Greater Noida, 18th April’19, A workshop on ‘Good Touch and Bad touch’ was organised for the students by The Wisdom Tree School, Greater Noida. It was held to support the cause of creating awareness on child safety. All the students of classes I onwards participated in the workshop with great interest.
Every child needs to be taught that their body belongs to them and they have a right to protect it. With this in mind, Dr. Rajni (Clinical psychologist) conducted the workshop to teach the children how to identify the ‘No Touch’ areas, understand who are safe adults and how to clearly communicate with parents about any bad experience.

The workshop also highlighted how to handle a bad touch by shouting ‘NO’ ; running away from the person and informing a safe adult about the same. Chairman Mr. KK Srivastava and Principal ma’am Mrs Sunita A. Shahi the students were also a part of the workshop and encouraged children to be aware and select an adult they can trust in school.
With this session, children will now be able to recognise and protect themselves against such dangers from an early age.