With the virtues of the best noble woods in terms of hardness, beauty, and stability, as well as rapid growth capacity, bamboo is an ecological, functional and aesthetic alternative to traditional woods. The different manufacturing and finishing systems make it possible to integrate it in any environment, regardless of the requirements of use, maintenance or decorative style in bambus furnier.
parkett kaufen – beauty and elegance:
Parkett kaufen offers beauty and elegance. It is difficult to emulate by any other material suitable for the floor. In any case, a more sustainable alternative in environmental terms is the bamboo floor.
Although it is not formally a wood, it presents excellent properties. First of all, it is very hard and resistant. In addition, it is the fastest growing species on earth: up to one meter per day. In this way, bamboo only needs 5 to 6 years to mature completely.
The variety of bamboo used to make landhausdielen is the so-called giant bamboo which grows in tropical regions.
How to choose and place a parquet floor?
We at bambooshop24.de offer the best tips on how to choose and place a parquet floor?
There are different types of bambusparkett, depending on the structure of the slats. The vertical and horizontal type is the result of gluing together the bamboo slats vertically or horizontally, which gives a different finish although a hardness similar to that of oak in both cases.
However, the main manufacturers of this type of floor, such as bambooshop24.de who is the environment of the image, press the bamboo slats to get a flat surface of high density that exceeds in hardness all varieties of wood.
Regarding the finishes, far from being limited to settings of oriental or colonial inspiration, bamboo floors are available in multiple styles, suitable for all types of rooms.
The boards resulting from processing sanded and brushed bamboo strips can be left with their natural light color or subjected to different thermal treatments that give them a tan or chocolate brown color. This combined with the placement of the slats in vertical or horizontal or pressed, gives rise to surfaces with more or fewer knots and veins depending on the effect sought.
Fertigparkett presented in slats composed of three layers that guarantee their dimensional stability, as in the case of any other parquet, bamboo floors can be placed in a floating way, by fitting the boards with a groove and tongue system, or gluing.
Also, its noble layer can be polished and varnished as many times as its thickness allows. There are also versions of laminate floors with a very thin top sheet of this material.