Tag: ITU-T

Japan – ITU-T Recommendation on Framework for a Cyber Defence Centre

NTT Corporation (NTT), NTT Security Corporation (NTTS), NTT TechnoCross Corporation (NTT-TX) and NEC Corporation (NEC) have jointly developed an international standard for the concept of a Cyber Defence Centre (CDC) and its build, management and evaluation process for strategic and systematic responses to cyber risks. It has been published as the ITU-T Recommendation X.1060 (https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.1060-202106-I) by the Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations. With the recommendation, various companies and organizations are expected to improve their cyber risk response capabilities by building and strengthening security response organizations based on ... Read more