Hong Kong – Lowering of minimum age for receiving Sinvoac vaccine to three years old starting from February 15


Lowering of minimum age for receiving Sinvoac vaccine to three years old starting from February 15


     The Government announced today (February 13) that the minimum age for receiving the CoronaVac vaccine (Sinovac vaccine) will be lowered to three years old starting from February 15.

     Having regard to the advice of the Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines, and considering the risks posed by the COVID-19 epidemic to the local community, as well as the benefits of lowering the eligibility of receiving the Sinovac vaccine to cover children aged three to 17 outweigh the risks, the Secretary for Food and Health has earlier approved the eligibility of receiving the Sinovac vaccine to cover individuals aged three and above. Currently, children aged five years old and above can receive the Sinovac vaccine and the vaccination arrangement has been running smoothly so far. Starting February 16, children aged five to 11 years old can also receive the Comirnaty vaccine.


     Starting February 15, children aged three to four years old can receive the Sinovac vaccine as well. Reservation service will commence from 8am on that day. Parents/guardians can make reservations for children to receive the Sinovac vaccine at Community Vaccination Centres or designated general out-patient clinics of the Hospital Authority through the designated website of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme (www.covidvaccine.gov.hk) and accompany them in person to receive the vaccine. 

     Parents/guardians can also make an appointment to get the Sinovac vaccination through more than 1 000 private doctors or clinics that participate in the Vaccination Programme. For details, please visit: www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/en/VSS.

     An interval of 28 days is required for children to receive the first and the second doses of the Sinovac vaccine, same arrangement as for adults.

     “The Government attaches great importance to the vaccination of children. Under the threat posed by highly transmissible mutant virus strains, eligible persons, both young and old, should get vaccinated as early as possible for self-protection. Both COVID-19 vaccines available in Hong Kong are safe and highly effective in protecting against severe disease and death from COVID-19 infection,” a Government spokesman said.

Points to note 



     Children receiving the vaccination have to bring along the original identity documents on the date of vaccination. If the identity documents do not bear the photo of children as in the case of birth certificate, school documents (such as school handbooks) bearing a photo of the student must be presented at the time of vaccination. They are also required to bring along a consent form signed by their parents on the date of vaccination and must be accompanied by their parents/guardians in person when receiving vaccination. The consent form can be downloaded from the designated website of the Vaccination Programme (www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/pdf/Consent_Form_for_COVID19_Vaccination_ENG.pdf).

     Members of the public can learn more relevant information by making reference to the continuous benefit-risk analysis of the authorised COVID-19 vaccines by the Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines (www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202111/15/P2021111500813.htm) 

     Before making an appointment, please take note of a minimum interval of 14 days between COVID-19 vaccination and any other vaccination (including seasonal influenza vaccination).