Tag: Rodriguez

Aaron Rodriguez offers insight into some of the eCommerce trends coming in 2022

We lived the evolution from eCommerce to marketplace, passing through voice assistants, to new strategies to prioritize customer retention, after the arrival of Covid-19 companies were required to continue to maintain an accelerated pace of digital maturation. To know the eCommerce 2022 trends, we must go back to the phenomenon of 2020, it was a decisive year for the change in eCommerce, people were forced to have to buy their supplies through the Internet and companies, also forced by the context of the pandemic, had to adapt to continue offering their products or services on online platforms. Aaron Rodriguez, a ... Read more

Aaron Rodriguez explains why companies need to integrate their services

Integration between old and new systems is more cost-effective than replacing with a new system. In addition, it avoids the downtime that replacement used to require and the familiarization period for employees after replacement. Integration saves costs, allows us to take advantage of the existing infrastructure and add functionality little by little. A large number of the IT applications used by companies today come from different vendors and have been built with different standards and technologies. This means that access to information is time-consuming, as each department has to use its own specific access. Massive volumes of data, instead of ... Read more

Aaron Rodriguez instrumental in establishing new marketplace for the Colon Free Zone in Panama

This is definitely an important and valuable step forward for the Colon Free Zone and Panama. I’m thrilled that I have been able to be a part of it and humbled by the opportunities provided. Economic recovery across Latin America continues following the impact caused by COVID-19. In all areas, countries are mounting new offensives to improve their stability, as well as proactively building on existing projects to extend their reach. An initiative to bring new life to the Colon Free Zone has just been completed. Business process and management expert Aaron Rodriguez was directly involved in ensuring its successful ... Read more