“Creating Your Best Life” is Now Free on Amazon for 4 Days (Until 07/09/2021)

Best Seller Publishing announces the release of Bill Walton and Mark Keene’s new book, “Creating Your Best Life: Discover Your God-Given Potential.” It will be available for free download in the Amazon Kindle Store until July 9th.

God absolutely intends for you to live in abundance and experience complete fulfillment.

Do you believe life has more for you?
Are you tired of being broke?
Are you ready to own your future and create the life you want?

One of the challenges most Christians face is seeing and experiencing God’s promises. We know He wants us to be fulfilled. We know He wants us to experience abundance. But no matter how much we try, how much we pray, we constantly feel like we are on a hamster wheel. Never making progress.

“Creating Your Best Life” is Bill Walton’s journey from broke in 1997 to having a divine encounter that led to founding and partnering in 20-plus businesses. In addition, he and his financial services firms and partners currently oversee and advise on over $1 billion in assets, as well as billions more in businesses and real estate.

For the last 25 years, Bill has studied great leaders in business as well as giants in spiritual leadership to combine that research for practical application. He has distilled those lessons into reproducible steps in this book.

Now is the time to apply those same keys to your life and discover your God-given potential.

“Creating Your Best Life” by Bill Walton and Mark Keene is free and available for download on Amazon for 5 days (07/05/2021 – 07/09/2021) at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097NKCH9F

“Creating Your Best Life” has a 5-star rating on Amazon.com, here’s what some people are saying:

“I’ve heard Bill preach and teach multiple times over the last 10 years and each time I find myself learning more and more about myself and the Gospel, not too mention taking page after page of notes. I don’t know anyone that lives out the actual content of their life’s work any more than Bill does and the results speak for themselves. I’m so thankful that he finally took the time to condense 20 years of experience into a book that explains it all in step by step detail. The revelation contained in this book is unrivaled yet simple to put into practice. If you are a truth seeker you will love this book. If you have struggled to get going in business or your career, you will find answers to the hard questions inside. Finally if you feel like you have plateaued in business or in ministry, there is no better book out there currently to get you ’unstuck!’” – Michael A.

“ My expectations were exceeded with this book! The principles that are explained are supported by scripture and I have already begun to see a momentum shift in my life as I apply them. So many “aha” moments as I read through! The workbook exercises are challenging and make you really do some deep work within yourself but the freedom that comes with it is totally worth the effort. The book is interactive and also includes some ongoing options for connection within a like-minded community of people who are all striving to create their best life. I am excited to see where this journey leads!” – Andrea R.

For More Information:

For questions or to schedule an interview about this press release please contact us at (626) 765-9750 or email info@bestsellerpublishing.org .

Best Seller Publishing is a Los Angeles Publishing Company dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs become “the hunted” with their best-selling books.

About the Author:

Mark Keene is a master coach who specializes in creating transformation through masterminds. He built his coaching business to 6-figures in just 12 months, and created half a million in revenue in just over 3 years. With more than two decades of experience as a pastor at the same church, he has mastered the skill of helping people unlock their potential and live their best lives. Mark has trained teams within the Donaldson Company, a multibillion dollar, global manufacturing business. As an international business coach, Mark has served over 220 clients in over 50 different industries. He is a dynamic communicator who has spoken on stages for 25 years, delivering thousands of empowering messages. Mark is the Founder of Transformation Coaching, The Transformation Mastermind System, and The EDGE System for local churches. He also the author of Journaling for Transformation, and is co-authoring a new book with international business expert, Bill Walton.

Bill Walton is a global thought leader, coach, author, and speaker on business and biblicalsuccess principles. His work has impacted thousands of financial and business leaders, multi-billion dollar corporations, professional athletes, and the foremost leaders in Christianleadership and business. He has an international influence reaching across the U.S. and to five continents. Bill has founded and grown many successful businesses and currently owns and partners in 20 diverse businesses, many of which he serves as the CEO. Bill, along with his wife Nathalie, founded a nonprofit called EnReturn that focuses on rescuing children from sex trafficking as well as helping single moms. In the financial services industry, he and his partner’s firms currently oversee and advise on over $1 billion in assets, as well as billions more in businesses and real estate. Bill has been featured in Fox Business, Forbes, S&P 500 television, and Fox Business online. He is the author of “Creating Your Best Life” and founder of www.creatingyourbest.com, both which provide tools and resources for Christians who are ready to create and experience God’s best for their lives.