Hong Kong – CFS urges public not to consume two kinds of biscuits imported from Japan suspected to be contaminated with animal faeces

CFS urges public not to consume two kinds of biscuits imported from Japan suspected to be contaminated with animal faeces


     ​The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (June 28) urged the public not to consume two kinds of biscuits imported from Japan as the products might be contaminated with animal faeces. The trade should also stop using or selling the affected products immediately if they possess them.

     Product details are as follows:

Product name: Manna BOLO
Brand: Morinaga
Place of origin: Japan
Barcode: 4902888973154 
Net weight: 36 grams
Best-before date: June 26, 2025
Importer: JFC Hong Kong Limited

Product name: Manna BOLO
Brand: Morinaga
Place of origin: Japan
Barcode: 4902888973161
Net weight: 31 grams
Best-before date: June 27, 2025
Importer: JFC Hong Kong Limited

     A spokesman for the CFS said, “The CFS received a notification from the importer of the products concerned that the above-mentioned products are being recalled as they might be contaminated with animal faeces. Upon learning of the incident, the CFS immediately contacted the importer concerned for follow-up. According to the information it provided, the importer concerned has already stopped sales and removed from shelves the affected products, and voluntarily initiated recalls. Members of the public may call the importer’s hotline at 2487 3453 during office hours for enquiries about the recalls.”

     The CFS will alert the trade to the incident, continue to follow up and take appropriate action. An investigation is ongoing.

Hong Kong – SWD urges public not to take children/family members to care centres

SWD urges public not to take children/family members to care centres


Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Please broadcast the following special announcement immediately, and repeat it at frequent intervals:

     “Due to the issuing of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3, the Social Welfare Department advises members of the public not to take their children or family members to child care centres, centres providing after school care programmes, elderly services centres or day rehabilitation units including sheltered workshops, integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres, integrated vocational training centres and day activity centres. Members of the public who have the need for the services mentioned may contact the centres or service units concerned and confirm their operation hours in advance.”

Hong Kong – AFCD urges public to think carefully before releasing animals

AFCD urges public to think carefully before releasing animals


     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) today (May 14) reminded members of the public to think carefully before participating in mercy releases of animals.

     A spokesman for the AFCD said, “Some members of the public engaged themselves in mercy release activities which involve releasing animals in recent years. However, releasing animals not in a proper manner, including releasing them into an unsuitable habitat, may affect their survival. In addition, if exotic species or species that are incompatible with the local ecology are released, they may compete with native species for resources and adversely affect the local ecology. Therefore, the Government does not encourage the public to release animals.”

     The AFCD sends staff at appropriate times to inspect places where animal releasing activities are likely to take place, and carries out publicity and education work.

     Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169), it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to animals by releasing them not in a proper manner. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and imprisonment for three years upon conviction.

     The spokesman stressed that to safeguard animal welfare, members of the public must think carefully before participating in animal release activities. The AFCD is launching a fish restocking exercise on National Fish Releasing Day on June 6 to release fish fingerlings in Yan Chau Tong Marine Park to enhance local marine resources and ecology. The department will promote to the public the benefits of fish restocking to the environment, with a view to engaging them in supporting and participating in these science-based restocking exercises in lieu of animal releases not properly conducted. They may also consider other charitable activities such as planting trees or participating in volunteer services with animal welfare groups and environmental organisations.

Hong Kong – AFCD urges public not to come into contact with monkeys

AFCD urges public not to come into contact with monkeys


     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) reminds the public the do’s and don’ts when encountering monkeys, subsequent to a case in which a person was attacked by a monkey and contracted a disease after coming into contact with a monkey in the countryside.

     An AFCD spokesman said, “When encountering monkeys, members of the public should avoid eating in front of monkeys, and avoid direct eye contact with monkeys to prevent it from being perceived as a provocative behaviour. When monkeys approach, one should slow down and keep an appropriate distance from them, and refrain from getting close to or touching them. If any person has come into contact with a monkey or its excrement, he or she should immediately wash hands thoroughly with soap and water to maintain personal hygiene. In the event of being bitten or scratched by a monkey, immediate medical assistance should be sought.”

     The spokesman also pointed out that the wild animal feeding ban area has been extended to cover the entire territory of Hong Kong. Anyone who feeds wild animals anywhere in Hong Kong without a special permit will be prosecuted. Under the existing Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap.170), illegal feeding of wild animals, including monkeys, is subject to a maximum fine of $10,000 upon conviction. 

     The spokesman strongly appealed to the public not to feed monkeys. Apart from violating the law, illegal feeding will also change the living habits of wild animals, making them dependent on human beings for food and causing nuisance or even risks to the public.

     The AFCD will continue to neuter monkeys to control their population in the long run, and continue to step up education and publicity such that more people will understand the living habits of monkeys and promote the message of “stop feeding of wild animals”. 

     If a person is disturbed by monkeys, he or she can call 1823 to report the incident to the AFCD for follow-up. Please call 999 for Police’s assistance in emergency situations. The AFCD has also put up posts on its social media platform, mounted posters and banners at prominent locations in country parks and distributed leaflets about monkeys, to convey the above messages to the public.

Hong Kong – LCSD urges spectators who will visit Hong Kong Stadium tomorrow not to trespass on pitch area

LCSD urges spectators who will visit Hong Kong Stadium tomorrow not to trespass on pitch area


     ​The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) strongly condemns the behaviour of a number of spectators who ignored the safety of the public and the players and trespassed on the pitch in violation of regulations at the Tatler XFEST Hong Kong open training session held at the Hong Kong Stadium in the afternoon today (February 3), causing chaos at the venue.

     The organiser solemnly reminds spectators entering the Stadium tomorrow not to trespass on the pitch area and cause nuisance. Anyone who violates the rules will be treated strictly, including immediately expelled from the stadium and the case will be reported to the Police. The behaviours that disregard the safety of the public and the players may also interrupt the game and deprive other fans of their right to watch the game.

     The LCSD appeals to spectators who will visit the Stadium tomorrow to stay in their designated seats to watch the game. The organiser will strengthen security and hold the persons who interfere with the progress of the game responsible.