Canada – The Honourable Mélanie Joly announces $3.8M in Government of Canada support for Trois-Rivières Port Authority

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)

The Mauricie region counts several dynamic businesses and organizations helping to create a strong local economic fabric. Some organizations have succeeded in adapting to the pandemic and are prospering, while others have had to reduce their operations. Today, as we plan for the economic recovery, they need support now more than ever to ensure their communities remain robust. The Government of Canada has committed to assisting them as they pursue their activities and to fostering their growth and success.

With this in mind, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for CED, today announced $3,772,998 in financial support for the Trois-Rivières Port Authority. This organization, which ensures the sound management of the public infrastructure under its responsibility, fosters commercial activity and regional and national development. The project proposed by the Authority in collaboration with the Ville de Trois-Rivières will ensure a fluid connection for non-standard traffic between the industrial port area and the Port of Trois-Rivières. The non-repayable contribution will enable it to reconfigure the intersection where two roads cross, close off the junction of two other roads, bury or raise electric and communication wires, and strengthen the roadway, as well as cover the costs related to the completion of preliminary studies, plans and estimates.

The Government of Canada recognizes and supports businesses and organizations that are a source of pride in their communities. Quebec’s economic recovery relies on these organizations that are well grounded in the regional economy. They are major contributors to growth, as well as key assets in rebuilding a stronger, more resilient, and more just economy for all.

“It is a priority of the Government of Canada to ensure communities prosper. That is why CED supports projects such as the one by the Trois-Rivières Port Authority, an organization that is actively involved in the economic development of the entire region. Developing a transportation corridor between the port and its industrial area is key to enhance the efficiency of Trois-Rivières’ port activities. The success of this project, which is in line with our economic recovery plan, will reverberate across the entire country.”

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Member of Parliament for Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for CED

“Thanks to Canada Economic Development’s assistance, the Trois-Rivières Port Authority and the Ville de Trois-Rivières will put infrastructure into place to support the city’s manufacturing industry. This will help it develop its international markets while also reducing the environmental impact of transporting exported products. This project is perfectly aligned with what the city and the port have proposed to develop the Trois-Rivières industrial port area.”

Gaétan Boivin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Trois-Rivières Port Authority

Quick facts

The funds have been granted under the Initiative for Infrastructure Development, part of CED’s Quebec Economic Development Program. This program aims to help communities seize economic development and diversification opportunities that are promising for the future.
A successful economic recovery will depend, among other things, on the vaccination of as many Canadians as possible. To learn more: Vaccines for COVID-19.
CED is a key federal partner in Quebec’s regional economic development. With its 12 regional business offices, CED accompanies businesses, supporting organizations and all regions across Quebec into tomorrow’s economy.
The funding granted to the Trois-Rivières Port Authority is conditional to the signing of a contribution agreement between the organization and CED.

Associated links

Budget 2021: A Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Media Relations

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Catherine Mounier-Desrochers

Press Secretary

Office of the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages

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Canada – The Honourable Mélanie Joly announces close to $1M in contributions for cross-country ski, snowmobiling and quad clubs in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)

Practising winter trail activities contributes to the vitality of Quebec’s regions. Many regions have been impacted by the global pandemic and, specifically, by the temporary absence of international tourists. Outdoor activities have, however, allowed local inhabitants to have fun and take advantage of Canada’s natural beauty and richness, while at the same time helping our communities diversify their economies.

To further showcase the unparalleled attractions of the regions of Quebec and to ensure that businesses and organizations offering winter trail activities are ready for the next and subsequent seasons, we need to continue investing in trail maintenance so as to provide an optimal experience for tourists both from home and abroad.

Enhancing the future winter season experience in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region
With this in mind, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for CED, today announced a total of $977,935 in non-repayable contributions under the Winter Tourism Initiative. The financial support was awarded to six organizations in the region: the Club de Moto-Neige Les Pistolets; the Club de Moto-Neige Les Déserteurs; the Club de ski de fond Amiski de Saint-Antonin; the Club Quad Trans-Témis; the Club Explorateurs du Mont-Bleu; and the Club de ski de fond Mont-Climont.

Additional information on the projects is provided in the related backgrounder.

The Government of Canada is keen to support recreational, cultural and sports projects that have a positive impact on tourism and the local economy, especially in these uncertain times. The investments announced today will help with the upgrading and preparation of facilities for the post‑COVID-19 recovery, and these initiatives will benefit all Canadians and, eventually, tourists from all around the world.

“Tourism is an economic driver for all our communities and will be a key part of our economic recovery. Winter tourism energizes the regions during the coldest months of the year and, as we have seen during the pandemic, contributes not only to the well-being of citizens but also to the vitality of local economies. Our government is proud to promote initiatives such as these, which are having a positive impact on economic development in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region, supporting good jobs for the middle class and bringing joy to people in a northern country such as ours.”

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Member of Parliament for Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for CED

Quick facts

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, is also the minister responsible for the six regional development agencies (RDAs), including CED.
With an initial budget of $10 million over two years under CED’s Quebec Economic Development Program, the Winter Tourism Initiative aims to increase the practice of winter trail activities and sports and the resulting economic benefits. It helps organizations acquire equipment and pursue maintenance activities that ensure the safety of cross-country ski, snowmobiling and quad trails. Given the significant benefits of the many projects submitted through the Initiative, the budget has been topped up to a current total of nearly $13 million.
CED is the key federal partner for regional economic development in Quebec. Through its 12 regional business offices, CED helps businesses, support organizations and the regions of Quebec prepare for the economy of tomorrow.

Associated links

Winter Tourism Initiative
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Media Relations

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Catherine Mounier-Desrochers

Press Secretary

Office of the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages

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