an B2B E-commerce Marketplace for SMEs Launched to Buy and Sell Industrial Products across the Globe


Current pandemic situations make us work remotely and people avoid direct face to face meetings and buyers expect contact-less delivery. Grademart helps manufacturers and distributors to offer a digital catalog to their existing customers and potential buyers to increase sales and liquidate their stocks
“Non-moving stock is a cash flow killer. We make money by moving boxes, not by storing boxes”
Manufacturers and Distributors can liquidate their excess inventory through and get cash flow out of it, at the same time expand their business globally by reaching potential customers through E-commerce Marketplace. with its wider reach and expertise
offers solutions to sell those non-moving stocks to those who are in need by utilizing their worldwide network and using multi-channel marketing with in-house industry experts and product specialists.
Buy and Sell to Businesses Globally: provides manufacturers and distributors an online platform to list their products available to millions of customers around the world and increase their sales revenues and profits. Sellers are provided with a dashboard to manage their product catalog, available stock and selling price, with real time metrics of their sales. Sellers have the option to submit their price quotes and receive orders against buyers RFQ.
Expand business without any growing pains: Our infrastructure will allow you to grow your sales and operations exponentially without investments in capital or manpower. Furthermore, we constantly innovate and upgrade our technology infrastructure and business models for operational efficiency.
Offers for Manufacturers, SMEs & Sellers: Grademart offers Manufacturers and Distributors to list their stocks free of cost for a limited period of time and make it visible and promote across the globe, they receive free marketing and promotions and liquidate their non-moving stock with less efforts.
Grademart invites sellers across all product categories , currently it has products from various manufacturers from Cutting Tools, Material Handling, Adhesives, Abrasives, Power tools categories and are continuously adding new categories and expanding their marketplace across the globe.