The Polisario under Fire from one of their Own

The Polisario under Fire from one of their Own

Another blow to the so called leader of the Polisario, Brahim Ghali who is already under attack and criticism because of the revelations on the massive diversion of humanitarian aid and the mismanagement of the Tindouf camps.

Berlin, Germany., September 26, 2020 — The front polisario leadership is greatly embarrassed by the intention of a former officer of their military secret services, Mahamud Embarec, now based in Belgium, who threatens to reveal details on a blog about “corruption, nepotism and tribalism” which plagues the leadership of the polisario. The former Saharawi officer made this announcement in Brussels. He specified that he intends to disclose, “from A to Z ,all the details” of his work in the so-called military intelligence services of the polisario,.

According to the ex-secret agent Mahamud Embarec, Spanish organizations supporting the separatists will be “shocked by the many secrets about their friends in the polisario. He also announced that “From now on, this blog will become a cannon to launch salvos against the polisario leadership and its henchmen”. Mahamud Embarec stated that he intends to take revenge on the so-called representative of the polisario in Brazil, M’Bairik Ahmed following his affaire with a Brazilian woman under the name of Maia Tiane.

After getting exposed in the blog, M’Bairik filed a complaint with the Brussels Court of First Instance against Mahamud Embarec for alleged “defamation, insults and contempt” in the wake of the scandal raised by the Brazilian Maia Tiane. On October 27, 2020, the Belgian Court will rule on this complaint. This scandal and the revelations that the former secret agent intends to spread on his blog, represents a painful blow to the so called leader of the Polisario, Brahim Ghali who is already under attack and criticism because of the revelations on the massive diversion of humanitarian aid and the mismanagement of the Tindouf camps.

About Friends of Morocco:
Friends of Morocco (FOM), active since 1988, is an organisation of Americans and Europeans, mostly returned volunteers, with experience in Morocco with an interest in promoting political, educational, cultural, charitable, social, literary and scientific exchanges between Morocco and the rest of the world. FOM is a non profit organisation with the headquarter is in the USA and chapters around the world. The main objective of Friends of Morocco is to promote Morocco and to build bridges and connect people who have fallen in Love with this country, adopted its culture and made it their 2nd home. Friends of Morocco is a nonprofit organization with branches around the world.

Elle P. Wolfgang
Friends of Morocco
Berlin, Germany

​​​​​​​Joint Statement; Libyan Dialogue: Comprehensive Agreement on Transparent and Objective Criteria and Mechanisms to Occupy Posts of Sovereignty

Joint Statement; Libyan Dialogue: Comprehensive Agreement on Transparent and Objective Criteria and Mechanisms to Occupy Posts of Sovereignty

Libyan Dialogue; Bouznika , Morocco – The delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Tobruk Parliament announced at the end of their meetings, that they reached a comprehensive agreement on the transparent and objective criteria and mechanisms to occupy the posts of Sovereignty.

Berlin, Germany., September 21, 2020 — According to a joint statement read by Driss Omran of the Libyan House of Representatives, in the presence of minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, the delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Tobruk Parliament announced at the end of their meetings in Bouznika Morocco, that they reached a comprehensive agreement on the transparent and objective criteria and mechanisms to occupy the posts of Sovereignty. Both parties also agreed to continue this dialogue and to resume these meetings during the last week of September. The objective is to complete the necessary measures to ensure the implementation and activation of this agreement.

The two parties to the dialogue called on the UN and the international community to support Morocco’s efforts to create the right conditions and a conducive climate to achieve a comprehensive political solution in Libya. They also reiterated their thanks and gratitude to the Kingdom and to King Mohammed VI for the support and assistance to overcome the Libyan crisis. These talks aim at achieving the hopes of the Libyan people and their aspirations to build a civil and democratic State that is governed by peace, security and stability.

The two delegations also affirmed that their meetings took place in “a friendly and fraternal atmosphere marked by understanding and consensus”. These talks were held as a result of the two Libyan delegations’ awareness of the current situation in the country, as extremely dangerous situation is threatening its security, territorial integrity and sovereignty. this situation has become worse following foreign interventions that only revive war, regional and ideological alignments.

Both parties also emphasized that these meetings take place in accordance with Article 15 of the Libyan political agreement reached in Skhirat, Morocco and following the conclusions of the Berlin conference. In addition, these talks took place on the basis of the relevant Security Council resolutions. The foreign intervention in the the Libyan affairs caused a division of the political and institutional powers and caused the citizens to lose confidence in the legislative and executive institutions.

About Friends of Morocco:
Friends of Morocco (FOM), active since 1988, is an organization of Americans and Europeans, mostly returned volunteers, with experience in Morocco with an interest in promoting political, educational, cultural, charitable, social, literary and scientific exchanges between Morocco and the rest of the world. FOM is a non profit organization with the headquarter is in the USA and chapters around the world. The main objective of Friends of Morocco is to promote Morocco and to build bridges and connect people who have fallen in Love with this country, adopted its culture and made it their 2nd home. Friends of Morocco is a nonprofit organization with branches around the world.

Elle P. Wolfgang
Friends of Morocco
Berlin, Germany