Category: Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Stories

ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस के कारण होने वाले स्पाइन फ्रैक्चर

आज कल की भागदौड़ जिंदगी में हर कोई किसी ना किसी दर्द से पीडित है. किसी को कमर दर्द, सिरदर्द, पैर दर्द तो किसी को ज्वाइंट में दर्द रहता ही है. व्यक्ति को खासतौर से हड्डियों के कमजोर होने के कारण इस तरह की समस्याएं झेलनी पड़ती है. उनमें से अॅास्टियोपोरोसिस एक ऐसा रोग है जिसमें हड्डियों का घनत्व घट जाता है. दूसरे शब्दों में कहा जाए तो हड्डियों की मोटाई सामान्य से कम हो जाती है. इसके परिणामस्वरूप, हड्डियां कमजोर होने लगती हैं और आसानी से टूट जाती हैं. हड्डियों में दर्द होना ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस का एक सामान्य लक्षण है. ... Read more

Chelsea Children’s Urology Achieves Excellence in Paediatric Urology with Best Children’s Urologist

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fulham Road, London (June 12, 2019) – Chelsea Children’s Hospital holds the pride of being the largest provider of Children’s services in London. The hospital cares for nearly 75000 children every year as inpatients, outpatients in children’s A & E. The hospital along with the antecedent Westminster Children’s Hospital has the lead centre for specialised paediatric and neonatal surgery in North West London. It means that the hospital carries more complex surgeries on children and babies. With the best Children’s Urologist, the hospital achieves excellence in Paediatric Urology. Miss Marie-Klaire Farrugia, the Paediatric Urologist at this clinic ... Read more

Invisalign Open Day At Bluebell Dental Practice, Chigwell

Bluebell Dental Practice and Clinic is the best dental practice at 140 Tomswood Hill, London, UK that provides you with all traditional or new cosmetic technique now available out in the world. We deliver the treatments under world-class equipments. We focus on the patient’s needs and a commitment to keep pace with advances in dental and cosmetic dentistry. BlueBell Dental Practice is the Diamond provider of Invisalign; we are going to held Invisalign Open Day this Saturday, 15th June 2019. Get ready for the deals along with Invisalign. Invisalign is the best alternative to the metal braces for adults and ... Read more

Betreutes Wohnen Graz ermöglicht Unabhängigkeit und ein Leben im eigenen Tempo

Alt, behindert oder krank zu sein, bedeutet heute nicht mehr, dass Sie Ihre Lieben belasten müssen. In den meisten Fällen müssen Sie Ihr geliebtes Zuhause verlassen, um in ein Heim oder Krankenhaus gebracht zu werden, um sich um sie zu kümmern. In unserer modernen Welt stellen Familien fest, dass Betreutes wohnen graz bereit ist, ihre bedürftigen Angehörigen rund um die Uhr zu betreuen, da das Tempo und die Anforderungen an Familien um ein Vielfaches gestiegen sind. Während wir im Idealfall gerne für unsere betagten Eltern da wären und uns um alle Bedürfnisse, Arbeitseinsätze, Kinder und Hausarbeiten kümmern, ist es nicht ... Read more

Wimbledon Woman wins second award for her volunteer work with Charities & Community groups in the South-East

Karin Flower, from Wimbledon was recently awarded the Care Campaign for The Vulnerable Award for her support of the campaign’s movement to make safety monitoring mandatory in Care Homes in the UK. It was presented by CCFTV founder. Karin Flower is founder of Celeb FC; which is a Fundraising Football Team made up of celebrities from the world of reality TV and music along with ex-professional sportsmen and women, who play in charity football matches and participate in performances and events without charge to enhance the fundraising capabilities of small UK charities and individuals. Karin has run the non-profit from ... Read more

Provides Disposable Protective Underwear for Men & Women

KosmoChem provides various qualities and sizes of disposable protective underwears which have a high absorbent rate. These underwear’s provide extensive protection in incontinence conditions. Incontinence is a health condition wherein a person suffers from unmanageable urine leakages. To withstand these health issues and prevent any unforeseen condition the disposable protective underwear is best suited. The product has a breathable sheet which allows the air to exchange preventing bad odor. The products from KosmoChem are known for their quality and durability across the world. Buy this disposable protective underwear for both men or women and stay carefree about your incontinence problems. ... Read more