Category: Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Stories

हार्मोनल असंतुलन हो सकता है पिट्यूटरी ग्रंथि ट्यूमर का संकेत

नई दिल्ली :- पिट्यूटरी ग्रंथि के ठीक से कार्य नहीं करने पर आमतौर पर अत्यधिक या कम हार्मोन का उत्पादन होता है जिसके कारण पिंड (मास) बनने का खतरा पैदा हो जाता है। इस पिंड को ट्यूमर कहा जाता है जो कैंसर रहित (बिनाइन) या कैंसर युक्त (मैलिग्नेंट) हो सकता है। इस ग्रंथि में ऐसे ट्यूमर अंतःस्रावी तंत्र और पिट्यूटरी ग्रंथि के सामान्य कामकाज में हस्तक्षेप करके कई गंभीर चिकित्सीय समस्याएं पैदा कर सकते हैं। एग्रीम इंस्टीच्यूट फाॅर न्यूरो साइंसेस के न्यूरोसर्जरी के निदेषक डाॅ. आदित्य गुप्ता ने कहा, “हालांकि 30 साल की उम्र के बाद ट्यूमर की घटना होने ... Read more

Kuca Zdravlja Srbija

“Najbolja prirodna detoksikacija organizma uz pomoć Kuće Zdravlja Srbija! Osnovana kao želja da se pomogne mladima I starima da poboljšaju kvalitet života, Kuća Zdravlja Srbija je vaš najbolji partner u vođenju zdavog načina života. Stručnjaci vas odavno podsećaju da je jedan od najboljih načina da se oslobodite toksina – prirodna detoksikacija organizma. Bet ikakvih hemijskih sastava I preparata, paketi za čišćenje organizma koje možete naći na sajtu Kuća Zdravlja Srbija će vam pomoći da efikasno očistite vaš organizam. Prirodna detoksikacija organizma će vas osvežiti. Kada toksini napuste vaše telo, osećaćete se lakše, mlađe, jače I spremnije za sve nove životne ... Read more

Kuca Zdravlja Srbija

“Kuca Zdravlja Srbija – Detoksikacija organizma uz pomoć najboljih! Dr. Mr. Milovan Milošević je osnovao Kuću Zdravlja Srbija da bi svima približio tradicionale recpete i alternativnu medicinu kao najbolji način da čistite i izlečite Vaš organizam od toksina. Današnji brz način života doveo je do toga da je naš organizam pun loših materijala i toksina koje svakodnevno unosimo kroz brzu hranu. Kuća Zdravlja Srbija vam nudi program za detoksikaciju organizma uz pomoć fantastičnih paketa ishrane i tinktura koje će vam pomoći da se osećate lepše i lakše. Kombinacija lekovitih biljaka sa raznih područja Srbije je ono što naše pakete čini ... Read more

Discover Top-notch Post Acute Rehabilitation Center @

With so much going on in our daily lives, it is important to know that there are reliable medical centers that are prepared to handle any major or minor event in our lives that arrive unexpectedly. With Cedar Mountain Post Acute Rehabilitation it is certain to feel safe and cared for. When searching for the best facility when it comes to your healthcare find the absolute best in rehab healthcare. Cedar Mountain Rehab has the highest professional ethics and effectively set the standards of professionalism for their healthcare facility. The Cedar Mountain post acute rehabilitation healthcare center is all staffed ... Read more

Centrifugal Blood Pump Market is segmented by pump type, motor type, end user and region

Centrifugal Blood Pump: Market Insights Centrifugal blood pump, in general, is used as a cardiotomy suction device to pump blood through the extracorporeal bypass circuit to offer extracorporeal circulatory support during a cardiopulmonary bypass cardiac surgery. The increased demand for electronic centrifugal blood pumps from hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers is substantially increasing the revenue growth of centrifugal blood pump market. Process optimization through centrifugal blood pump enables to manage cost of surgery for cardiopulmonary bypass. In order to perform critical cardiac surgery, highly advanced centrifugal blood pumps equipped with smart pump driving features such as external drive motor, the ... Read more

Centrifugal Blood Pump Market Key players includes Medtronic Plc., Bio-Medicus, Inc., St. Jude Medical

Centrifugal Blood Pump: Market Insights Centrifugal blood pump, in general, is used as a cardiotomy suction device to pump blood through the extracorporeal bypass circuit to offer extracorporeal circulatory support during a cardiopulmonary bypass cardiac surgery. The increased demand for electronic centrifugal blood pumps from hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers is substantially increasing the revenue growth of centrifugal blood pump market. Process optimization through centrifugal blood pump enables to manage cost of surgery for cardiopulmonary bypass. In order to perform critical cardiac surgery, highly advanced centrifugal blood pumps equipped with smart pump driving features such as external drive motor, the ... Read more