NaXum Launches Shopping Cart Product Configuration Upgrades

 NaXum Online Marketing Services, LLC out of Las Vegas, Nevada has launched a shopping cart product configuration tool that allows the admin to automatically set the pricing, visibility, and commissionable values of a product. The new configurator upgrades give NaXum clients full control to manage products and promotions. This is made possible by Core Tech Engineer Joemarie Biñas.

With this shopping cart product configuration, the customer now has the option to configure products to be available for one-time purchases or as a subscription. The subscription price is also selected by default. Should a product be neither a subscription or a service subscription, it shall be labeled as retail and as such, only display the retail price.

This configuration has changed the NaXum shopping cart for the better as it made the experience more flexible for its customers.


Ben Dixon




  • Software

NaXum Develops New Payout Configuration Tools and Rebrands the NaXum Cart Template

 NaXum Online Referral Marketing Systems has developed a new payout configuration tool through Commission Engineer Sheira Man-awit’s artwork as a part of this year’s Project Lion upgrades.

The Payout Configuration Tool has the ability to switch between integrations and update the necessary API credentials as an admin easily through simple user interfaces.

Sheira Man-awit’s work also merged the Withdrawal Requests and Pay Commissions Tool into one admin tool now called the Payout Tool. This new payout configuration tool and payout tool be added to all new platforms.

NaXum also rebranded the NaXum Cart Template into a modern mobile-friendly structure as a part of the omni-device north stars.

NaXum continues to encourage its employees to reach for the stars and to always be improving.

To learn more about innovation in the referral marketing space, visit


Ben Dixon




  • Software

NaXum Promotes from Within for Technical Production Manager Seats

 NaXum continues to live out its Promote From Within Core Value with another internal “jump” promotion recently. This time, it has selected Rhena May Salinas and Crismarie Lopez as its new Technical Production Managers (TPM) of Client Support and Design, respectively.

Originally an accountancy graduate, Salinas found a home for her gifts in serving others as a Customer Support Representative. She worked in the BPO Industry for 8 years before joining NaXum as a Client Champion in 2020.

It has always been Salinas’ passion to deliver excellence and exceed what’s expected from her. According to her team bio on the company website, she is a strong advocate of development and growth. With this, she constantly seeks new learnings and welcomes new challenges —an attribute she applied in her June 2022 TPM Promotion.

Lopez, on the other hand, is an IT Graduate who has been a long-time employee of the software provider. She entered the company as a Client Champ too and went on to “jump” as a UI Designer and then UX Designer.

Lopez describes herself on NaXum’s website as a driven person, always leaning in and stepping out of her comfort zone. The TPM seat is now her fourth role since boarding the company.

In her new role, Lopez serves as assistant to the Vice President of Design and owns managing the assembly line of NaXum’s Design team.

Salinas shares the same accountability as Lopez, only she is assigned to serve the Client Support Team.

Salinas and Lopez are just two of the many products of NaXum’s Promote From Within core value. In its culture, NaXum allows team members to journey around the different areas of its operations from different seats. This is to protect its employees from stagnation and help them find their true tech gifts.

To get to know the rest of NaXum’s core values, visit its company website at


Ben Dixon




  • Personnel Announcements

NaXum CEO, Ben Dixon Hosts Forum on Trends in Referral Marketing

 Back in July, 2017 Ben Dixon, NaXum CEO, founded the Direct Selling Executives Forum(DSEF) as a group on Linkedin and Facebook for active direct selling executives to come together and discuss topics relevant to our industry.

Today, Ben hosts 6-10 events a year with active executives in the space, digging into “real talk” around the reality of the Direct Selling space.

The next open forum online, titled “2022 Strategies To Thrive,” will be hosted on Friday, January 21st, 2022 @12noon Central / 10am PST.

On the panel they will have:

Liz Forkin Bohannon, Founder @Sseko Designs

Liz Forkin Bohannon is the founder of Sseko Designs. Sseko is an ethical fashion brand that works to educate and empower women. By providing employment and educational opportunities, Sseko enables women to continue their education and become leaders in their country. In four years, Sseko has grown from three women making sandals together under a mango tree, to an international fashion brand that provides employment, educational opportunities and entrepreneurial training to over 50 women in East Africa.

Using her unlikely story of a journalist-gone-shoe-maker, Liz shares her passion for social enterprise, conscious consumerism, social justice, creative leadership, gender equity, risk-taking, and empowering women. She believes deeply that business is a powerful platform for social change and that girls are our future.

She now splits her time between Uganda and Portland, Oregon, where she and her husband Ben run Sseko Designs.

Melissa Shoop, Founder @JavaMomma

Melissa Shoop is the founder and CEO of Java Momma, a direct sales business based in Pennsylvania.

Melissa is a lifelong direct seller. It wasn’t until 2017 she felt the call to serve her selling community turning her years of sales and training into corporate leadership.

Java Momma was created to be a company that is built on transparency, relationships, and trust. The company allows others to promote products both as a business for themselves and run fundraisers for local non-for-profit organizations.

Rachel Kellogg, National Director Of Sales @Faberlic

With over a decade experience in sales and leadership at Mary Kay Cosemetics, Rachel is now leading the charge with the Russian powerhouse Faberlic as they expand throughout the US Market.

She’s a remarkable professional and loves making people feel important and know their worth.

She has great strength in creating duplicatable systems to grow the confidence of the sales force and driving results through empowerment.

“When you can combine strategy with creativity and confidence you become unstoppable!” – Rachel Kellogg

They will be asking the following questions:

1) As we enter 2022, how has “Doing Good” (sharing causes & charitable pursuits your company participates in) shaped your story in the marketplace?

2) With our world continuing to change rapidly, what are the trends you’re seeing in the “ways” your distributors actually operate daily in the business?

3) What are the KEY educational opportunities you see for corporate teams to bring to the field today?

4) As retail customers are faced with more options than ever, what are your favorite ways to create loyalty?

5) If you could go back in time to December 2019 and share “one-thing” with yourself, what would that advice be?

If you’d like to attend live, visit

Follow NaXum on LinkTree for more articles in this series on trends within direct selling.

About Ben:

Ben Dixon loves referral marketing. His family found direct sales back in 2006 and had success using technology to create home-based businesses. Since 2010, Ben has focused on serving referral marketing, party plan, and direct sales companies across the globe with the technology they require to empower their passionate fans to virally grow their businesses.

To see episodes from the direct selling executives forum, visit the youtube channel.

To hear reviews on NaXum Technology, visit Capterra,, or Linkedin.

To request a tour of the NaXum platform, visit


Ben Dixon




  • Trade Shows & Events

NaXum CEO, Ben Dixon Explores Data Trends in Referral Marketing

 Each year Ben Dixon, the NaXum CEO, compiles a list of the top trends the team has seen in the referral marketing space and shares the report with the Direct Selling Executives Forum.

Data Trends In Referral Marketing

Companies are shifting from making decisions on “training indicator” data alone to exploring new ways to gather “leading indicator” data from the independent referral marketers that promote their offers.

“NaXum has developed a suite of predictive Insight Tools that change the way companies plan, iterate, and execute throughout the year. ” –Ben Dixon, CEO

Deploying Platforms To Maximize Leading Indicators:

For decades, many direct sales companies have been stuck in the predicament of needing to plan, iterate, and execute on programs while only having transactional historical data to base their decisions on.

This means that it may take 90 days to know if your programs or changes are having any effect at all. Companies today are deploying predictive platforms that track the text messages, social media posts, and calls the members make to get daily data faster on the response the marketplace is having to specific content and initiatives.

The insights predictive platforms bring to the table become the guiding light to monthly, weekly, and even daily decision-making.

Which posts are your members willing to make on social media?

And out of the posts they are willing to make, which posts actually get their friends to your shopping cart?

What hook is the best text message to send to your friends in Spanish to start a conversation about your product?

Which training videos are the promoters actually finishing in onboarding?

What is the best way to handle objections that come in from prospects?

All these questions can now be asked, tracked, and reported on.

Follow NaXum on LinkTree for more articles in this series on trends within direct selling.

About Ben:

Ben Dixon loves referral marketing. His family found direct sales back in 2006 and had success using technology to create home-based businesses. Since 2010, Ben has focused on serving referral marketing, party plan, and direct sales companies across the globe with the technology they require to empower their passionate fans to virally grow their businesses.

To see episodes from the direct selling executives forum, visit the youtube channel.

To hear reviews on NaXum Technology, visit Capterra,, or Linkedin.

To request a tour of the NaXum platform, visit


Ben Dixon


