Taco Tuesday Takes the Nation by Storm: Announcing the Most Taco Tuesday-Loving States


 TacoTuesday.com is excited to announce the states with the highest enthusiasm for Taco Tuesday. The data from Google Trends, which is a reliable source for showing the interests of internet users, reveals the states in order of popularity where the search for “Taco Tuesday” is the strongest:

1. California
2. Texas
3. Hawaii
4. Florida
5. Nevada
6. Arizona
7. Missouri
8. New Mexico
9. Kansas
10. Colorado
11. Louisiana
12. Utah
13. Nebraska
14. Illinois
15. North Carolina
16. South Dakota
17. Oklahoma
18. Ohio
19. Arkansas
20. Delaware
21. Washington
22. Iowa
23. Idaho
24. Michigan
25. Alabama
26. Georgia
27. Wisconsin
28. North Dakota
29. Wyoming
30. Minnesota
31. South Carolina
32. Virginia
33. Oregon
34. Montana
35. Maryland
36. Indiana
37. District of Columbia
38. Tennessee
39. Rhode Island
40. New York
41. Mississippi
42. Pennsylvania
43. New Jersey
44. Kentucky
45. Connecticut
46. Alaska
47. Massachusetts
48. New Hampshire
49. West Virginia
50. Vermont
51. Maine

“Taco Tuesday is more than just a day; it’s a movement that brings people together over a shared love for good food and a good time,” explains Pamela Waitt, Founder of TacoTuesday.com. “TacoTuesday.com encourages everyone to explore the diversity of taco options available in their local communities.”

The list showcases Taco Tuesday’s popularity by each state from 2004 to the present time. Google Trends analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. It allows users to track the search interest and phrases.

Learn more about us here: https://tacotuesday.com/about-us/
Meet the team: https://tacotuesday.com/the-team/
Watch the Podcast: https://tacotuesday.com/podcast/

Pamela Waitt



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