Top 09 reasons to do PR in the current scenario – PR24x7

We are living in a world where every day is filled with several uncertainties. In a spare of a few months, our whole outlook towards the world as well as to our lives have changed. While this change may have given birth to various possibilities and opportunities, it holds the power to shift the dynamics of existing public health and the global economy. The economic crisis has already crushed down some businesses while some are still fighting to survive. At this time, businesses need to hold their ground to stay up float. The need to have effective balanced communication between brands and their public is at peak, and who better than PR can do this job effortlessly? PR industry may have been facing some difficulties due to lockdown and pandemic, but it stills holds the key to a well-established business. Businesses and startups at present need PR more than ever. Let’s find out how PR at present is a necessity considering the existential crisis:

Communications the utmost priority

In the current scenario, media is the key to acquire messages and news whether it is newspapers, portals, channels, or social media. Various news regarding brands and businesses circulates daily. While positive news may give you a boost, the negative news may ruin your reputation amidst the public. Having a PR helps you manage the news that is surrounding your brand in the market and it also ensures two-way communications between your brand and public. In other words, PR helps you connect with your audience.

Maintain your reputation

Having a stellar reputation in the market is an absolute need. It is your reputation that determines the public’s opinion and trust in your brand. It takes years of hard work to build a good reputation, but one wrong move will push you all the way down. Needless to say, it is a very fragile thing and therefore, needs special attention. Public Relations are the most effective way to maintain or build your reputation among your peers and subjects. Through campaigns and activities, PR supports you in increasing your brand awareness and have a clear cut image.

High credibility

Trust plays an important role in determining the success of a brand. It is PR who will support in establishing yourself as a strong and trustworthy brand both in the media and public eyes. Having PR will help your brand with more credibility. Media at present is facing many inconsistencies therefore; it is highly unlikely that prominent media houses will entertain you if you approach them directly. If you want positive media attention, you will need PR to assist you.

PR balance both sides of the equation

PR is not all about disseminating press releases and ensuring good coverage. PR pros have complete knowledge of what the public wants and what your brand needs. Public relations use various PR tactics and strategies to spread your message to the right audience at the right time. Today, people all over the globe are suffering due to COVID 19 pandemic. At this point, your brand needs to work hand in hand with the public. Here’s where PR expertise will come handily. PR pros have the experience to know what people at present are going through and what they need. PR will assist you in planning every launch, announcements, and campaigns at present so that you may continue to hold your place in public eyes.

Accurate content and context

At present, people are going through many emotions including despair, hopelessness, panic, and anxiety. It would do you no good if you put up a formal press release to disseminate in the media. People at present are more likely to gravitate towards insightful and compassionate press releases that will give them a flicker of hope. PR comprises highly skilled content writers who have the proper knowledge and skills to write for blogs, social sites, and newspapers. Today, contents need to be soulful, so much so that, they would have the power to reach the hearts of your audience. You may have a good reputation in the market but if you are unable to appreciate your customer, you will not be their first choice.

Crisis management

The need to have an efficient crisis management team has increased consequently in the last few months. Whether it is a miscommunication between a brand and media or fake news went viral, brands are finding themselves in the middle of bad publicity consequently in the past few months. Having a PR for your brand is a blessing for brands. Not only they have the experience to handle such critical situations, but they also have the efficiency to solve the crisis as early as possible

It is no time for experiments

If you think you can handle your PR at this point, you are wrong. You may have few tricks up your sleeve, but that will do you no good when you will find yourself in an unexpected situation and your reputation is in danger. This is the time to favor experience over experiments. PR pros are the master of techniques. They know how to pitch media, secure coverage, compose press releases, strategize and plan PR campaigns, and ultimately, build your brand awareness. Instead of trying to do them all by you, let PR do its job.

Approach to mass media

PR agencies have a far wider approach to population than anyone else. They have stronger media relations not only with publications but with online portals, electronic channels, bloggers, and social media influencers. There is a considerable increase in the use of digital media in the past few months, so much so that brands are focusing more on social sites for exposure. Connecting with so many media influencers to promote your product is a rather difficult task. Public relations are not bounded to print media only. They have expanded their circle and therefore has strong media relations with other modes of media.

Determining the target audience

One of the features of PR is to determine the target audience for the brand. With all these uncertainties and chaos surrounding us, you will find it is hard to determine the specific target audience you want to focus on. Focusing your efforts where it is not needed, will hamper your time and energy. PR will help you increase your brand’s visibility and outreach. You will need to focus on regional media and prominent publications so that, your news can reach a specific targeted audience. For that purpose, you will require the support of PR.

Let’s get started. Contact us or give us a call (+91) 97550 20247 and discover how PR 24×7 can help develop an integrated PR strategy that delivers measurable business improvement.

THIS IS SHE’ – Social working housewives to get a new name.

Woman, a word that is synonymous with the creator of this world. A creator, who creates a human being, shapes a society, and our values. Our community harbours many such creative women who are not only managing household affairs but also selflessly working towards the welfare of our society. To tribute these devoted women, brings a new initiative,’THIS IS SHE’.

‘THIS IS SHE’ explaining the need for this initiative, the co-founder of Mr. Atul Malikram states, “There is a misconception held by the general public that a housewife is just equipped for housework. Nonetheless, there are also such women around us, who have not just taken care of their families, but also have come forward to work for our society. The contribution of these housewives to the growth and development of our society is invaluable. And despite their achievements, they are down to earth, and to honor their simplicity and elegance we bring the platform ‘THIS IS SHE’.

Ordinarily in today’s time of busy routine, to manage time from the household work to come forward for social work gets extremely difficult, however, our nation’s housewives worked from home and considered social work as their duty with most extreme devotion.

‘THIS IS SHE’ is an initiative that is one of its kind. ‘THIS IS SHE’ will conduct live webinars where the stories of such social workers will be told and their experiences will be shared. They will also be honored on this online platform. The live program will be inaugurated on the 5th November on the Facebook page and Youtube channel of additionally conducts various webinar programs on themes related to social interest like independent youth, Meri Lado, Open Mic, Second Innings, and so on. #VichitraKintuSatya Series: Read these stories, you’ll start believing in ghosts

Miracles, magic and ghosts are words that we cannot rely on in the age of science. If something similar happens in front of our eyes, then we begin to understand the science behind it. Or they say that it should be investigated … only then can we reach a conclusion and trust it. But there are some stories in the world, beyond which science has also accepted defeat.

Yonaguni ruins

In 1986, divers found a cliff ladder near Yonaguni Island in Japan. These submerged structures are in large clusters and have a height of up to 5 storeys. The artifacts found there prove the existence of humans in those places. If we believe that these structures are man-made, they belong to prehistoric civilizations.

Andrew Carlson

The man described himself as coming from 2256, in 2003, the FBI arrested a man accused of a stock exchange scam, making 126 very high-risk deals in the stock market and making $ 350 million, though only $ 800 for him . Had invested When caught, he told the police that he had received this information from the future. Someone paid $ 1 million for it and Andrew Carlson disappeared forever.

Dancing plague

An illness in which people started dancing but stopped while dying. It was July 1518, Strasbourg, France when Mrs. Trophia started dancing and did not stop again. A week later, 34 more people started dancing with her. After a month, hundreds of dancers arrived. He danced non-stop. The result was that 400 people died of exhaustion, heart attack or stroke. Science also has no answer to this incident.

Bimini road

During the 1930s, the American psychologist Edgar Cass made a claim, according to which, in 1968 or 1969, the ruins of the lost city of ‘Atlantis’ would be found in Bimini.

In September 1968 near the Paradise Point in North Bimini, 700 meters long, neatly carved limestone blocks were found in the sea. This series of blocks is now called ‘Bimini Road’. While some believe that these famous civilizations are remnants of ‘Atlantis’, some believe that it is the result of seeped deepening.

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Both PR and Advertising play different roles, but the publicity of both is valuable-

Advertising is a paid space, helps a brand to introduce its products and services to the target audience, attract and influence them so that they become customers. Whereas Public Relations is a practice of creative communication. The results of Public relations can be earned through pitching and providing promotional information in the form of Press Release to media.

On the question like which has more reach; Advertising or PR? The founder of, Mr. Atul Malikram says that, if you put an ad in a newspaper or magazine which has 10000 subscribers, you get only 10000 impressions, and many of them forget it soon as it is just an ad. On the other hand, you can send a press release to many newspapers, portals, magazines, radio, blogs, TV stations. Target audiences won’t deny a useful story. They share it with others too if they find it worthy.

You can’t create a buzz with advertising but with PR all you want is to create a buzz. Many Advertisements fail to convince the audience. But the audience never questions a journalist. They appreciate his little words and finds it more worthy and convincing than a full-page advertisement. They often search for a journalist’s reviews about a product or service before buying it. In other words, advertising has less credibility than the news gained by the practice of PR. As the audience knows that advertisements are bought by someone to sell his products and services.

Many businesses have a misconception about advertising and PR. They believe both terms are the same. They feel advertising is not necessary if they resort to PR or vice versa. However, one needs to understand that PR and advertising have a completely different role for one’s business and should know to utilize the best of both worlds.

In the digital era, brand monitoring a powerful tool- Mr.Atul Malikram

These days, we do most of the brand campaigns and initiatives through online media and social media. Monitoring experts have to use tools to track keywords on social media, blogs, news portals, etc. Brand monitoring is also used to find and identify influencers, analyze your competitors, and develop developments in the industry. It allows your brand to monetize on press opportunities and help you gain public insights and needs. In today’s day and age, brands try to engage with more bloggers/influencers via partnerships and sponsorships to discuss the brand and its products/services. Brands also share relevant keywords with the influencers, so they speak about your brand or relevant topics surrounding your brand. They can help you find your competitors and their ongoing initiatives.

Talking about Brand monitoring, Mr.Atul Malikram, the founder of, says that brand monitoring allows you to track what the public is saying on the internet about a brand or company in all forms of media, including blogs, twitter, ‘complaint’ sites, forums, video sharing platforms like YouTube, and social platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.  It also involves monitoring trending hashtags relevant to your brand. So, if you are looking for trending debates or discussions, monitoring the hashtag streams can take you there. It is best to monitor all the different media as widely as possible to keep a close eye on the media intelligence circulating about your brand and competitors.

The onslaught of this pandemic reminds us of the phrase, ‘survival of the fittest’, from the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin. With the economy shattered, the companies are fighting for their survival. In this stiff competition, media monitoring can be an influential tool for companies to stay in the market.

How long will the nomadic community of India have to give the evidence of their existence? –

Nomadic communities in India have a population of more than 13 crores, but in the last 74 years, the empty promises and institutional failure of the governments have brought the problems of this society to a peak. The status of nomadic communities in the country is continuously declining for decades. All the past and present governments are to blame for this society’s disregard. 


There are many special schools for tribals in India, but there is no special school for nomadic communities. In Ajmer district alone, more than 12 thousand children of nomadic communities are deprived of school education. While there are more than 1200 nomadic communities in India who are vast sources of knowledge. They have their own language, customs, and lifestyles and choose to see life very differently. They are very extraordinary people of India whom the government chose to ignore.


In the 2019 budget, the central government announced the creation of a new commission and nominee board in the states and created a post for the upliftment of nomadic communities under NITI Aayog, headed by Bhikhuram Idate. But not a single step for their welfare has been taken yet.

Even the state government is no different from the Central government. Earlier, the Gehlot government of Rajasthan had created a nomad board, which had a budget of fifty lakh rupees. After that, when Vasundhara Raje Scindia came to power, he created a board and appointed the chairman and members, in which the chairman was given the status of Minister of State. But no budget was allocated for that board. Later, the Gehlot government came to power once again in Rajasthan, but the status of the board is still unknown. The Rajasthan government presented its annual budget a month before the lockdown, according to which the total population of Rajasthan is around seven crores and the nomadic community has a population of about 60 lakhs. Yet not a single provision has been made in the budget for this population. 



The Rajasthan government presented its annual budget a month before the lockdown, according to which the total population of Rajasthan is around seven crores and the nomadic community has a population of about 60 lakhs. Yet not a single provision has been made in the budget for this population.


Now let’s talk about Madhya Pradesh. There are 61 nomadic communities in Madhya Pradesh, whose population is close to 70 lakhs. Madhya Pradesh’s government also did not make any policies for the nomadic communities in their budget. These 10 percent of the people of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh do not even have BPL (Below Poverty Line) ration cards. Their elderly and widowed women do not get a pension. The law has made a provision that wherever there are settlements of more than 150 people, there should be an Anganwadi center. They have more than 150 members in a community, yet there is not a single Anganwadi for them.


Even in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the nomadic communities have a population of more than 50 lakhs, but here too, there is neither provision in the budget nor any upliftment program for these people. This is the condition of almost all the states except Kerala.


Because of their wandering lifestyle, when someone from their group dies, people of cities and villages refuse to allow them to perform the last rites. They are then forced to cremate their dead in the deserted places. 

These communities need our society and government to survive. The administration should now consider making appropriate provisions for these communities for welfare and development. 


If you want to give your support in getting back the lost identity of this society in India, join

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