Hong Kong – Pest Control Steering Committee reviews preventive work on import of bedbug infestation by departments (with photo)

Pest Control Steering Committee reviews preventive work on import of bedbug infestation by departments (with photo)


     The interdepartmental Pest Control Steering Committee (PCSC) of the Government held its 16th meeting today (November 17) to discuss response measures on preventing the import of bedbug infestation, the mosquito control work plan for the coming year, as well as the follow-up work on the first imported case of Zika virus infection this year.
Preventing import of bedbug infestation

     During the meeting, the Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology, and the Chairperson of the PCSC, Miss Diane Wong, expressed the concern of the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, regarding the problem of the overseas bedbug infestation, as well as his policy steer on strengthening the prevention of the imported infestation and interdepartmental co-ordination on bedbug prevention, and instructing department officers to conduct on-site inspections at the airport and boundary control points (BCPs), etc for ensuring the effective implementation of the relevant work. Representatives of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and the Department of Health (DH) reported to the PCSC on their work progress in preventing the import of bedbug infestation. The PCSC noted that the FEHD and the Port Health Division of the Centre for Health Protection of the DH, together with the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) and relevant organisations, have stepped up publicity and education work on various fronts, including conducting on-site inspections at the airport and the cruise terminal to strengthen prevention, distributing promotional leaflets at the airport and reminding citizens to stay vigilant when traveling abroad, etc.
     The Government earlier met with stakeholders (such as the AAHK, the MTR Corporation Limited, the hotel sector, the Tourism Commission, and the pest control sector) on preventing the import of bedbug infestation. In addition to providing technical advice, relevant departments have also distributed information and leaflets on preventing the import of bedbug infestation to stakeholders, including those from the hotel and tourism sector, public transport and transport sector. All departments agreed at the meeting that it is necessary to maintain close contact with the frontline sectors and the public, to continuously enhance information dissemination channels and to conduct risk assessments based on the actual situation of the related sectors. These will enable the sectors and the public to better understand the methods for preventing the transmission of bedbug infestation. For example, the District Services and Community Care Teams will assist the FEHD to disseminate practical information on maintaining home and environmental hygiene and preventing and controlling bedbugs to residents of subdivided units and “three-nil” buildings. The FEHD also shared key points of technical guidelines and relevant applications with the meeting participants, including spraying insecticides on large discarded furniture items by refuse collection points staff daily, and encouraging departments with refuse collection facilities to adopt the same practice.
     The Government will closely monitor the development of the situation, continue to provide technical support to frontline organisations and sectors and co-ordinate efforts from all sectors to prevent the import of bedbug infestation into Hong Kong.
Mosquito control
     The representatives of the FEHD reported to the PCSC that the situation of mosquito proliferation this year continues to be under control, the overall trend of the Gravidtrap Index for Aedes albopictus this year is similar to that of last year, while no cases of local dengue fever or other mosquito-borne diseases have been recorded in Hong Kong this year. Nevertheless, departments will pay special attention to the surrounding environment under their purviews that is usually prone to mosquito breeding. Besides remaining vigilant in winter, departments will proactively strengthen their mosquito preventive and control measures at places under their management before the arrival of rainy season next year, including carrying out regular inspections of the surrounding environment, eliminating potential mosquito breeding places, removing stagnant water, applying larvicides at appropriate locations, placing mosquito trapping devices and applying robotics foggers, etc. Looking ahead, departments will receive timely notices from the FEHD to start conducting fogging operations at the same time until the end of the rainy season. The departments will closely monitor the situation of mosquito infestation as reflected by the surveillance indices, and constantly update the list of mosquito infestation hotspots, so as to adjust and plan their work based on the actual situation.
     As international travel has become increasingly frequent following the return to normalcy, the Government has implemented measures to strengthen the prevention of import of mosquito-borne diseases from overseas (including dengue fever and Zika virus infection). The Port Health Division of the DH has strengthened inspections at BCPs to ensure that good environmental hygiene is maintained and proper mosquito control measures are in place. Health promotion at BCPs has been enhanced through pamphlet distribution and poster displays to remind travellers of the preventive measures against mosquito-borne diseases. In the light of the first imported case of Zika virus infection recently, members of the public are reminded to stay vigilant, pay close attention to the hygiene of affected areas and observe the Government’s health advice and special announcements during travel.
     Participants of the meeting came from three policy bureaux and 21 government departments and organisations, which set the direction of the pest control work for the Government.

Hong Kong – Hawker Control Teams of FEHD to use Body Worn Video Cameras in stages (with photo)

Hawker Control Teams of FEHD to use Body Worn Video Cameras in stages (with photo)


     A spokesperson for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) said today (July 2) that in order to assist frontline staff in carrying out their duties more effectively and safeguard the safety of the public and staff, District Hawker Control Teams under the department will gradually start using Body Worn Video Cameras (BWVCs) from tomorrow onwards based on actual needs and circumstances.

     The spokesman said that the FEHD has been striving to regulate hawking activities and combat illegal extending of business area by shops, with a view to reducing the nuisance and obstruction caused by illegal hawking activities and shop front extensions through taking enforcement actions. Hawker Control Officers (HCOs) in districts will be equipped with BWVCs gradually in July to record on-site situation when necessary during their execution of duties, which will enhance the capability and accuracy in gathering evidence and provide useful information for future investigation work.

     When discharging their duties, HCOs will wear the BWVCs conspicuously and use the cameras in an open and transparent manner. When HCOs encounter unexpected or conflicting incidents, and consider it necessary to record the situations, they will, where reasonably practicable, notify the person(s) concerned prior to the commencement of recording in order to safeguard the safety of the public and staff as well as reducing risks at work.

     Making reference to the experience of relevant law enforcement departments in the use of BWVCs, the FEHD has formulated clear enforcement guidelines and provided training for frontline staff. When handling relevant footages, the FEHD will ensure that it is in compliance with the regulations of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). Footage carrying no investigative or evidential value or constituting no other legitimate purpose will be deleted after 31 days from the date it was recorded to ensure that no excessive personal data will be kept.

     For details on access to the footage, please visit the FEHD website (www.fehd.gov.hk/english/department/personal_data.html).

Hong Kong – Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) (Amendment) Regulation 2022 gazetted

Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) (Amendment) Regulation 2022 gazetted


     The Court of First Instance handed down its judgment on the judicial review application in respect of COVID-19 Vaccination Medical Exemption Certificates (Exemption Certificates) on October 21, 2022. Having carefully considered the legal advice, the exigency of the fight against the epidemic and the interest of the relevant stakeholders and the public at large, the Government has decided not to appeal against the decision of the Court. The Government would amend the relevant regulations, in order to provide clear legal basis for the relevant directions.

     As always, the Government acts in accordance with the law, and strives to ensure that any policy or act of the Government has clear legal authority. The Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599) and its regulations empower the Government to make regulations for the purposes of preventing, combating or alleviating the effects of the public health emergency and protecting public health. The relevant regulations concern different areas, affect different sectors of the community, and target the ever-changing epidemic situation as well as variants of the virus. Hence, the regulations are formulated in broad terms in order to best achieve the objectives. This also serves the overall public interest and protects the health of the citizens.

     It is incumbent on the Government to promptly react, when it was revealed that certain private doctors were suspected to have failed to provide proper medical consultation to patients in accordance with the guidelines of the Department of Health (DH) and abused the issuance of Exemption Certificates. This is because if relevant individuals continue to delay vaccination according to the recommendations made by the relevant doctors on the Exemption Certificates, they may put their health at risk of severe illness or even death in case of COVID-19 infection, and also place an unnecessary burden on the public healthcare system. Thus the Government issued the relevant directions under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation, Cap. 599L and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation, Cap. 599F. In parallel, the Government has made facilitation arrangements to enable affected individuals to consult a doctor from the public healthcare system as early as possible for free by visiting general out-patient clinics under the Hospital Authority such that the doctors may ascertain whether they can continue to be medically exempted according to their clinical conditions.

     Having considered the evidence and legal submissions of the parties, the Court ruled that relevant legal provisions did not authorise the Government not to accept any person’s Exemption Certificates as the Vaccine Pass. Having considered the legal advice, the exigency of combating the epidemic, the time it may take for the appeal and the remaining validity period of the relevant Exemption Certificates, the Government has taken the view that the best course of action is to amend the relevant regulations instead of lodging an appeal. Such course is considered to be in the best interest of Hong Kong.

     The Government published in the Gazette today (October 25) the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) (Amendment) Regulation 2022 (Amendment Regulation) to provide a clear legal basis for handling the Exemption Certificates issued by individual doctors suspected to have failed to conduct clinical assessment for patients in accordance with the guidelines issued by the DH, in order to uphold the integrity and robustness of the Vaccine Pass system. The Amendment Regulation will be tabled at the Legislative Council tomorrow (October 26) for negative vetting, and the Amendment Regulation will be effective on the same day.

     Specifically, the Amendment Regulation empowers the Secretary for Health to declare specified Exemption Certificates as invalidated when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that a registered medical practitioner had issued the Exemption Certificates without conducting clinical assessment. Moreover, the Secretary for Health may also, on the ground of public interest, declare all the specified Exemption Certificates issued by a registered medical practitioner as invalidated. Before the Secretary for Health declares the specified Exemption Certificates issued by a certain registered medical practitioner as invalidated, he must have regard to all relevant factors, including (but not limited to) the possible adverse consequences of the integrity and robustness of the Vaccine Pass system; whether the registered medical practitioner had issued any Exemption Certificate without conducting clinical assessment, as well as the number, pattern and mode of issuance of Exemption Certificates by the said medical practitioner within a particular span of time; and the advice of the Director of Health.

     In addition, the Amendment Regulation also extends the expiry date of the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation (Cap. 599L) by six months from midnight on December 31, 2022 to midnight on June 30, 2023.

     A Government spokesman stressed that the Vaccine Pass is an important tool to fight against the epidemic and safeguard public health. In order to uphold the integrity and robustness of the Vaccine Pass system, and taking into account the court’s judgement on the judicial review case, the Government has the responsibility to plug the relevant loophole, in order to provide a clear legal basis in preventing those who may not meet the original intent of the exemption from continuing to use the relevant Exemption Certificate. The objective of the relevant measure is to protect individuals who have not yet completed the COVID-19 vaccination course and to reduce the risks borne when they enter high-risk premises, and at the same time avoid placing unnecessary burden on the public healthcare system. The Government calls upon members of the public to fight the epidemic together and support the Government’s anti-epidemic measures. The healthcare sector should also vigilantly uphold professionalism for the continued trust by the public.

Control Your Narrative (CYN) Set For North American Tour This Fall

CYN 2022 Tour

CYN 2022 Tour


“The Titan” Adam Scherr, EC3, Flip Gordon, Austin Aries and more confirmed!

“CYN Initiative” will give aspiring wrestlers a chance to earn a spot on the CYN roster!

ORLANDO, FL (JULY 11, 2022) – Control Your Narrative (CYN), a vast platform for wrestlers, and fans to “tell their story”, in partnership with The Hello Group, today announced a 24-date domestic live event tour beginning on October 14 in San Antonio, TX. CYN Live will create experiences that appeal to families and the most passionate fans of professional wrestling. Tickets for the historic first tour are ON-SALE 7/14 (www.ControlYourNarrative.com/tour).

CYN Live is headlined by founders “The Titan” Adam Scherr and ec3. CYN will feature appearances from established stars like Flip Gordon, Westin Blake, Austin Aries, Dirty Dango, and a list that will grow by the week. CYN’s true intention is to build the stars of tomorrow like Dontae Smiley, Fodder, “Prince” KayKay, “Mecca” Brian Johnson and many more.

“With CYN, our mission is to create memories, characters and a platform that will last a lifetime,” said CYN co-creator ec3. “I have seen the highs and lows of the industry and am determined to make CYN a platform where those following their dream have a place to learn, create, grow and make a living.”

CYN will give aspiring wrestlers, officials, producers, videographers, and others a chance to showcase their talents through “CYN Initiative”. The initiative will take place in several cities across the tour and aims to find talent in front of and behind the camera, giving them the chance to make inroads into a business that has been closed off for so long.

Each CYN Live event will serve multiple purposes, first and foremost will be entertaining the live audience. CYN has partnered with Pro Wrestling TV and will also begin a weekly television show, a multi-episode series featuring new and emerging talent and documentary footage of a small business trying to compete in the land of corporate giants.

“CYN is consistently the most asked about promotion on our network, with fans craving to see its fresh take on wrestling more regularly,”PWTV President Brandon Blackburn said. “And we are thrilled to give the fans what they want by taking CYN to this next phase of its evolution with weekly television programming which will not only star some of today’s biggest names in wrestling, but introduce the audience to tomorrow’s stars.”http://www.prlog.org/”

Tickets and Meet and Greets ON-SALE July 14th at 10AM CT!


Thursday, October 13, 2022   San Antonio, TX   Vibes Event Center

Friday, October 14, 2022   Austin, TX   Come & Take It Live

Saturday, October 15, 2022   Houston, TX   Rise Rooftop

Sunday, October 16, 2022   Fort Worth, TX   Rail Club Live

Saturday, October 22, 2022   New Orleans, LA   The Joy Theater

Sunday, October 23, 2022   Atlanta, GA   Heaven at Masquerade

Thursday, October 27, 2022   Charlotte, NC   Blackbox Theater

Friday, October 28, 2022   Norfolk, VA   The Granby Theater

Sunday, October 30, 2022   Baltimore, MD   Rams Head Live

Thursday, November 3, 2022   New York, NY   Brooklyn Monarch

Friday, November 4, 2022   Reading, PA   The Reverb

Saturday, November 5, 2022   Sayreville, NJ    Starland Ballroom

Sunday, November 6, 2022   Philadelphia, PA   Franklin Music Hall

Thursday, November 10, 2022   Tampa, FL   The Ritz

Friday, November 11, 2022   Orlando, FL   Henao Contemporary Center

Saturday, November 12, 2022   West Palm Beach, FL   Kelsey Theater

Sunday, November 13, 2022   Jacksonville, FL    Underbelly

Friday, December 2, 2022   Greenbay, WI    Epic Events Center

Saturday, December 3, 2022   Milwaukee, WI    Blizzard Brawl

Sunday, December 4, 2022   Chicago, IL    Patio Theater

Thursday, December 8, 2022   Indianapolis, IN    Irving Theater

Friday, December 9, 2022   St Louis, MO   Red Flag

Saturday, December 10, 2022   Minneapolis, MN   The Lyric at Skyway Theatre

Sunday, December 11, 2022   Des Moines, IA   Wooly’s


Media credentials and interview requests: office@controlyournarrative.com

For more information on CYN Initiative: initiative@controlyournarrative.com

About Control Your Narrative: Control Your Narrative was founded by professional wrestling champions “The Titan” Adam Scherr and ec3 and their business partner Jedediah Koszewski during the trying times of the pandemic. CYN exists to give established talent a platform to reinvent themselves, while giving new talent an opportunity to “become who they are supposed to be.”

Follow CYN on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok @controlyournarrative and www.controlyournarrative.com

About The Hello Group: The Hello Group (‘THG’) is an international entertainment company operating in Los Angeles, London, and Brussels. Divisions include talent management, label services, music publishing, live touring, film/tv production, digital marketing, tech and sports.

Eco Pest Control Warns Brisbane Homeowners of Increased Rodent Populations

 Queensland and New South Wales see a record mouse plague in rural and urban areas.

Eco Pest Control Brisbane along with many other pest control experts, are issuing a warning to all Brisbane homeowners against the rising rodent population throughout the city.

Due to favourable climate conditions throughout Queensland and some parts of New South Wales, the number of rodents in the area and their overactive breeding have brought on issues for farmers and city dwellers alike.

According to experts at CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency, mouse plagues similar to this one happen once every ten years or so. Because of the abundance of rain after a long drought, food and shelter sources are more widely available to these pests. To add to that, mice can begin the breeding process as early as six weeks. Once they’ve birthed a litter of pups, they can get pregnant again immediately.

Although mice aren’t migratory animals, they can travel up to 100m and are found in places all over Australia. These small creatures can easily go undetected and are becoming more common in urban areas. This is likely due to a few reasons:

Established populations have more access to food and shelter.

When the weather cools, mice seek shelter inside of homes and businesses.

During the breeding season, mice are found in large numbers and new mice disperse to a widespread area.

The best way to prevent mice from infesting your home or business is to make sure doors and windows are shut, cracks in the walls are sealed, and all garbage is secured in a bin with a tight-fitting lid. Homes and businesses with a lot of clutter are also more susceptible to pest issues. It’s important to keep your space tidy to avoid this from happening.

When filling any holes in your walls or foundation, it’s best to use copper wool. Mice and rats have a habit of chewing right through foam and caulk, so copper wool is going to last you far longer.

It’s important to take preventative measures in your home as mice can cause significant property damage, health issues, and food contamination too. If you’re worried about whether or not you may have mice, here are some good indicators:

Seeing rodents in your home: This is your surefire sign that you’re dealing with a problem. If you spot one mouse, it’s likely that there’s an entire nest somewhere.

Squeaking sounds and feet running across your ceiling or in your walls: The sounds of their feet will make a distinct light tapping sound.

A pungent smell near their dwellings: Mice tend to leave a strong smell near their territory.

Dark or greasy run marks where they’ve been: A mouse’s skin secretes a greasy substance that is used to help them climb through extremely tight spaces.

Food or packaging with chew marks: Mice love getting into human food. Watch your packaging for bite marks and make sure your food is stored properly.

Nesting material in certain areas (shredded paper, old wrappers, etc.): Like birds, mice make their home as a nest. They’ll use whatever soft and cushiony material they can find.

Mouse droppings on the floor near walls: Second to actually seeing a mouse, finding small brown pellets are a solid indicator that you have mice in your home or business.

Small urine streaks on carpeting or wood floors: Mouse urine looks like a small streak on any floor.

However, sometimes all efforts will fail. Mice are sneaky creatures, so there may be instances where you need to call in an expert. Pest control companies, including Eco Pest Control, have specific practices for ridding a residence or business of mice and other rodents. The services we provide at Eco Pest Control include setting and monitoring bait traps, effective treatment, on-site inspection and post-treatment recommendations, and different packages depending on your needs.

Eco Pest Control offers a catered rodent control solution specific to your individual needs. We guarantee that after a service from us, your rodent issue will be completely eradicated and the likelihood of a return is significantly reduced. All primary consultations with us are free. We use eco-friendly practices to ensure the safety of you and your family.

Eco Pest Control has been providing pest control services for over 20 years. We’re licensed by Queensland Health and adhere to Australia’s code of practice for pest control. With our 100 % satisfaction guarantee and wide range of eco-friendly pest control plans, we’re confident that we can help you. We offer competitive pricing on all services and are available in all areas in Brisbane and New South Wales.

To schedule a consultation, call us on 07 3184 8488 today. You can also visit to our office at 16/300 Ann Street, Brisbane City, QLD 4000.

Eco Pest Control Brisbane

Edward Ellis





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