Author: susancarslaw5

Moonstake Wallet Now Supports Staking of ORBS

Today, staking of Orbs’s native token, ORBS, is officially available on Moonstake’s Web Wallet. ORBS fuel all activities on the Orbs blockchain including smart contracts, transaction fees, and consensus-based storage is currently ranked #5 in the Top 10 trending crypto coins by CryptoCrunchApp. Additionally, Moonstake is now officially a Guardian for Orbs Universe to help facilitate network security. Now Moonstake’s wallet users can hold, send, receive, and stake their ORBS to receive rewards with the best user experience through one single click. After Cosmos, IRISnet, Ontology, Harmony, Tezos, Cardano, Qtum, Polkadot, Quras, Centrality and Orbs became the 11th available staking ... Read more