Tag: Native

Small Town Native African-American Physician Gives Back to Community with New Nonprofit

 Dr. Tanika Long, a Barnesville native, has founded a new nonprofit, Full Circle of Hope, Inc. (FCOH) to assist disadvantaged children and their families in Barnesville, GA/Lamar County. She was once one of these kids. Only by the grace of God, the love of reading and education, the support of family, and the generosity of anonymous donors did she become the physician she is today. She is the first and the only, African American female from Barnesville to become a physician, and she left over 20 years ago. As she heard of other people she didn’t know about who were ... Read more

Cardano native DeFi Lending protocol

 Aada.Finance has implemented NFT Bond use into financial action which overtakes all other projects on the lend/borrow platform. Aada.Finance also announced fair launch IDO through their ISPO. Aada is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity market protocol. Aada is one of the first lending protocols built on top of Plutus/Haskell Cardano smart contracts. Platform users can engage as depositors or borrowers in a decentralized non-custodial liquidity market protocol. Depositors receive a passive income by providing liquidity to the market, while borrowers can borrow with over collateralization or under collateralization. Lenders provide liquidity for borrowers on AADA smart contracts and for such actions ... Read more

St. Lucia Native Publishes Short Story

Fair Helen’s Midnight, a new book by D.L. John, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Journey with Fair Helen as she reflects on the elements that created her. Discover her history and the beauty she possesses in spite of scars. Steal a moment of bliss for yourself. Helen’s Midnight provides an essential retreat in a time of unprecedented uncertainty amidst individual and global challenges. About the Author D.L. John became exposed to varying cultures and the ways in which they practiced finding their peace through travel. She developed an appreciation for the importance of retreat, regardless of time ... Read more

New Jersey Native Publishes Debut Historical Fiction Novel

Peg: A Work of Fiction, a new book by R. Carolyn Klein, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. She was a child of the forties, living a sheltered life under the strict control of her overbearing mother. Her young life was shaped by parochial school and then her time at a small convent in the New Jersey countryside. Peg’s first introduction into the real world as a young nun occurred during a tumultuous, transformative time in U.S. history when the world was being shaped by the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Movement, and the Vietnam War, and everything ... Read more

Pennsylvania Native Publishes Metaphysical Memoir

Who Are You Talking To?, a new book by P.A. Aiken, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Who Are You Talking To? is a collection of personal, powerful experiences author P.A. Aiken wishes to share with her daughters. Throughout her life, Aiken has felt connections beyond the physical realm. She has had experiences with seeing apparitions as if they are living, breathing people among us. Her experiences are enlightening and powerful, and we may all learn a little from them. About the Author P.A. Aiken is the mother of three beautiful daughters. She has been a paramedic for ... Read more