Hong Kong – LegCo Subcommittee visits families at sub-divided units and transitional housing projects (with photos)


LegCo Subcommittee visits families at sub-divided units and transitional housing projects (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (“LegCo”) Subcommittee on Issues Relating to the Improvement of Living Conditions of the Grass-roots Tenants visited families at sub-divided units and transitional housing projects in a hotel and a guesthouse today (August 9) to learn about the living environment of grass-roots families.


     Accompanied by the Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho, Members visited families living in sub-divided units in To Kwa Wan to have more understanding on their living conditions and the hardship that they are facing. Members also visited a guesthouse used for a transitional housing project at Mirador Mansion in Tsim Sha Tsui and a hotel used for the same purpose in To Kwa Wan. Members toured the communal facilities and learn more about the implementation of the projects.


     The government has earlier launched a pilot scheme to subsidise non-governmental organisations to rent suitable rooms in hotels and guesthouses with relatively low occupancy rates as transitional housing, providing about 800 housing units for households in need. During the visit, Members exchanged views with government officials to learn about the implementation progress and effectiveness of the pilot scheme.


     A total of 10 members and non-members of the Subcommittee on Issues Relating to the Improvement of Living Conditions of the Grass-roots Tenants attended the visit.