Hong Kong – Speech by DCS at HKIS Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony (English only) (with photos)

Speech by DCS at HKIS Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony (English only) (with photos)


     Following is the speech by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony this evening (July 12):

Deputy Director-General Ye Shuiqiu (Deputy Director-General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government), Sr Francis Lam (President of the HKIS), Sr Professor Winnie Shiu (Chairlady of the HKIS Awards 2024 Organising Committee), the Honourable Tony Tse (Legislative Council Member), government colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening to you. It is my pleasure to be here today to witness the presentation of the HKIS Awards 2024, which is indeed the inaugural edition of this award. I am delighted that the HKIS has taken the initiative to organise this meaningful event, which serves as an excellent platform for promoting and recognising the contributions made by the surveying profession to the development of Hong Kong. I would also like to express my warm congratulations to the award finalists for their hard work and outstanding achievements.
     The surveying profession is the backbone of the development sector in Hong Kong. Over the years, the HKIS has accomplished a lot in upholding the professionalism of surveying practitioners through standard setting and representing Hong Kong in the international surveying arena. Moreover, the HKIS has been a close partner of the Government and given many a constructive advice to us in our formulation of relevant policies and implementation of projects. To name a few, the new legislation for extending land leases by operation of law (which just came into effect last Friday); the measures for streamlining the processing procedures for development including charging land premium at standard rates; the updating of the compulsory sale regime, and the measures for improving building safety, have all been taken forward with the benefit of the HKIS’ useful and balanced suggestions.
     The Institute’s efforts in organising the HKIS Awards 2024 amply demonstrate the HKIS’ passion in echoing society’s needs and promoting good practices in the profession. The theme “Surveying for a Sustainable Future” is indeed visionary, timely and fitting. It echoes the Government’s determination in promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly Hong Kong, as well as the global efforts in attaining sustainable development. As far as Hong Kong, our home, is concerned, the Government published in 2021 Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, which outlined the city’s de-carbonisation strategies in realising the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, alongside the more vigorous interim target to reduce Hong Kong’s carbon emissions by 50 per cent before 2035. Therefore, while the Government has been forging ahead relentlessly with development to expedite land and housing supply by enhancing “quantity”, “speed” and “efficiency”, ensuring and enhancing “quality” is equally important to us. To this end, we have among others been stepping up the adoption of green and smart initiatives in the planning of new development areas, and incentivising sustainable building designs and use of green innovation and technology in private developments. 
     The Government is fully committed to providing a quality living environment which allows our people to enjoy the place they live and as well attracts outside talent and enterprises to come. We all know this is a mission that requires the joint efforts of the Government, the private sector, industry professionals and other stakeholders. The HKIS is an important partner, and we will continue to work closely with the Institute in the sustainability journey to achieve more for the betterment of our city.
     The projects of the award finalists today are great sources of inspiration for promoting sustainable development. They epitomize the innovation, creativity and technical excellence of the surveying profession. I notice that the list of finalists is very comprehensive. It covers a wide range of different types of development projects, ranging from residential, commercial to welfare; the different stages of implementation from planning, construction to post-occupation; and a variety of participants from the private sector, public bodies, government departments and NGOs. All these go to show the solidarity and unwavering endeavours across the entire surveying profession to strive for a more sustainable Hong Kong. Each finalist project team deserves recognition for their exceptional contributions and leadership in the field. I have high hope that this high-quality human capital we have will play an instrumental role in bringing a more sustainable future for Hong Kong.
     Taking this opportunity, I would like to also congratulate the HKIS for its 40th anniversary in this year. We are thankful for the continuous support that the HKIS has rendered to the work of the Government all along. Let’s work together to strengthen the Government-HKIS relationship in the years to come. I wish the event tonight great success.

     Thank you.

MWSA announces its 2024 awards finalists

SAN DIEGOJuly 8, 2024PRLog — MWSA announced its 2024 awards finalists on July 6, 2024, via Facebook video presentation. To learn more, visit the link at the bottom of this message.

Chicken Scratchings: Fifty Inspirational Stories from a Mother Hen by Nancy Panko
Fading Memories of An Old Soldier: Vietnam 1968-1979 by Elvis Lynn Bray
Holes in Our Hearts: An Anthology of New Mexican Military Related Stories and Poetry by Jim Tritten, Dan Wetmore, and Joe Badal, editors and contributing authors

Creative Nonfiction
Capturing Skunk Alpha by Raúl Herrera
The Expendable by John Lewis Floyd

Historical Fiction
Bikini Beach by Butch Maki
Down a Dark Road by H. W. “Buzz” Bernard
Somewhere In The South Pacific by John J. Gobbell
Trust No One by Glenn Dyer

Berkshire Patriots: Stories of Sacrifice by Dennis G. Pregent
Phoenix Rising: From the Ashes of Desert One to the Rebirth of U.S. Special Operations by Col. (Ret) Keith M. Nightingale
The Human Face of D-Day by Keith Nightingale
Unraveling the Myth of Sgt. Alvin York: The Other Sixteen by James P. Gregory Jr.

Horror/Fantasy/Sci Fi
Steal the Reaper by Todd Hosea

How to/Business/Self Help
Hiring Veterans: How To Leverage Military Talent for Organizational Growth by Matthew J. Louis
Mission Transition: Navigating the Opportunities and Obstacles to Your Post-Military Career by Matthew J. Louis

Literary Fiction
Secrets at Deep Lake by Nancy Wakeley
Secrets of Ash by Josh Green
Where the Seams Meet by Patrick Holcomb

A Victor’s Tale by Doc Westring
Finding Waypoints by Terese Schlachter and Colonel Gregory Gadson (ret.)
Hangar 4 by Isaac G. Lee
Milspouse Matters: Sharing Strength Through Our Stories by Jen McDonald
My Navy! by Lieutenant Hans G. Fett
Rescued by Andy L. Vistrand
Steel Soldier: Guadalcanal Odyssey by James J. Messina with Charles Messina
Vietnam Combat: Firefights and Writing History by Robin Bartlett

A Dangerous Season: A Sheriff Matt Callahan Mystery by Russell Fee
Against All Enemies by Thomas M. Wing
Alchemy’s Reach by Patricia Walkow and Chris Allen
Another Death at Gettysburg by Peter Adams Young
Deadly Depths by John F. Dobbyn
Monroe Doctrine Volume VIII by James Rosone & Miranda Watson
Sea of Red by James Bultema
Shadow Sanction by Steve Stratton
The China Connection by Timothy Trainer
The Raven and the Dove by Elvis Bray
The Warmaker: a Black Spear novel by Benjamin Spada
The Widow and the Warrior by John Wemlinger
Welcome Home to Murder by Rosalie Spielman

Pictorial/Coffee Table
The Borinqueneers, A Visual History of the 65th Infantry Regiment by Noemi Figueroa Soulet

Picture Book
If I Had a Baby Elephant… by Nancy Panko
Into The Storm by Darcy Guyant
Welcome Home Melanie Mae by Tiffany Rebar

Poetry Book
Knowing When by Mark Fleisher
Magical Morning Moments: Awakening to Love and Light by Wanda W. Jerome and Jasmine Tritten
When Eagles Vie with Valkyries by Paul Hellweg

Always Remembering by Kathy Kasunich
The Road to Empire by John Wemlinger

Young Adult (fiction or non-fiction)
Luke Under Fire: Caught Behind Enemy Lines by D. C. Reep and E. A. Allen

To watch the announcement video or for details about each of the books below, visit our 2024 season webpage: https://www.mwsadispatches.com/2024-season

The 9th Quam IR Awards was Successfully Held

HONG KONG, May 24, 2024 – (ACN Newswire) – The Quam IR Awards 2023 (‘QIRA’ or ‘The Awards’) award presentation ceremony took place on 24 May, 2024 at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, recognizing investor relations teams that keep pace with the times in a rapidly changing environment, as well as outstanding enterprises with excellent sustainable development management.

Management of Quam Plus Financial Group, including Ms. May Mak, Chief Financial Officer (third from the left), Dr. Army Yan, Chief Investment Officer (sixth from the left), and Mr. Christopher Tang, Chief Executive Officer of Quam Asset Management Limited (third from the right) took picture together with award presenters and representatives of awarded companies.
Management of Quam Plus Financial Group, including Ms. May Mak, Chief Financial Officer (third from the left), Dr. Army Yan, Chief Investment Officer (sixth from the left), and Mr. Christopher Tang, Chief Executive Officer of Quam Asset Management Limited (third from the right) took picture together with award presenters and representatives of awarded companies.

Transparent and Fair Corporate Disclosure Drives Healthy Financial Markets

Fairness and transparency in information disclosure to the public are very crucial factors that the public considers when making investment decisions. Beyond just enhancing public understanding of the company, this also helps drive the healthy development of the financial markets. Quam IR Awards is proud to recognize and reward the very best listed company in investor relations industry. The winners of the QIRA have opened the door of communication through diversified channels, representing the tact and professionalism of investor relations. The keen enthusiasm for the 9th Quam IR Awards can be seen from the entries. A total of 13 companies have differentiated themselves from their competitors to won the Awards. 

Special Awards Recognizing Sustainable Development Achievements

To recognize the performance and contributions of organizations in implementing sustainable development goals, Quam IR has partnered again this year with Hong Kong Sustainability Strategic Advisory Limited (HKSSA), an advisory firm focusing on enterprises’ abilities of their sustainable development, to professionally select the winning companies in the  “Sustainable Development Category” awards to commend enterprises that have demonstrated outstanding overall performance in ESG aspects.

In addition, three special awards have been featured, including “Sustainable Development Category – The Best Report of the Year”, “Sustainable Development Category – Carbon Management”, and “Sustainable Development Category- The Best Approach of Carbon Management of the Year”. These awards aim to shine a spotlight on companies that have demonstrated exemplary performance in environmental protection, particularly in energy conservation, and carbon reduction initiatives.

Investor Relations Prominence Accentuated in Volatile Macroeconomic Climate

Ms. May Mak, Chief Financial Officer of Quam Plus Financial Group, said at the opening remark “Our investors are more than financiers; they are our partners who share our vision and support our growth. We value their trust and understand the significance of transparent and considerate relationships. This is why investor relations plays a crucial role in fostering transparency, trust, and effective communication between our company and its investors.”  

Dr. Army Yan, Chief Investment Officer of Quam Plus Financial Group, said “2023 was another turmoil year for the Hong Kong market amidst continuing geo-political conflict. PRC policy changes and high interest rate. While all other major markets recorded increases in 2023, HSI was down 13.8%. In the times of market uncertainty, the role of IR becomes even more vital.” He then commended all the award winners, saying “Relaxation of southbound stock connect and increasing interest from the west have seen our market rebounded. The share price of all of our winners have performed well. Together, let us forge ahead, embracing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.”

Steadfast Support from Industry Peers and Media Allies

Quam IR was pleased to invite Mr. Robert Lee, Member of the Legislative Council – Functional Constituency (Financial Services), Dr Alvin Ho, CFA. President of CFA Society Hong Kong, Dr. Gordon Tsui Luen-on Permanent Honorary President, Hong Kong Securities Association and Prof. Yan Xu, Associate Director of Center for Business Strategy and Innovation, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as our guests of honour to witness such grand occasion.

The 9th Quam IR Awards came to a successful conclusion, thanks to our supporters in the business community, media friends and sponsors in Hong Kong and mainland China. Our supporting media partners include The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies, The Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association, CFA Society Hong Kong, Ming Pao, Caiguu, FX168 and FX678. Quam IR is grateful for their support, which make Quam IR Awards 2023 a success.

The list of awardees for Quam IR Awards 2023 (In alphabetical order of company name):

Stock Code

Company Name

Hong Kong Index Constituents (Hang Seng Index) Category


Lenovo Group Limited     


Power Assets Holdings Limited


Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited

Main Board Category


China Overseas Grand Oceans Group Limited    


Shanghai Conant Optical Co., Ltd.


Shun Tak Holdings Limited


Tai Hing Group Holdings Limited 

Sustainable Development Category



ANTA Sports Products Limited    



Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited



Nan Nan Resources Enterprise Ltd



Lai Si Enterprise Holding Limited

Carbon Management – Gold


Cornerstone Technologies Holdings Limited

The Best Report of the Year


China State Construction International Holdings Limited

The Best Approach of Carbon Management of the Year


China State Construction International Holdings Limited

Website of Quam IR Awards 2023: https://eventedm.tonghaiir.com/QIRA2023-24/ 

For enquiries,
Quam IR
Marketing & PR contact:
Ms. Mandy Lo, T: 2217-2753, Email: mandy.lo@quamgroup.com 
Ms. Charlie Chan, T: 2217-2504, Email: charlie.chan@quamgroup.com 

Topic: Press release summary

CX Asia Excellence Awards 2024 Opens – Submit Your Entry and Be Recognised as a CX Leader!

Calling all customer experience (CX) champions in Asia! The CX Asia Excellence Awards 2024 is now open for submissions, marking its 10th year of celebrating the best-in-class CX practices across the region.

Showcase your innovative CX strategies and gain global recognition. The awards shine a spotlight on transformative approaches and commend the achievements of individuals and organisations within the vibrant Asian CX community.

This year, we’re excited to introduce four new categories:

  • Best Use of Data & Customer Insights
  • Best Use of Artificial Intelligence
  • Best Use of Intelligent Chatbots
  • Best Use of MarTech

Highlight your commitment to exceptional CX. Submit your entries by 7 June 2024 across 14 diverse categories, including Omni-Channel Experience, Employee Experience, Contact Centre, Digital Experience, and more. Entry is completely free and open to organisations and individuals across Asia.  Visit cxasia-awards.com to learn more about the categories, eligibility criteria, and download the official brochure.

Winners will be announced at the CX Asia Excellence Awards Ceremony, taking place on 20th November during CX Asia Week 2024. Themed Superheroes this year, the CX Asia Awards Ceremony offers the perfect opportunity to network with industry leaders, share best practices, and celebrate your team’s remarkable achievements alongside your fellow CX champions.

2023 Awards: Celebrating Excellence in CX

2023 saw exceptional submissions showcasing the power of innovative CX strategies. We extend a warm congratulations to all the winners who set the bar high across various categories, including:

Gold Award Winners:

  • Best Brand Experience & Best Social Media Experience: Bumrungrad International Hospital
  • Best Employee Engagement: United Overseas Bank
  • Best Use of Mobile: AIA Indonesia
  • Best Use of CX Technology: Shell Aviation Limited
  • CX Vendor Excellence: Jio Haptik Technologies Ltd
  • Best Contact Centre: DHL Express (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
  • Best CX Personality: Trust Bank Singapore
  • Best Omni-Channel Experience: Income Insurance Limited
  • Best Customer Experience Team: Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
  • Best Customer Experience: AIA Group

Unleash your CX superpowers and submit your entries today!

About IQPC 

At its core IQPC is a global business to business event company that has embraced the digital age. We are the go-to source for online and offline events, information, education, networking, and promotion for executives across industries.  

About CX Asia 

CX Asia has been the go-to hub for Asia’s CX leaders for 12 years. This platform connects the industry’s best, offering insights, connections, and learning through conferences, awards, and valuable content. Senior customer experience, service, insight, digital and marketing decision makers have gathered to dive deep into best practices, explore innovations, and celebrate regional excellence – all designed to help deliver incredible customer experiences and become truly customer-centric.

The PropertyGuru Asia Awards Malaysia in partnership with iProperty launch 11th edition with exciting new honours for ESG

Organisers of the PropertyGuru Asia Awards Malaysia in partnership with iProperty today unveiled new dates and details for the programme’s 2024 edition during an exclusive gathering attended by business leaders.

Malaysia’s finest development companies and real estate projects are set be honoured at the celebration of the 11th Annual PropertyGuru Asia Awards Malaysia in partnership with iProperty on Friday, 25 October 2024. Around 400 executives and senior professionals are expected to be in attendance at the highly anticipated awards presentation and gala dinner in Kuala Lumpur. 

Entries are now accepted via awards.propertyguru.com until 31 May 2024. With a professionally run and supervised judging system, an independent panel of experts will provide their fair, credible perspectives on entrants during the Live Judging Days, set for July 2024.

Consumers in Malaysia will also get the opportunity to voice their preferences through the People’s Choice Awards. For a limited period in July, property seekers will be able to vote for their favourite developers to win the Awards, showcasing the pulse of the Malaysian consumers.

(left to right: Jules Kay, Angela Ong – Head of Sales & Marketing from Malton Berhad, Datuk Zaini Yusoff – Chief Operating Officer from SP Setia Berhad, Kenny Wong (Chief Marketing Officer) from UEM Sunrise, Sheldon Fernandez)
(left to right: Tong Chee Leng (PropertyGuru), Grace Tan (PropertyGuru), Ashraf Othman- Group Director from JL Projects Sdn Bhd)
Entries are now accepted via awards.propertyguru.com until 31 May 2024

Key dates for the 2024 edition:
31 May 2024 – Entries close
1-14 July 2024 – People’s Choice Awards voting period
15-17 July 2024 – Live Judging Days
25 October 2024 – Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
13 December 2024 – Regional Grand Final Gala Presentation in Bangkok, Thailand

Championing ESG

This year’s Awards hold special significance as they introduce five new categories recognising achievements in ESG: Low Carbon Champion, Energy Efficient Champion, Sustainable Design Champion, Sustainable Construction Champion, and Social Impact Champion.

Jules Kay, general manager of PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards and Events, said: “We are delighted to distinguish the finest real estate in Malaysia across a broad spectrum of categories this year. Supported by the leading property portals in Malaysia, PropertyGuru.com.my and iProperty.com.my, the Awards have expanded in 2024 to include new categories, honouring the property developers that are championing environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) throughout the country. These accolades acknowledge the sustainability endeavours and positive impact of premier developers, in line with Malaysia’s push towards attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Our Awards not only set the Gold Standard of real estate but also elevate the industry’s commitment to environmental, social, and corporate responsibility, leading to a better future for stakeholders in the property sector.”

The inclusion of the new categories coincides with GreenRE and Malaysia Green Building Council’s (MGBC) appointment as the Official ESG Knowledge Partners of the 2024 Awards. As Malaysia’s leading green building certification bodies, GreenRE and MGBC are instrumental in the development of the judging framework and criteria for the Awards’ ESG categories.

A staunch advocate for a sustainable built environment, GreenRE’s Executive Director Ir. Ashwin Thurairajah joins the 18-member, professional judging panel of the Awards for the first time this year, along with returning judge, MGBC President Ar. Dr. Serina Hijjas.

Datuk Ar. Ezumi Harzani Ismail, chairperson of the independent panel of judges of the Awards and president of the Malaysian Institute of Architects: 2020-2022, said: “It is important for developers to set a high standard in real estate to push the boundaries of conventional design and introduce innovations that set them apart. Participating in the Awards motivates architects and developers to explore novel materials, cutting-edge technologies, and new construction methods that inspire new architecture with a fresh perspective on the possibilities of the built environment. A great development shapes and influences the world we live in, leaving a lasting legacy for years to come, and brings the developer ahead of others.”

HLB, the global network of independent professional accounting firms and business advisers, is entrusted with overseeing the entire judging process and ensuring that it is conducted with integrity and transparency.

Representation for Malaysia

Top winners of the Awards in Malaysia will qualify to compete for regional accolades at the 19th PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards Grand Final 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand on 13 December. Malaysia’s best developers, developments, and designs will contend for the Best in Asia honours with their counterparts from Australia, Cambodia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Greater Niseko (Japan), India, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.   

Malaysia was represented with four regional wins at the Grand Final in 2023, led by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS), winner of the Best Affordable Homes Developer (Asia) award. Projects by Eastern & Oriental Berhad, Eupe Corporation Berhad, and Sime Darby Property also garnered Best in Asia titles.

As the property market gradually rebounds and environmental awareness spreads among prospective buyers and investors, developments that meet the standards of energy efficiency, functionality, and sustainability are set to spearhead the future Malaysian market.

Informed decisions, economic optimism

According to the PropertyGuru Malaysia Consumer Sentiment Study H1 2024, 77% of property seekers believe that climate change is influencing their purchase decisions while 30% are willing to pay more for a green home.

Despite uncertain expectations for the property market this year, service sectors are expected to continue spearheading economic expansion, according to PropertyGuru’s Malaysia Property Market Outlook 2024. Areas with a robust presence of service sectors are likely to remain appealing to home seekers while infrastructural developments, such as those in Johor and Penang, are expected to drive demand.

The PropertyGuru Asia Awards Malaysia in partnership with iProperty.com.my are the most respected and most sought-after real estate industry awards programme in the country. The event is part of the regional PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards series, which marks its 19th year in 2024. The Awards series covers key markets across the region, spanning Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania, with exclusive gala dinners and awards ceremonies that represent the most anticipated property events of the year. 

Organised by PropertyGuru Group (NYSE: PGRU), Southeast Asia’s leading property technology company, the 11th PropertyGuru Asia Awards Malaysia in partnership with iProperty are supported by official portal partners PropertyGuru.com.my and iProperty.com.my; official ESG knowledge partners GreenRE and Malaysia Green Building Council; official magazine Property Report by PropertyGuru; media partners Kopi & Property, Marketing In Asia, Niaga Times, Penang Property Talk, The Malaysia Voice, and Top 10 Malaysia; and official supervisor HLB.

For more information, email awards@propertyguru.com or visit the official website: AsiaPropertyAwards.com.


PropertyGuru’s Asia Property Awards are the region’s most exclusive and prestigious real estate awards programme. The Asia Property Awards are recognised as the ultimate hallmark of excellence in the Asian property sector. Boasting an independent panel of industry experts and trusted supervisors, the Awards have an unparalleled reputation for being credible, ethical, fair, and transparent.

Since launching in 2005, the PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards have been presented to outstanding developers, developments, and designs in the region’s most dynamic property markets. The exciting gala events welcome senior industry leaders and top media, as well as reach property agents and consumers via live streaming. Recognising excellence within each Asian market with a variety of categories, including green and sustainable development, each local awards programme will culminate in the PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards Grand Final, which takes place after the PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit during PropertyGuru Week in December 2024.

For more information, please visit AsiaPropertyAwards.com 


PropertyGuru is Southeast Asia’s leading PropTech company, and the preferred destination for over 37 million property seekers to connect with almost 59,000 agents monthly3 to find their dream home. PropertyGuru empowers property seekers with more than 2.9 million real estate listings4, in-depth insights, and solutions that enable them to make confident property decisions across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. 

PropertyGuru.com.sg was launched in Singapore in 2007 and since then, PropertyGuru Group has made the property journey a transparent one for property seekers in Southeast Asia. In the last 15 years, PropertyGuru has grown into a high-growth PropTech company with a robust portfolio including leading property marketplaces and award-winning mobile apps across its core markets; mortgage marketplace, PropertyGuru Finance; home services platform, Sendhelper; a host of proprietary enterprise solutions under PropertyGuru For Business including DataSense, ValueNet, Awards, events and publications across Asia. 

For more information, please visit: PropertyGuruGroup.com; PropertyGuru Group on LinkedIn.

Footnotes & Citation:
(1) Based on SimilarWeb data between April 2023 and September 2023.
(2) Based on Google Analytics data between April 2023 and September 2023.
(3) Based on data between July 2023 and September 2023.
(4) Based on data between April 2023 and September 2023.

Group: Key Statistics as of November 2023
* Property seekers: 37 million
* No. of agents: 59,000
* Real estate listings: 2.9 million

Strong Category Leadership Drives Long-Term Growth Opportunities
As of September 30, 2023, PropertyGuru continued its Engagement Market Share*
* Singapore: 83% – 6.2x the closest peer
* Malaysia: 92% – 12.8x the closest peer
* Vietnam: 80% – 4.0x the closest peer
* Thailand: 51% – 1.7x the closest peer

*Based on SimilarWeb data between April 2023 and September 2023.


General Enquiries:
Richard Allan Aquino, Head of Brand & Marketing Services
M: +66 92 954 4154
E: allan@propertyguru.com   

Sales & Nominations:
June Fong, Events Director & Head of Awards (Malaysia)
M: +6019-319 0127
E: june.fong@iproperty.com.my 

Media & Partnerships:
Nate Dacua, Media Relations & Marketing Services Manager
M: +66 92 701 2519
E: nate@propertyguru.com

Topic: Press release summary