Author: teraschlink71

Jebaily Law Firm Makes Donation to Provide Thanksgiving Meals for Pee Dee Families

The Jebaily Law Firm is proud to have partnered with the Sav-A-Lot food store in Florence to support a Thanksgiving food drive for 300 families in the Pee Dee area. Florence City Councilman George Jebaily and the Jebaily Law Firm donated $5,000 to Sav-A-Lot in Florence so that shoppers could get ham and turkey and other trimmings to share a Thanksgiving meal with family and friends. The Sav-A-Lot grocery recently opened in an underserved area of Florence as a way to address food insecurities throughout the Pee Dee and make sure all residents have access to fresh, high-quality food options. ... Read more