Hong Kong – Green Tech Fund approves three projects in fourth round of applications


Green Tech Fund approves three projects in fourth round of applications


     The Secretariat of the Green Tech Fund (GTF) said today (December 23) that a total of three projects have been approved in the fourth round of applications, involving a grant of around $14 million. Together with the first three rounds of applications, the GTF has so far approved 33 projects, involving a total grant of around $147 million.

     About 125 applications were received in the fourth round of applications from December 2023 to March 2024. The three research and development (R&D) projects approved in this round of application cover promotion of new energy technology and turning waste into resources. They are:

  • New energy technology: Development of a waste-to-energy system utilising ultra-high-temperature gasification technology for converting different types of waste, including yard waste, municipal solid waste and construction waste, etc, into hydrogen; and
  • Turning waste into resources: Turning incineration ash into artificial aggregates to replace natural aggregates in construction projects, with a view to reducing carbon emissions arising from the disposal of incineration ashes and mining of natural aggregates; turning construction waste into self-healing concrete with biomineralisation enhancement technology for application in marine and coastal engineering for the purpose of reducing carbon emissions produced by the disposal of construction waste and production of concrete.

     The list of the three approved R&D projects is in the Annex. Relevant details are published on the GTF webpage (www.gtf.gov.hk/en/project_information/approved_projects.html). These projects will help promote R&D as well as the application of green technologies in different areas, thereby expediting low-carbon transformation and helping Hong Kong strive toward carbon neutrality.
     The GTF is open for the fifth round of applications from today to March 24, 2025. R&D projects that fall into four areas, namely net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport, and waste reduction will be accorded priority. The GTF welcomes applications from local public research institutions and R&D centres, as well as local private companies to develop low-carbon and green technologies that cater for the needs of Hong Kong’s environment and market. The GTF Secretariat will hold a webinar at a later date to introduce the application procedures and priority themes of the GTF. Details about application for the GTF are available on the GTF website (www.gtf.gov.hk).