Hong Kong – Sustainable fisheries – a win-win


Sustainable fisheries – a win-win


     In its goal to upgrade and transform the aquaculture fisheries industry, the Government is planning to launch four new fish culture zones in stages and using new technology to boost the growth and survival rates of the fish harvested.
     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) set up a modernised mariculture demonstration farm at Tung Lung Chau to showcase how the use of a steel truss cage and new technology is helping to boost the industry.
     At the same time, a team from the Polytechnic University is collecting key data at the farm and providing hands-on training for those who wish to join the industry.
     News.gov.hk conducted interviews with an AFCD officer in charge, as well as a mentor of the training programme and trainees to discover the benefits behind this sustainable fisheries marvel.
     The story is available at www.news.gov.hk/eng/feature today (May 28) in text and video format.