Hong Kong – Appeal for blood donation as stocks down to two days’ supply remaining


Appeal for blood donation as stocks down to two days’ supply remaining


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson of the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) today (January 25) said the blood inventories have been depleted to a very low level, with only two days of stock remaining. The BTS is allocating blood products based on the urgency level of each patient case’s requirement to ensure the emergency blood transfusion services remain unaffected. If the situation continues, clinical blood transfusion treatments could be affected. The BTS urgently appeals to donors to come forward for blood donation, gathering the strength of Hong Kong residents to promptly replenish the blood inventories.

     The BTS is the only public institution providing blood to all hospitals, public and private, in Hong Kong. Six hundred and fifty units of blood is needed daily to meet the needs of all hospital across the city. Over the past month, the BTS collected an average of around 500 units of blood daily, with a shortfall of 150 units. In January 2025, the number of blood collection has dropped around 20 per cent as compared to the same period last year, with almost 3 000 units fewer. Due to the influenza season, many registered blood donors were unable to donate due to influenza infection. Additionally, the increase in citizens traveling abroad during the holidays has further reduced the willingness to donate blood, significantly impacting the overall number of blood donations.

     As the service surge of public hospital kick-started, daily blood usage of hospitals increased by 10 per cent as compared to last year’s figure. With the shortfall in blood collection, the BTS is allocating blood products based on the urgency level of each patient case’s requirement to ensure emergency blood transfusions remain unaffected. The Chief Executive and Medical Director of the BTS, Dr Lee Cheuk-kwong said, “There’s a significant increase in the number of cases that require large amount of blood products this month. We have received 14 cases requiring a large amount of blood for transfusion and 247 units of blood were needed for the cases of lung transplant, liver transplant, post-partum hemorrhage, blood cancer, heart diseases and thalassemia major etc.”

     Most BTS donor centres will open during the Chinese New Year (see Annex 1), and the public is welcome to make an appointment for donation. Members of the public aged between 16 and 65 (donation is possible up to the age of 75 if predetermined conditions are met), weighing 41 kilograms or above and in good health are eligible to give blood. The BTS reminds donors to make an appointment via the “HK Blood” mobile app, or by calling BTS donor centres. The “HK Blood” mobile app users will receive double points to redeem rewards for successful donation from now until January 28. For details, visit: www.ha.org.hk/rcbts.

     As a token of appreciation, member of the public who donates successfully from January 29 to February 1 will receive a CAPTAIN BLOOD New Year Goodie Bag (see Annex 2), while stocks last.