Hong Kong – SJ to lead delegation to visit Middle East

SJ to lead delegation to visit Middle East


     The Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, will lead an about 30-strong delegation, comprising representatives from the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, Invest Hong Kong and related sectors, this afternoon (May 18) on a five-day visit to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, and Abu Dhabi and Dubai in United Arab Emirates, to promote Hong Kong’s legal and dispute resolution services and enhance co-operation and exchanges between Hong Kong and the Middle East.

     During their visit, Mr Lam and the delegation will meet with local legal and business sectors to have a better understanding of their need for cross-jurisdictional legal services. They will also call on relevant government officials to discuss and exchange views on various areas of legal co-operation.

     Mr Lam will speak to the local legal and business sectors during the visit, in Riyadh at a networking luncheon, and in Dubai at a half-day forum and a networking luncheon.

     The visit to the Middle East is conducted with the support of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Dubai and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

     Mr Lam will conclude his visit and depart for Hong Kong on May 23. During Mr Lam’s absence, the Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, will be the Acting Secretary for Justice.

Hong Kong – SITI congratulates Hong Kong delegation shines at 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

SITI congratulates Hong Kong delegation shines at 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva


     The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, being one of the most significant global annual events on inventions, was held from April 17 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland. Hong Kong delegation was the largest ever, comprising close to 700 representatives from 40 organisations including universities, research and development centres, research laboratories, technology companies, government departments, and primary and secondary schools. The delegation has won a record high number of over 350 prizes, including six Special Awards, 28 Gold Medals with Congratulations of Jury and 114 Gold Medals.

     The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, today (April 21), congratulated the Hong Kong delegation. He said, “The record-breaking number of awards won by the delegation at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva this year is encouraging as it not only reflects the international recognition of Hong Kong’s research and scientific achievements, but also exemplifies Hong Kong’s profound strength in innovation and technology (I&T), which has laid a solid foundation for Hong Kong to become an international I&T centre.”

Hong Kong – SED leads delegation of Chinese history teachers to visit Yan’an (with photos)

SED leads delegation of Chinese history teachers to visit Yan’an (with photos)


     The Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, yesterday (March 31) and today (April 1) led a delegation of Chinese history teachers on a study tour of historical sites of the Long March of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army in Yan’an.
     To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Long March of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army and reinforce the Education Bureau (EDB)’s promotion of the teaching strategy of “learning history through cultural artefacts” in recent years, the EDB organised “Retracing the footsteps of revolutionary predecessors: from Yan’an to Xi’an – a study tour for Chinese history teachers”. Through field trips to Xi’an and Yan’an in Shaanxi Province as well as sharing and exchanges, teachers learned about the essence and significance of the Long March Spirit and the Yan’an Spirit, towards subsequently incorporating their insights into teaching.
     Dr Choi led the delegation to a number of historical sites, including the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, to learn about the revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China and the developments and experiences during the Yan’an period, and explore ways to deepen the study of history through the cultural artefacts and historical resources of the memorial hall.
     Dr Choi said that it was the first time that the EDB organised the Yan’an revolutionary history study tour, and it was of a pioneering significance. Apart from retracing the footsteps of revolutionary predecessors and learning about the hardships of the Communist Party of China in building the country, teachers were given opportunities to appreciate important archaeological discoveries in Shaanxi Province and learn about the scientific preservation and restoration of cultural artefacts during the tour, deepening their understanding of “learning history through cultural artefacts”.
     Dr Choi hoped that teachers will bring back their insights to Hong Kong and integrate them into their classroom teaching, deepen students’ understanding of the arduous journey of the Communist Party of China in building the country, and teach them the importance of cherishing the hard-earned achievements that did not come easily. She also hoped that teachers can collectively forge ahead with their fellow educators to promote Chinese history education, and guide students to cultivate interests in and discover the meaning of learning Chinese history.
     Dr Choi expressed gratitude to the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province, the Education Bureau of Yan’an City and various units for their strong support for the exchange activities, enabling the smooth conduction of the study tour.
     More than 20 secondary school Chinese history teachers participated in the study tour. In addition to visiting historical sites, the delegation toured the Shaanxi Archaeology Museum and Northwest University. They also observed lessons and conducted professional exchanges on teaching resources at a secondary school in Yan’an.
     Dr Choi will depart tomorrow (April 2) for Kunming, Yunnan, to continue her visit.

Hong Kong – SDEV and delegation continue visit in Shanghai (with photos)

SDEV and delegation continue visit in Shanghai (with photos)


     The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, leading a delegation of the Development Bureau, continued her visit to Shanghai today (December 20), together with a delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development.
     The delegation called on the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing, Urban-Rural Development and Management (SMCHURDM) this morning. They met and exchanged views with the Director-General of the SMCHURDM, Mr Hu Guangjie; Deputy Director-General of the SMCHURDM Mr Jin Chen, and other responsible officials on various issues, including urban planning and management, redevelopment of old areas, emergency response and flood prevention works, riverside development and built heritage conservation. Ms Linn said that Hong Kong and Shanghai are facing similar challenges on urban planning, redevelopment of old areas and building of liveable city. During the process, various needs of the society should be taken care of. The exchange of views allowed the delegations to learn from the rich experience of SMCHURDM.
     In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Lingang Special Area to ride in autopilot vehicles and smart public transport. They met with the Deputy Director of Lingang Special Area Administration, Mr Tang Hao, and other responsible officials to learn about the overall planning and development approach of the Lingang Special Area, including institutional innovation, data sharing, smart city management and division of work between enterprises and the government.
     The delegation will continue their visit to Shanghai tomorrow (December 21).

Hong Kong – DSJ leads delegation of young lawyers to visit Foshan to seize opportunities in GBA (with photos/video)

DSJ leads delegation of young lawyers to visit Foshan to seize opportunities in GBA (with photos/video)


     The Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, and his delegation of young lawyers concluded their visit in Foshan today (November 18).

     In the morning, Mr Cheung and his delegation visited the Foshan Hong Kong-Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Center and exchanged views with Hong Kong and Macao young entrepreneurs. Through the representatives’ sharing of their start-up experiences, the delegation gained a deeper understanding of the opportunities brought about by the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) for Hong Kong as a centre for legal and dispute resolution services. Aiming to help young people from Hong Kong and Macao to seize the opportunities in the GBA, the Center has incubated a significant number of projects by Hong Kong and Macao young entrepreneurs since it commenced operation, and injected new momentum to the high-quality development in the GBA.

     The delegation then called on the Foshan Lawyers Association and met with the Chief of Justice Bureau of Foshan Municipality, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Justice Bureau, Mr Liu Zuhui, to discuss the opportunities and challenges faced by Hong Kong legal practitioners practising in the GBA, and to learn more about the collaboration between Hong Kong lawyers in the GBA and Mainland lawyers in handling different types of foreign-related cases.

     Mr Cheung mentioned that Foshan has been striving to enhance its foreign-related legal services to support the upgrading and transformation of the manufacturing sector in Foshan. He remarked that the Policy Address this year announced that Hong Kong will endeavour to establish the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy. Capitalising on Hong Kong’s bilingual common law system and international status, the Academy will provide training for talents in the practice of foreign-related legal affairs for the country.

     Mr Cheung expressed his gratitude to the Justice Bureau of Foshan Municipality and the Foshan Lawyers Association in particular for their strong support to Hong Kong legal practitioners in setting up practice there, and their facilitation and support measures for Hong Kong solicitors and barristers who have obtained the qualification to practise in the GBA to practise in Foshan, such as the promulgation of working guidelines for practice applications, and the setting up of a dedicated communication channel. He hoped that co-operation between Hong Kong and Foshan could be strengthened to assist enterprises to go global and to attract foreign investment to the city, thereby fostering robust growth in the GBA.

     After arriving in Foshan yesterday (November 17), the delegation visited the Midea Group’s headquarters to learn more about how the enterprise makes use of technology to promote its business development, and how Hong Kong’s legal professional services, which are in line with international standards, could provide strong support for cross-regional business expansion of the enterprises in the GBA. They also had dinner with Member of the Standing Committee of the Foshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Foshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China Mr Ding Xifeng.

     In concluding this GBA visit, Mr Cheung said that together with the visit to Huizhou in September, the Department of Justice’s first delegation of young lawyers visited three Mainland cities in the GBA and called on the courts, law-related authorities, major enterprises and youth entrepreneurship bases, as well as conducted exchanges with the Mainland legal sector. He trusted that the visits would enable Hong Kong young lawyers to better understand that the high-quality national development indeed offers the best opportunities for Hong Kong.

     He emphasised that the Department of Justice would continue to spare no effort to take forward measures to promote interfaces of the legal systems and exchanges of talents in the GBA, with a view to jointly pursuing win-win co-operation in the construction of the GBA.

     He wished that Hong Kong young lawyers would broaden their horizons and better understand the impact of technology on how legal services would support the development of different industries. Given Hong Kong’s unique advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland while being closely connected to the world under “one country, two systems”, he also urged them to connect their career development with the overall national development and maintain close liaison with the Mainland legal sector, so as to support the development of the GBA’s first-class internationalised business environment based on the rule of law, and jointly promote high-quality national development and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.