Quality Matters Offers Four Events to Empower Educators with Forward-Thinking Insights to Advance Online Learning Quality


The nonprofit organization offers four unique conferences in 2025, each dedicated to supporting higher education and K-12 educators with actionable insights and community support

Quality Matters (QM) — the international leader for quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments — will host four conference events in 2025 for educators who aim to advance academic experiences and outcomes for their learners.

With three virtual offerings and one in-person event, the conferences enable educators from around the world to connect with a community of like-minded practitioners and to learn new techniques, share best practices and enhance their work with research-supported insights.

This year’s conferences are designed to empower instructors, course designers, administrators, and other stakeholders with actionable takeaways to promote learner-centered digital education. In addition to covering foundational quality assurance research and practices, the events will highlight emerging issues in online education — including harnessing the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), increasing accessibility in online environments, and integrating updates to quality standards for online learning.

Most of the sessions at each of QM’s 2025 conferences will be presented by QM members, who bring hands-on expertise on topics relevant to the digital learning landscape and the day-to-day experience of attendees. Events provide ample opportunities for attendees and presenters to engage with each other for peer learning and community building.

“Whether virtual or in-person, QM events draw highly engaged professionals committed to advancing quality practices in digital learning,” says Deb Adair, QM’s Chief Executive Officer. “The experts in the QM community provide insights and resources that can immediately inform practice, and our warm and inclusive community embraces all levels of expertise. These are no sit-and-get experiences. The peer-to-peer learning is unmatched.”

The 2025 QM conference line-up includes the following events:

  • The QM Research Online Conference (Feb. 27, 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. ET, virtual): This event focuses on active and applied research on online learning and quality assurance, with several sessions presented by the researchers themselves. Presentations delve into research and evidence behind quality online learning, as well as practical techniques for implementing research insights. Attendees also have the opportunity to learn methods for gathering data on quality assurance efforts, analyzing trends and using their findings to improve courses, programs, and institutional strategies.
  • Higher Ed Quality in Action (April 10, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ET, virtual): At this conference centered on online design and teaching  in higher education, attendees will learn useful strategies from fellow faculty, instructional designers and other staff who successfully embed quality in their online courses. With an emphasis on illustrative examples and actionable insights, the event empowers educators to immediately apply new strategies for quality at the course, program and institutional levels.
  • Q-Up for K-12 Digital Quality (Apr. 24, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET, virtual): Devoted exclusively to the concerns of K-12 online education, this event will equip primary- and secondary-level educators with strategies and tactics tailored to the needs of their institutions and learners. Sessions will explore important topics such as accessibility, the release of the new NSQ standards, AI, and more. It’s the perfect event for teachers looking to advance their knowledge of teaching online.
  • QM Connect (Nov. 3 – 5, in-person, Tucson, AZ): QM’s annual in-person conference brings educators together for three days of learning, connection and community engagement. Attendees will gather at Loews Ventana Canyon in Tucson, AZ for a slate of member-led presentations, interactive panels and keynote addresses from thought leaders in the online education landscape. The theme of this year’s conference — Impact Through Quality Connections — reflects both the event’s role in helping educators build relationships at the conference and the crucial role of connection in shaping quality online learning experiences. QM invites educators to submit proposals to present at QM Connect through May 2 — an opportunity for faculty and staff in the online learning space to share innovative research, best practices and insights with a global audience of education professionals.

QM, a nonprofit organization, is widely known for both its commitment to advocacy for quality assurance in digital education and its extensive professional development offerings that help educators put that quality into practice. Online learning continues to expand — with both learner demand and institutional offerings on the rise — according to the CHLOE 9 Report, whose analysis is derived from a 2024 survey of hundreds of Chief Online Learning Officers at U.S. institutions of higher learning. As this field of education continues to grow, events like the 2025 QM conferences are vital avenues for educators to ensure their programs deliver the high level of quality necessary for learner success.

About Quality Matters

Grounded in research. Driven by best practices. A community that puts learners first. Quality Matters (QM) is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. It provides a scalable quality assurance system for online and blended learning used within and across organizations. When you see QM Recognition and Certification Marks on courses or programs, it means they have met QM Course or Program Quality Standards in a rigorous review process.