Hong Kong – LegCo Panel on Housing begins duty visit to Zhuhai and Shenzhen (with photos)

LegCo Panel on Housing begins duty visit to Zhuhai and Shenzhen (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The delegation of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Housing began the two-day duty visit to Zhuhai and Shenzhen today (July 21), to learn about the manufacturing process of concrete Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) modules in Mainland, as well as to gain an understanding on how the cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area create high quality public housing and community facilities through green technology, modular construction techniques, etc.
​     The delegation arrived at Zhuhai in the afternoon. They first visited the factory of the China State Construction Hailong Technology Company Limited to gain insight of the manufacturing process of concrete MiC modules and explore how they are applied to public housing development in Hong Kong. Members also visited other construction technologies in the factory, such as construction robotic application.
​     Members then went to the Doumen DaHengQin 5.0 Industrial New Space in the Fushan Industrial City to learn about the “Well-being” design elements in the community. The Fushan Industrial City integrates “Production, Service and Living”, and at the same time builds blue-collar hostels and living facilities to create a new industrial community that is pleasant to live and work in. The delegation visited the blue-collar hostels, leisure facilities, public open space and ancillary facilities in the community and gained better understanding on the daily life, consumption and entertainment of the residents.
​     The delegation arrived in Shenzhen in the evening and will continue its duty visit in Shenzhen tomorrow (July 22).
​     The delegation is led by the Chairman of the LegCo Panel on Housing, Mr Stanley Ng. The deputy delegation leader is the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Mr Vincent Cheng. Other participating Panel members include Mr Paul Tse, Dr Lo Wai-kwok, Mr Lau Kwok-fan, Mr Tony Tse, Mr Andrew Lam, Mr Leung Man-kwong, Mr Chan Hok-fung, Mr Gary Zhang, Ms Carmen Kan and Dr So Cheung-wing; as well as non-Panel members Ms Lam So-wai, Ms Judy Chan, Mr Chan Siu-hung and Dr Ngan Man-yu.
​     The Housing Bureau’s delegation led by the Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho, will also join the duty visit.

Hong Kong – LegCo Panel on Health Services visits hospitals of Tier III Class A in Greater Bay Area (with photos)

LegCo Panel on Health Services visits hospitals of Tier III Class A in Greater Bay Area (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Health Services went to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) to conduct a duty visit to two hospitals of Tier III Class A in ZhongShan and Shenzhen today (June 22) to understand their medical standards, services and facilities, as well as the implementation of the Elderly Health Care Voucher GBA Pilot Scheme (Pilot Scheme). Members also explored how to further promote cross-boundary medical co-operation. They returned to Hong Kong in the evening.
     Members visited the ZhongShan Chenxinghai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in the morning. The hospital is the country’s first Guangdong-Hong Kong jointly built hospital of Tier III Class A integrating both Chinese and Western medicine. It is also one of the first batch of designated hospitals approved by the Guangdong Provincial Government to use eligible Hong Kong drugs and medical devices. Members learnt that the hospital provides one-stop cross-boundary medical transfer services. The hospital was included in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s Pilot Scheme early this year and is expected to gradually allow eligible Hong Kong elderly persons to use Elderly Health Care Vouchers (EHCVs) to pay for the fees of healthcare services starting from the third quarter of this year. Members visited facilities and operations of the hospital, and discussed issues such as collaboration between Chinese and Western medicine, the use of EHCVs, Mainland medical insurance, Hong Kong people seeking medical treatment at the hospital, and cross-boundary medical transfer with the management of the hospital.
     Members went to Shenzhen to visit the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital in the afternoon to learn about the hospital’s operations, especially the operations of the out-patient clinics of Department of Family Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgeons and Department of Dental Surgery, which are the most popular departments visited by Hong Kong people. Members also exchanged views with officials of the Health Bureau and the hospital management on issues such as EHCVs, cross-border medical collaboration, the measure of using Hong Kong-registered drugs and medical devices used in Hong Kong public hospitals in GBA, eHealth+ development plan, and Hong Kong people taking out mainland medical insurance.
     A total of 12 members and non-members of the LegCo Panel on Health Services attended the visit. The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, also led a Government delegation to join the duty visit.

Hong Kong – LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports concludes duty visit to Hangzhou (with photo)

LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports concludes duty visit to Hangzhou (with photo)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
     The delegation of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports concluded its duty visit to Hangzhou and Dongyang today (August 3) and returned to Hong Kong in the evening.
     On the last day of visit, the delegation visited the New Yuanmingyuan in Hengdian World Studios in Dongyang to learn about the cultural attraction that blends Chinese and Western cultures and architecture. The New Yuanmingyuan was built at a 1:1 scale to replicate the Old Summer Palace in Beijing, and is divided into Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Parks, as well as other attractions.
     In summing up the four-day duty visit, the delegation leader Mr Vincent Cheng described the visit as fruitful and inspiring. “Through visiting Hangzhou’s and Dongyang’s sports and cultural infrastructure, as well as exchanging views with the officials of the provincial and municipal governments, members have gained valuable insights from their experience in hosting major sports events and promoting the development of the sports and cultural industries. This will facilitate our discussion with the Government on the strategies for promoting sports in the community, developing elite athletes and making Hong Kong a venue for major international sports events. This also helps promote Hong Kong as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange,” Mr Cheng said.
     Mr Cheng expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the arrangements made by various departments of the governments of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou City and Dongyang City, making the duty visit a huge success.
     The delegation, consisting of 16 LegCo Members, visited Hangzhou and Dongyang from July 31 to August 3. The delegation was led by the Chairman of the LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports cum leader Mr Vincent Cheng, Deputy Chairman of the Panel cum deputy leader Ms Joephy Chan and Panel member cum deputy leader Mr Kenneth Fok. The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, also participated in part of the duty visit.

Hong Kong – LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports to conduct duty visit to Hangzhou

LegCo Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports to conduct duty visit to Hangzhou


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports will depart for Hangzhou tomorrow (July 31) to conduct a four-day duty visit from July 31 to August 3.

     The objectives of the visit are for Members to visit the two major venues of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou, to understand Hangzhou’s policies and measures for industrialisation of sports and sports in the community, as well as to gain first-hand experience in promoting sports to all in Hangzhou. Members will also make use of this opportunity to understand Hangzhou’s recent development, the related policies and achievements of the cultural industry. During the visit, Members will exchange views with representatives of the provincial and municipal governments.

     The delegation will visit the following places and organisations:

  • Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism
  • Hangzhou Grand Theatre
  • Hangzhou Sports Bureau
  • Huanglong Sports Centre
  • 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Organising Committee
  • Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium
  • Asian Games Village
  • China Woodcarvings Museum
  • Dongyang Luzhai Scenic Area
  • Hengdian World Studios

     The delegation is led by the Chairman of Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports, Mr Vincent Cheng. Deputy delegation leaders are the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Ms Joephy Chan, and Panel member, Mr Kenneth Fok. Other participating Panel members include Mr Ma Fung-kwok, Mr Luk Chung-hung, Dr Johnny Ng, Mr Kenneth Leung, Mr Rock Chen, Ms Chan Hoi-yan, Mr Benson Luk and Professor Lau Chi-pang; as well as non-Panel members Mr Paul Tse, Dr Lo Wai-kwok, Mr Duncan Chiu, Ms Judy Chan and Ms Lillian Kwok.

     At the invitation of the Panel, the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, will join part of the duty visit.

Hong Kong – LegCo Panel on Security visits GFS’s Flight Simulator Training Centre and Base of Customs Canine Force (with photos)

LegCo Panel on Security visits GFS’s Flight Simulator Training Centre and Base of Customs Canine Force (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council Panel on Security visited the Flight Simulator Training Centre of the Government Flying Service (GFS) and the Base of the Customs Canine Force today (May 9) to enhance Members’ understanding on the work of the two disciplined services.
     Members first visited the Flight Simulator Training Centre in the Headquarters of GFS in Chek Lap Kok and received a briefing on the helicopter flight simulator (the Simulator) to gain a better understanding on how it helps GFS to conduct pilot training that meets international civil aviation standards and its operational needs.  
Accompanied by the Controller of GFS, Captain West Wu, Members observed a demonstration of the Simulator and experienced firsthand the high-fidelity helicopter flying conditions. Meanwhile, Members visited other facilities at the GFS Headquarters, such as the Hangar and the Virtual Reality Aircrew Training System.
     Members then went to the Base of the Customs Canine Force at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and toured the Base’s facilities, including the puppy activity room, breeding room and detector dog kennel. Accompanied by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Control and Enforcement), Mr Chan Tsz-tat, Members also understood how the smart collar developed by the Customs and Excise Department can help dog handlers monitor the body conditions of the detector dogs, such as their heart rates when they detect drugs, etc, and observed a demonstration of detector dogs detecting smuggled tobacco products.
     Members who joined the visit were the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Ms Carmen Kan and Panel members, Mr Paul Tse, Ms Elizabeth Quat, Dr Chow Man-kong and Ms Joephy Chan; as well as a non-Panel member, Mr Chan Siu-hung.