Remann Co. IT Asset Recycling advantages and IT Rescue process in Korea


REMANn Co. were established in 2008 in order to solve such social issue. Persons who have same minds in making re-manufactured computers that are reliable and as good as new one established the company jointly. ICT equipment should be disposed safely because it has important information of company or individual person.
REMANn Co. were social enterprise that recycles, reuses and remanufactures unused electronic equipment. We produce and sell re-manufactured computer equipped with appropriate function through refurbishing and upgrade of used computer. We protect environment through re-circulation of natural resource and contribute to digital divide.
IT Asset Recycling
However, in case that reuse is not possible due to several reasons, we recycle them according to the legal procedure (Korea). For example, if repair cost is too much, if it is crucial defective and not safe, or if it is not used any more due to new technology, we recycle them. IT asset Data Security service provider
The advantages to your business
Legal Disposal:
Arbitrary burying or burning of electronic products is prohibited by law.
REMANn Co. own recycling license (Korea) and recycles electronic products according to the legal procedure.
Environmental Value:
Partial elements of electronic products can be reused. In order to raise physical recycling rate, we sort out by separating relevant constitutional elements physically.
Information Protection:
Most of IT equipment may have medium that stores important information of customer.
REMANn protects important information of customer by disposing storage medium that is installed in major equipment safely.
Re-deployment in the company after modifying it. (Ex. call center, agency)
Data Erase, Genuine OS Installation, Transport and Installation
Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher program is for large refurbishers headquartered worldwide who meet a minimum average threshold of 1,000PCs shipped per month.
Refurbishers in the program professionally refurbish desktop and laptop computers and servers with genuine Microsoft software. Used computer sale in korea
Windows plus, Windows Live Services and Microsoft Security Essentials provides a complete refurbished PC solution at a great value.

REMANn’s Strength
• Incomparable REMANn’s Competitiveness
• The key is job reduction of staff
• Proved REMANn’s Re-manufacturing & Repair Technology
• Largest Re-manufacturing Facility in Korea
• Possession of Professional Data Destruction Technology and Risk Management