Author: jannaportillo40

Principled Technologies Finds That Bare-Metal and Virtualized Dell PowerEdge R7525 Servers Delivered Nearly the Same Performance for an Inference Workload

 Creating a virtual environment for applications can bring a host of benefits, but it also adds some amount of computing overhead compared to a bare-metal environment. For compute-heavy workloads such as machine learning (ML), the overhead could impact performance and lead to a loss in revenue or delays in production for manufacturers. PT found that a Dell PowerEdge R7525 server, running VMware vSphere 7 Update 3 and with an NVIDIA vGPU, delivered 97.5 percent of the image classification performance that the bare-metal PowerEdge R7525 server did, minimizing performance degradation from virtualization. According to the PT report, “Virtualizing the PowerEdge R7525 ... Read more