Teresa Haven Pelinski Scheduled to Sign Copies of “Rain From Heaven” at the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books


The world is brimming with enchanting stories, and Teresa Haven Pelinskis book stands out as a captivating tale that explores the simple yet profound question: Where does rain come from?

San Diego, California, USA – WEBWIRE

Teresa Haven Pelinski invites readers to embrace the enchantment of a rainy day and discover the magic within each raindrop.

Teresa Haven Pelinski will be signing copies of her childrens Christian book Rain From Heaven at the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. The literary festival will take place at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, on April 20-21, 2024. Organized by the self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet, the authors book signing event will be held at the companys exhibit booth #225.

Rain From Heaven revolves around a delightful conversation between a mother and her inquisitive daughter on a rainy day. As the little girl yearns to step outside and play in the raindrops, she asks, Where does rain come from? A beautifully spun tale ensues as the mother unfolds the magical origins of rain, revealing it to be a divine gift from God, descending from Heaven.

Teresa Haven Pelinski skillfully weaves a tale that not only answers a childs curiosity but also imparts a profound message about the beauty of nature and the interconnectedness of all living things. In her explanation, the mother paints a vivid picture of God diligently at work, watering the trees, plants, and flowers with the gentle touch of rain. Moreover, the rain becomes a life-sustaining elixir, quenching the thirst of animals and humans alike.

The story is enriched with the wisdom of Grandma Myrtle, who, years ago, advised the mother not to fear storms and rain. This sage advice transforms the mothers perspective, turning the once-feared storm into a source of peace. The story beautifully captures the essence of finding tranquility amid natures wonders.

Rain From Heaven celebrates curiosity, wisdom passed down through generations, and the awe-inspiring beauty of the simplest moments. Teresa Haven Pelinskis storytelling prowess brings the characters to life, making this tale a delightful read for children and adults alike.

Get ready to embark on a journey where raindrops become messengers of divine love, and natures symphony is a melody to be cherished. Rain From Heaven by Teresa Haven Pelinski is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and ReadersMagnet Bookstore. Check out the authors website to learn more about her works.

Visit the ReadersMagnet exhibit booth #225 at the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books to attend Teresa Haven Pelinskis book-signing event.

Teresa Haven Baltzegar Pelinski was born on August 23, 1960, in Orangeburg, South Carolina, to Jefferson D. Baltzegar and Lucretia K. Baltzegar. She retired from state government in 2007 after twenty-nine years of service and is now living in Gilbert, South Carolina. She was married to John J. Pelinski. She has one child of her own, four stepchildren, and eight step grandchildren.

She began singing in church as a child. She is a singer-songwriter who is currently recording her first album in 2022. She began her own ministry in 2006, which is called Dontcha Know? You are a child of the Most High God! Her ministry is about visiting, praying, and singing for the sick and others who need encouragement in their lives.

She is a prayer warrior, and her faith in Jesus Christ got her through depression and worries as a child. Her faith is strong, and she knows Jesus has been with her every moment of her life. She enjoys painting and crafting in her leisure time.

Rain From Heaven
Author: Teresa Haven Pelinski
Genre: Childrens Christian Book
Publisher: ReadersMagnet LLC
Published date: December 13, 2023