A doctor-patient romantic encounter.

Complications compound.

The charismatic hockey player is married with children.

Fearing media fodder,

the conniving young doctor schemes to conceal her prize.

Indecision brings the unsuspecting athletic lover to his knees.

Despair tears him to his wit’s end.

He must choose:

To abandon his loving family


To forsake his heart’s fathomless desire.

“Warm, psychologically introspective, culturally and spiritually revealing, and filled with the gentle flow of interconnected lives…”—Diane Donovan, Author/Editor, California Bookwatch

“Enjoyable read from start to finish! A unique intertwining of cultures, events, and emotions. Can’t wait for the next book!” — 5 stars on Amazon, Dr. Diana, DDM

“Holy Cow! I would never have guessed Geneva’s last secret—brilliant!” — Joyce, a fan, Canada

“…a gripping novel that explores the depths and dimensions of human life…a must read for everyone.” — Maria Beltran for Readers’ Favorite

Temptation and Surrender: A Secret Love Child Romance is available for purchase in print and ebook formats.

Book Information:

Temptation and Surrender: A Secret Love Child Romance

Love is Forever, Book One

By Marlene F Cheng

Published: September 2021

ISBN: 979-8475892787


Pages: 292

Genre: Romance, Women’s Fiction, Drama


Website: https://www.marlenecheng.com

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/marlenecheng?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/memoir.cheng/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marlenecheng

Blog: https://www.croneswithpens.blogspot.com

Amazon Author Profile: https://amazon.com/author/marlenecheng

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/marlenecheng

BookBuzz: http://bookbuzz.net/romance-womens-fiction-temptation-and-surrender-a-secret-love-child-romance-by-marlene-f-cheng/

Romance, Women’s Fiction, Drama, Temptation and Surrender, Love is Forever, Marlene F Cheng

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