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Atos completes acquisition of Cloudreach

Paris France – WEBWIRE – Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Atos announced that it has completed the acquisition of Cloudreach, a leading multi-cloud services company specializing in public cloud application development and cloud migration, with strong...

SINOYQX Launched AdBlue for International Markets

SINOYQX Launched AdBlue for International Markets

AdBlue®, made by SINOPEC, is a high purity, 32.5% urea solution directly injected into the exhaust gas where it serves as reducing agent. The released ammonia subsequently reacts with the nitric oxides on the catalyst to form elementary nitrogen and water;...

Sonic Bytes Crypto Presale Launch

Sonic Bytes Crypto Presale Launch

 Sonic Bytes is launching the presale of their cryptocurrency on January 15th. They are having a whitelist competition giving away a privilege to winners of the competition to enter the presale privately within the first 3 hours.100 Whitelist limited seats will be...


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