Event Teaches Coaches How To Get To The Next Level

The world of coaching is a very difficult one, whether you are a life coach, health coach, business coach, or any other type of coach. You want to spend your time with your clients, helping them achieve their desired outcome. But, you spend more time trying to find clients and customers than you do actually coaching. 

Cold calls are hit and miss. Marketing and administrative tasks take the majority of your time. None of these do you any good. You need fresh clients regularly. 

Bill Pratt is a coach’s coach. He has mastered the arts of finding, landing, and keeping clients for coaches. His easy-to-follow, no-nonsense, and low-pressure system is designed specifically for those coaches who struggle with everything but the coaching. 

His three-day, live Coaching Biz Con event will feature speakers, workshops, and other networking opportunities for coaches of all types to hone and perfect the marketing and administrative elements of their business. 

The variety of networking opportunities also means coaches will have a chance to find new clients, expand their current coaching base and meet other coaches. Pratt has assembled a team of eight different coaching professionals with a variety of strengths in all disciplines. 

Participants will have opportunities to meet with, question, and get real-world solutions to help do the one thing all coaches want – the next client. Coaching Biz Con is an online event scheduled for August 26 – 28. 

Each day has eight full hours of coaching workshops and collaboration. Early registrants have an opportunity for a huge discount, a box of swag, and bonuses for attending. Go to coachingbizcon to learn more and register. 

New Timely Book Teaches Kids and Adults How to Find Self-Worth Differently

Sean Douglas and The Success Corps are excited to release it’s collaborative book, “From No Worth To Self-Worth.” This book is so timely based on the current social and economic climate. They want to give hope to the hopeless.

One out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019)

Of those students who reported being bullied, 13% were made fun of, called names, or insulted; 13% were the subject of rumors; 5% were pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on; and 5% were excluded from activities on purpose. (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019)

Bullied students reported that bullying occurred in the following places: the hallway or stairwell at school (43%), inside the classroom (42%), in the cafeteria (27%), outside on school grounds (22%), online or by text (15%), in the bathroom or locker room (12%), and on the school bus (8%). (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019)

Suicide was the tenth leading cause of death overall in the United States, claiming the lives of over 48,000 people. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports)

Why do you second guess yourself?

Why do you think you’re not good enough, beautiful enough, loved enough, wanted, or needed?

Who told you this and made you believe it?

Truth is, you never know what someone is carrying around with them. You never know what someone has been through. A collection of moments and events in someone’s life has brought them on this journey where you see them now, but that is not their destination. Sometimes we see a person at their highest and best, and other times we see them at their lowest and worst.

What we say and how we act becomes another moment of a person’s journey. We have the ability to lift someone up or to tear them down. Where we are on our own journey influences that decision to lift or tear down, which is why with this book, we will have the ability to lift up people from all ages, backgrounds, and places, no matter where they are on their journey.

We dedicate this book to those who have ever been made to feel less than, to feel inadequate, been bullied, or held back. Everyone has something amazing to offer and we hope you will find inspiration within these pages to become a shining star.

You were made for something great! Order your Kindle or Paperback copy on Amazon today.


New Children’s Book Teaches Kids About Friendship, Empathy and Problem-Solving

Children’s book author Kimm Irwin has released her debut title, “The Adventures of Flossy and Pebbles the Dane: The Treasure Hunt.” It’s the first book in a series that follows best friends Flossy, a calico cat, and Pebbles, a Great Dane, on their exciting adventures.

“The Treasure Hunt” is fast-paced and fun, and the illustrations by Aleksandra Hanchett brilliantly translate the emotion and humor of Flossy and Pebbles’ journey—which is not without its challenges.

When they do run into problems, Flossy and Pebbles don’t hesitate to help one another. When Flossy is unhappy, Pebbles feels bad for her and comes up with ways to make her feel better. And when Pebbles find herself in a jam, Flossy jumps into action to help her.

“Flossy and Pebbles encourage kids to use their imaginations for adventure, planning, and problem solving,” says Kimm. “They show kindness and compassion for one another despite their differences. And of course, they have lots of fun!”

Kimm Irwin is a mother of 5, grandmother of 4, and fur mom to many. Her love of animals is why she based the characters of the book series on real-life pets, and why she is donating a portion of the proceeds from the books to animal advocacy.

Kimm has 4 more books planned for The Adventures of Flossy and Pebbles the Dane series, with the second due out in early 2021.

“The Adventures of Flossy and Pebbles the Dane: The Treasure Hunt” is available now in hardcover at flossyandpebblesthedane.com, and through major online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Visit flossyandpebblesthedane.com for more information.