the two parties. The ACE will provide written comments to the project proponent in due course.