Hong Kong – Tenders invited for Improvement Works at Tsuen Tsing Interchange


Tenders invited for Improvement Works at Tsuen Tsing Interchange


     The Highways Department (HyD) today (June 9) invited tenders for Improvement Works at Tsuen Tsing Interchange (Contract No. HY/2022/18).
     The works are scheduled to commence in the fourth quarter of 2023 and will take about 30 months to complete. The works mainly include:

     (i) construction of a traffic lane to allow exclusive left-turning traffic movement from the approach road of Tsuen Wan Road (Tuen Mun bound) to Tsing Tsuen Road (Tsing Yi bound);
     (ii) construction of a single-lane vehicular bridge and associated slip road at Texaco Road (westbound) to connect to an existing vehicular bridge section towards Tsing Yi not yet opened to traffic above Tsuen Tsing Interchange;
     (iii) construction of a single-lane slip road connecting down ramp of Tsuen Wan Road (Kowloon bound) to Texaco Road (Ma Tau Pa Road bound);
     (iv) widening of a section of Texaco Road (eastbound) to the north of Tsuen Tsing Interchange;
     (v) widening the roundabout at Tsuen Tsing Interchange and improving its junctions; and
     (vi) associated works including geotechnical, drainage, installation of traffic aids, public lighting and landscaping works. 

     The HyD has appointed AECOM Asia Company Limited (AECOM) as the consultant to design and supervise the construction works. Interested contractors can obtain the tender forms and other particulars from AECOM at 12/F, Tower 2, Grand Central Plaza, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong.

     The invitation to tender was gazetted today. Submission of tenders will close at noon on August 4, 2023 (Friday). Tender submissions should be placed in the Government Secretariat Tender Box located at the lobby of the Public Entrance on the G/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong.

     For enquiries, please call AECOM at 3922 9000.