Tag: Ibebet

New Ibebet.com Analysis Reveals Surge in Market Value of Premier League Centre-Backs for 2023

 The sports analysts at Ibebet.com have been hard at work, deep-diving into the nitty-gritty of Premier League players’ market values. Their findings? Many surprising new insights and data points that buck the trends across the various player positions. Key Observations: Centre-Forwards Making Waves: Centre-Forwards, with their lightning-fast sprints and flawless knack for netting the ball, are collectively worth a not-so-shabby €1321.9 million. Now, Aribim Pepple, with a modest price tag of just €0.1 million, could be the football equivalent of finding an undiscovered treasure. But, let’s take a moment to pay our respects to the king-maker Erling Haaland, who, at ... Read more