Car Insurance Judge Launches New Website to Bring Car Insurance News to American Drivers


 Car Insurance Judge has launched a new website to give American drivers the news they need to keep them and their families safe while on the road.

The website will focus on matters that most American drivers may be confronted with on a daily basis, as well as stories that will help them make the best decisions about what type and how much insurance they may need to insure their automobiles.

“Auto insurance, after your mortgage payment and car payments, just might be the largest cost that people may be faced with on a monthly or annual basis, and people really don’t do a great job of shopping around,” said Martin Thomas, Senior Editor, “Our goal is to make sure people have the news and information they need to make sure they make the best decisions possible when it comes to insuring their cars.”

Car Insurance Judge will bring to its readers news that’s important for them, especially as drivers return to the roads in higher numbers as the Covid pandemic eases. More drivers on the road, unfortunately, have led to an increase in accidents as well, so American drivers need to be armed with news they can use to stay on top of their car insurance needs.

“Unfortunately, car insurance isn’t something that people think about often, and they just go year after year with the same company for them and their families, and that’s not always the best thing to do,” said Thomas. “People should really stay informed and shop around when they can, because they may definitely be leaving money on the table.”

About Car Insurance Judge

Car Insurance Judge brings you the most important stories about car insurance in America. Our mission is to make sure that American consumers are up to date on all the car insurance news that’s available to them. Our vision is to bring you the stories that make a difference in your life and the lives of your family.

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Car Insurance Judge

Martin Thomas


Car Insurance Judge

Martin Thomas




  • Insurance