Tag: Rosales

Kimberly Rosales explains the challenges of being a female entrepreneur

Living the experience herself, Kimberly Rosales explains how to face the different barriers that a woman entrepreneur can encounter along the way. Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE – Saturday, December 3, 2022 It is increasingly recurrent to see that the role of women in the world of entrepreneurship is becoming more present. Kimberly Rosales, a successful entrepreneur, explains what potholes women tend to run into in this process. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report, Latin America is considered the region with the highest percentage of female entrepreneurship in the world. Even so, still today, female entrepreneurs ... Read more

Kimberly Rosales explains what it means to be an entrepreneur

Kimberly Rosales is clear that being an entrepreneur is an extremely complicated challenge and that is why to achieve the desired success, you must have certain fundamental characteristics. Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE – Monday, October 31, 2022 Although there is no secret recipe for entrepreneurship since each person is different, there are some characteristics that identify the entrepreneurial spirit. An entrepreneur is a person who identifies an opportunity and organizes the necessary resources to put it into action. Kimberly Rosales uses her experience as an entrepreneur to explain what it takes to start a business and lead it ... Read more

Kimberly Rosales explains why cryptocurrencies are important for foreign trade

Foreign trade has always depended on many factors, cryptocurrencies being one of the most recent, and that is precisely why Kimberly Rosales has delved into this relationship. Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE – Sunday, September 25, 2022 The rise of cryptocurrencies looks unstoppable almost a decade after Bitcoin (the most popular) burst onto the scene. But it doesn’t stop there. The world’s financial systems are in the preamble of a probable turnaround. Cryptocurrencies have become the new allies of foreign trade and Kimberly Rosales, with her experience in the crypto world, explains why. The absence of commissions ... Read more

Kimberly Rosales explains the relationship between artificial intelligence and blockchain

Kimberly Rosales has now applied her knowledge in the world of cryptography to give an insight into the relationship between blockchain and artificial intelligence. Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE – Friday, August 19, 2022 The very nature of the human being imprints a strong need to know as the strongest natural inclination, giving rise to numerous tools that promote increasingly advanced forms of knowledge production and assimilation. The passage of time led to a slow accumulation of knowledge that led to various distinctions. This massification in the current context configures the big data scenario. The blockchain and artificial intelligence ... Read more

Kimberly Rosales explains the role decentralized finance is taking to alter the financial space

Kimberly Rosales explains how the current financial space is still facing some drawbacks that may be solved over time with the expansion in the implementation of decentralized finance. Québec, Canada – WEBWIRE – Saturday, July 30, 2022 The technological environment is transforming the financial world. According to the Financial Inclusion of the Central Bank of Argentina, (BCRA), more than 85,000 transactions per adult using electronic payment methods, such as digital transfers and debit cards, were made in June 2021. The total transactions increased by 40% compared to the same period in 2020. Kimberly Rosales, an expert in digital ... Read more