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Thursday, 21 December 2023, 15:00 HKT/SGT

Hong Kong – Six persons using snake cages for fishing sentenced (with photos)

Six persons using snake cages for fishing sentenced (with photos)


     Five Mainland fishermen deckhands engaged in fishing using snake cages (a type of cage traps that has been banned in Hong Kong waters) earlier in waters near Shek Pik in southern Hong Kong, and a local coxswain on board were charged with breaching the Fisheries Protection Ordinance (Cap. 171) and convicted today (July 19).
     A spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) noted that AFCD officers intercepted a local fishing vessel at around 11am on March 9 for inspection. The vessel was found to be engaged in fishing using snake cages in the abovementioned waters. Some fishing gear (including snake cages and winches) on board was seized. Charges were laid against the six men involved.
     The six men, who were charged for breaching the Ordinance, pleaded guilty at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts today and were fined $4,000 each, with the fishing gear confiscated.
     The spokesman said, “The Government is committed to combatting illegal fishing activities in Hong Kong waters. The AFCD will continue to step up patrols and take stringent enforcement action.”
     Only a vessel registered under the Ordinance can be used for fishing in Hong Kong waters and only the fishing methods listed on its Certificate of Local Fishing Vessel Registration can be employed for fishing by the vessel. The conditions of Certificate of Registration of Local Fishing Vessel regarding cage traps indicates that any collapsible cage traps should not be connected in any way to another; or should not exceed five metres in any of its extended dimensions. Hence, fishing using snake cages is in breach of the registration conditions. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $100,000 and six months’ imprisonment upon conviction.

Japan – Eisai Publishes Long-Term Health Outcomes Using Simulation Model of Lecanemab Using Phase 3 Clarity Ad Data in Peer-Reviewed Neurology and Therapy Journal

Eisai Co., Ltd. today announced an article about long-term health outcomes of anti-amyloid-beta (Aβ) protofibril* antibody lecanemab in people living with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild AD (collectively known as early AD) using simulation modeling was published in the peer-reviewed journal Neurology and Therapy. In this simulation, lecanemab treatment is estimated to potentially slow the rate of disease progression, maintaining treated patients for a longer duration in earlier stages of early AD and improving patients’ quality of life.

This paper has been revised to incorporate data from the Phase 3 Clarity AD clinical trial, replacing the previous simulation of long-term health outcomes which relied on results from the Phase 2b clinical trial (Study 201), published in April 2022.

The article compares the long-term clinical outcomes of individuals with early AD and amyloid pathology who received standard of care (SoC) alone (including stable use of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor or memantine) with those who received lecanemab plus SoC (lecanemab+SoC). The analysis is based on a disease simulation model (AD ACE model1) that used data from the Phase 3 Clarity AD clinical trial, which evaluated the efficacy and safety of lecanemab, and published literature to simulate the natural progression of AD. The study showed that the estimated lifetime risk of disease progression to mild, moderate, and severe AD dementia could potentially be reduced by 7.5%, 13.7% and 8.8%, respectively, in patients who received lecanemab+SoC, compared to those who received SoC alone. Moreover, the use of lecanemab allowed approximately 5% of patients to avoid institutional care. Treatment with lecanemab also resulted in a delay of 2 to 3 years in the mean time to progression to more severe stages of AD, compared with SoC alone. The model showed that the mean time to progression to mild, moderate, and severe AD dementia was longer for patients in the lecanemab-treated group compared to those in the SoC group, by 2.71 years (SoC vs. lecanemab+Soc: 2.35 vs.5.06 years), 2.95 (5.69 vs. 8.64 years) and 2.24 (8.46 vs.10.79 years), respectively. In addition, admission to institutional care was delayed by 0.60 years in the lecanemab-treated group compared to SoC alone (SoC vs. lecanemab+Soc: 6.25 years vs. 6.85 years). In terms of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs)***, patients treated with lecanemab experienced an increase of 0.71 QALYs compared to those receiving SoC, with QALYs for lecanemab-treated patients amounting to 4.39 years. Furthermore, a subgroup analysis by age and disease severity at baseline suggested that earlier initiation of treatment with lecanemab may have a greater impact on disease progression. The incremental mean times for transition to mild and moderate AD dementia were 2.55 and 3.15 years, respectively, when treating MCI due to AD in a subgroup analysis compared to SoC.

“The outcomes of this simulation quantitatively demonstrate the long-term health outcomes of lecanemab and support the results of the simulation from Study 201. These predicted and simulated long-term health outcomes provide insights for healthcare decision-makers regarding the potential clinical and socioeconomic value of lecanemab. Treatment with lecanemab may potentially provide a benefit over the current standard of care by delaying the progression of AD and potentially allowing people taking lecanemab to live independently longer, and improve their quality of life,” said Ivan Cheung , Senior Vice President, and Global Alzheimer’s Disease Officer, Eisai Co., Ltd., Chairman and CEO, Eisai Inc. “Eisai will continue to transparently and expeditiously publish data and information about lecanemab to foster meaningful discussions about its clinical and societal value for people and countries around the globe.”

Lecanemab was approved under the accelerated approval pathway in the U.S. and was launched in the U.S. on January 18, 2023. The accelerated approval was based on Phase 2 data that demonstrated that lecanemab reduced the accumulation of Aβ plaque in the brain, a defining feature of AD, and its continued approval may be contingent upon verification of lecanemab’s clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that the results of Clarity AD can serve as the confirmatory study to verify the clinical benefit of lecanemab.

In the U.S., Eisai submitted a supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) to the FDA for approval under the traditional pathway on January 6, 2023. On March 3, 2023, the FDA accepted Eisai’s sBLA based on the Clarity AD clinical data, and the lecanemab application has been granted Priority Review, with a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) action date of July 6, 2023. The FDA is currently planning to hold an Advisory Committee to discuss this application but has not yet publicly announced the date of the meeting. Eisai submitted an application for manufacturing and marketing approval to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) on January 16, 2023, in Japan. The Priority Review was granted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) on January 26, 2023. Eisai utilized the prior assessment consultation system of PMDA, with the aim of shortening the review period for lecanemab. In Europe, Eisai submitted a marketing authorization application (MAA) to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on January 9, 2023, which was accepted on January 26, 2023. In China, Eisai initiated submission of data for a BLA to the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of China in December 2022, and the Priority Review was granted on February 27, 2023.

Eisai serves as the lead of LEQEMBI development and regulatory submissions globally with both Eisai and Biogen Inc. co-commercializing and co-promoting the product and Eisai having final decision-making authority.

* Protofibrils are large Aβ aggregated soluble species of 75-5000 Kd.2
** Standard of Care (SoC) for AD currently consists of lifestyle modifications and pharmacologic treatment of symptoms.
*** The quality-adjusted life year (QALY) is a measure of the value of health outcomes. Since health is a function of length of life (i.e., quantity) and quality of life (QOL), the QALY was developed as an attempt to combine the value of these attributes into a single index number. One QALY equates to one year in perfect health. QOL scores range from 1 x(full health) to 0 (dead). For example, if a new treatment and an existing treatment both increase survival years by 3 years, but the new treatment maintains a QOL of 0.7 (QALY=2.1), while the existing treatment has a lower QOL of 0.5 (QALY=1.5), the incremental QALY for the new treatment would be 0.6 (QALY = QOL score x survival years).

1 Kansal AR, Tafazzoli A, Ishak KJ, Krotneva S. Alzheimer’s disease Archimedes condition-event simulator: Development and validation. Alzheimers & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. 2018;4:76-88. Published 2018 Feb 16. doi:10.1016/j.trci.2018.01.001
2 Soderberg, L., Johannesson, M., Nygren, P. et al. Lecanemab, Aducanumab, and Gantenerumab – Binding Profiles to Different Forms of Amyloid-Beta Might Explain Efficacy and Side Effects in Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurotherapeutics (2022). Window). Accessed February 9, 2023

Media Inquiries:
Public Relations Department,
Eisai Co., Ltd.

Eisai Inc. US
Libby Holman

Eisai Europe, Ltd.
(UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Russia)
EMEA Communications Department
+44 (0) 786 601 1272

For more information, visit

Extremists using FOIA requests to invade privacy

CLERMONT, Fla.March 13, 2023PRLog — A lack of FOIA officer exemptions training, coupled with extremism, online bullying and trolling on the rise, has created a new atmosphere for stochastic terrorism and extortion.

Stochastic terrorism is domestic a part of domestic terrorism, where a target is selected. Using online bullying tactics with invasion of privacy, they use social media to denigrate their target, dehumanize them and lone wolf attacks become inevitable to harm the target. They post on pages geared at extremist audiences, to incite anger towards our government. Typical targets are politicians, journalists and strong activists with opposing views.

Freedom of Information Act, ( FOIA) was intended for a way citizens could hold the government accountable by requesting documents regarding business matters such as bills, board votes and meeting minutes. It was not intended to distribute personal information about a private person without their permission.

Note: An individual does not control when outside assistance is needed.  Calling emergency services does not relinquish any constitutional rights for private citizens.

In Illinois and Florida, extortionists have been requesting personal information like 911 calls, police reports, health, names of witnesses, private phone numbers, pictures of houses and security systems, and even dash cam videos and chest cams showing victim statements, images of victim while harmed, witness statements and other non-redacted information to invade their privacy. This leaves the target exposed to extortion and government bodies open to Civil Rights Lawsuits.

These extortion videos and documents are popping up on Facebook and other social media platforms to denigrate the intended target. In some states, extortion is the new way extremists are forcing elected officials out of office.

Victims’ family members, pets, and even roommates can become intended targets by association.

Calling 911 does not make a private person dealing with a public entity, public. It makes the FOIA clerk irresponsible, under educated, liable, and aids and abets the criminal. It can lead to many more crimes against the victim.

In 2022, an appellate court judge in IL ruled this was not the intended use of a FOIA. FOIA laws further clarify it cannot be used to give a competitive advantage or benefit the requesting party. The exemption status of a FOIA request should always lean towards protecting a victim and following up with the requester about the need for this type of request and if it is relevant. Simple searches online by FOIA officers could show ongoing extortion.

FOIA clerks need to be held accountable if they harm anyone due to negligence, or lack of knowledge. We call on our legislatures to enact laws to hold FOIA clerks accountable. That is the only way to save the newest domestic attacks on our government bodies, media and activism.


  1. 119.105 Protection of Victims of crimes or accidents- A person who comes into possession of exempt or confidential information contained in police reports may not use that for any commercial solicitation of the victims or relatives of the victims and may not disclose info to a third party.

Ensure that your local FOIA office knows the right FOIA Exemption policies to protect victims. FOIA does not mean anyone can invade a private citizens life, and requesting personal information does not hold a government accountable. It is extorting victims for gain. Victims should be allowed to press charges on both FOIA distributors or extortionists.

To see more, please visit

Using Predictive Analytics For Better Hybrid IT Decision Making

In today’s digital world, the emergence of predictive analytics tools provides an unparalleled opportunity to proactively anticipate and reduce risks. It contributes in presenting a clear picture of how system alterations influence IT operations, security, and compliance as the volume of IT processes grows in complexity. It is critical to use technology in new and more efficient ways, whether in cloud or traditional systems according to Mr. Rey Lugtu of Hungry Workhorse. He added that predictive analytics provide the power to tackle problems before they have a negative impact on the business. Initially, implementing predictive analytics necessitates specialised skill sets, as well as costly instrument replacement and updates. Predictive analytics provides great scalability, cutting costs significantly through interruption avoidance with fewer operation people, and a substantial ROI in the long term.
Operations analytics entails continuously monitoring IT systems to gather, analyse, and interpret data from various IT operational sources. Mr. Lugtu recommends centralising data sources to be a single virtual or logical source, even if they are technically large or proper databases; moving to databases that support predictive analytics while keeping the correct requirements in mind in future plans; and embedding predictive analytics in applications to help in building novel applications and significantly improving existing applications.

Mr. Rey Lugtu will facilitate an EDXchange session at the DX Leaders Strategy Forum Philippines on August 24-25, 2022. To join his roundtable, invitations are requested at Request Invitation – DX – Philippines 2022 ( (

Topic: Press release summary